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- | [[Pokemon Acanthite]] is a fan-game created by the infamous Fangking Omega, master card faker and mapper. It uses the advance style graphics, or more specifically, Fire Red and Leaf Green style (Fr/Lg). Although it may use this style for the overworld, the map of the region uses the style of the newest Pokemon handheld games, Diamond and Pearl versions (D/P). It is often considered a very revolutionary game in the world of fan-games. It is reffered to many times, by the name, "The greatest thing in fan-game history".
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- | ==Merto==
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- | ''Main'': [[Merto]]
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- | The game takes place in the extensive region of Merto. Merto has much variety, including a large metropollis, an oriental city, a large lake, a snow-capped mountain, many islands, and a mid-sized forest.
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- | http://img166.imageshack.us/img166/956/acanthitemaporiginaluy1.png
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- | This is the older Fr/Lg style map.
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- | ==Pokemon==
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- | ''Main'': [[MertoDex]]
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- | Many Pokemon are original and exclusive to the region of Merto. They include designs like [[Frondilo]], [[Kindlejou]], and [[Reptide]].
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- | [[Image:http://img227.imageshack.us/img227/8122/startershj8.png|frame|left|The starter Pokemon of Acanthite. From left, [[Frondilo]], [[Kindlejou]], and [[Reptide]]]]
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- | ==Characters==
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- | Pokemon Acanthite prides itself on its original character designs, including a female Pokemon professor, something that cannot be found in the official game series as of the beginning of Acanthite's production.
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- | Kamon is the male protaganist of the game, though you can choose your own name for him, this is the default name. Unlike many Advance generation Pokemon games, Kamon is the only choice for a playable character. There is a female protaganist, Kamon's sister, Kiren. Kamon just recieved his first Pokemon after he learns of the existance of Team Rocket. He and his sister Kiren trek through the towns tracking down Team Rocket and their father.
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- | Kiren, Kamon's sister, plays the essential role of the rival that helps the main character gro and mature. She also plays a large part in the story. She helps to defeat Team Rocket and save her father.
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- | Professor Willow is the resident Pokemon professor of Merto. She is a leading scientist of S.U.M. (Scientist's Union of Merto) She is well known for her field research and is registered by the Pokemon Leauge to start new trainers.
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- | ==Storyline==
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- | The storyline revolves around the three main legendary Pokemon, [[Anjewl]], [[Diavil]], and [[Geminine]], and the evil team, Team Rocket, returning from their Game Boy escapades. The player's father move to Merto to escape Team Rocket and their 'Project GEMININE'. Unfortunately, they found out where he is. You and your sister begin your Pokemon adventure to try to save him.
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- | [[Category:Pokemon Fan-games]]
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