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Template:User-infobox Template:Quote Xzelion is the greatest Bureaucrat in existance. He is the fourth, and currently, last MarioWiki Bureaucrat, and is the only one to still have this position, besides Porplemontage.




Template:Quote Leaked information states that Xzelion will be Second-in-Command of the MarioWiki Navy and will be aboard his flagship The Silver Bullet. He will be the Fleet Admiral in charge of all space fleets. While Porplemontage the Leader on the MarioWiki Navy is in charge of both the Ground Forces, and shares leadership of Space Forces with Xzelion. He was called to Uniju's Realm for a reason, even Xzelion didn't know. There, he and Pokemon DP got attacked by an army of skeletal creatures. After defeating the four that attacked them, Xzelion ordered Sergeant Banks to get the MarioWiki army ready, as well as telling Pokemon DP to get Cobold ready for battle.

The Shadow Chronicles

Xzelion also appears as the hero in The Shadow Chronicles. During the first Chapter, he left Leet Town for two hours to run some errands. When he returned to Leet Town, he was surprised to see that the Users there attacked him. He was saved by Agent DP, who told him to go to Uniju's Realm where he would be protected from the Dark Team. The next day, Xzelion grew fairly weak and hungry. He noticed a piece of fruit floating in the air, however, it would move away everytime he tried to catch it. He soon realized that RAP was holding it from a fishing rod, as a means of teasing Xzelion. However, RAP apologized to Xzelion, and was then allowed to travel with him to Uniju's Realm. After his fruit was stolen by Ice yoshi, Xzelion and RAP were forced to chase him down, until they reached a temple where they battled Ice yoshi and his brother, MarioBros777. Although Xzelion was frozen, RAP took over from there, and managed to defeat the two using his wits. After being rescued, Xzelion and his new companions continued to Guestville, and were directed there by Mr.Vruet. After being captured, Xze and the group managed to defeat Plumber and Beanbean (who had captured Guestville), and made their way to Uniju's Realm. There, they were continuously attacked by Uniju's Shift army, but with help from Agent DP, they were able to get to the Castle, were Xzelion engaged in a battle with Glowsquid. Glowsquid proved to be too tough for Xzelion alone, as he was using the power of the Fantasy Gem. However, knowing he couldn't defeat him physically, Xzelion purposely tried to put pressure on the pipe system, so the cork underneath Glowsquid would eventually pop out. His plan worked, and Xzelion and the group collected the Fantasy Gem, and went to meet up with Agent DP (who was fighting Uniju at the time).

Wiki In Darkness

Xzelion has appeared in Wiki In Darkness in which he killed Clagg but was easily defeated by Clogg and had to be rescued by Team Ninji.

The Lost Adventures

Xzelion appears in The Lost Adventures, as one of the main characters. In The Lost Adventures, he winds up being zapped into a different Dimension, where he finds many other versions of users from the Super Mario Wiki. However, theres also a war against a disease called "Spam" which infects a User's soul turning them into heartless spammers. Soon he witnesses Wayoshi be taken over by the Spam, and runs to chase him after he injured Beanbean. Soon Xzelion learns that he can get back to the Wiki World through a sort of "Hub World" called "Quantum Space". Soon he arrives back in the Wiki World, but is later sent back to the other world as an exploration mission. However, he is captured by Haunt during the mission. However soon he manages to escape to a Jungle area, where he meats up with Frijjle (Who was actually Gloom controlling Frijjle's body at the time). Apparently, he got knocked out in the area, and was found by Cobold, who took him to Smash Bros. Kingdom. Xzelion now has to fight to repay the 1000 Wiki Coins for sleeping in their Toad House.

When Sysops Attack!

A statue of Xzelion.

Xzelion is a main character in WSA, a perverted series in which the greatest users are portrayed as evil. At the start of the series, he is taken over by Agent Smokescreen. He banished Toadbert101 to Hailfire Peaks for spamming (Which he tricked Toadbert into doing) and then brainwashed Minimariolover10 and Max2 into serving him. Soon after Xzelion went to his house, where he later sent Max and MML10 to defeat Silver Mario. He is currently doing research on some sort of crystal.

Legends of the Fallenstar

During the events of Legends of the Fallenstar, Xzelion learns from Porplemontage that a meteorite is heading towards Leet Town. After this, a warning is sent out for all Users to evacuate Leet Town immediately. Xzelion is one of the Users to escape, but after learning that 3dejong, Max2 and Master Crash are still stuck there, he heroically heads back to try and find them. Very Unfortunately, he doesn't make it in time, and the whole place is swallowed in the explosion. Xzelion uses his incredible power to survive, but is very surprised over all the destruction. He next appears in Chapter 9, when Master Crash arrives in New Wikisburg, and is surprised that Crash is still alive, and after Crash gets an invitation to Uniju's birthday party, both of them set out to Uniju's Realm. In Chapter 10, they arrive after teleporting there. When DP tells about Uniju supposedly turning against Wiki, Xzelion takes it upon himself to create the plan for stopping him, and even takes it upon himself to save 3D, Max2, and Snack. He then busts into the dungeons of Uniju's Castle, saving the three captured Users. Afterwards, he and the saved group work together to fight off the odd goop creatures. However, he instructed Crash, 3D, Max and Snack to escape, while he, DP and Uniju save Uniju's Castle. Xzelion, being the most powerful user in existance, will likely win.

Super Mario Wiki Adventures

File:KPH Snapshot SMWA.PNG
A Snapshot of KPH with Xzelion presenting Steve his present in Super Mario Wiki Adventures
Xzelion appears in the series Super Mario Wiki Adventures. He is a main character, of course, and appears in many issues such as Steve's Special Day. When he presents Steve's present with KPH2293. He also appears in the episode Internet Surfing. He will also star in an upcoming episode Oh Brother!. In the episode, he will star along side with his brother.

Wiki's End

Xzelion appears in Wiki's End, a rather dumb comic due to its use of a dark xzelion, possibly defaming the celebrated sysop, at the start of the comic. He later appears in Chapter 3 where he and Max2 start fighting in Wikipedia. Template:Spoiler Later, after Max2 burns himself in his own fire, Xzelion reveals he is actually Dark User: Zxelion. 3dejong is shocked once he finds out about this. Template:Endspoiler



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