
From Tribewanted

Revision as of 13:25, 13 June 2007 by (Talk)

You need to determine the number of poultry you plan on keeping and whether you plan on raising pullets for replacements and/or meat. If you're doing this mainly for egg production, 12-15 with one rooster. A hen will lay one egg every 24 hours under optimum conditions (ie. not moulting, daylight hours, feed, water, temperature, etc.)

The housing needs to have one nest per 4 layers composed of some type of straw, or grass. They need to be 24" above the litter. There should also be a roost in the house which needs to provide 8" per bird and the poles 14in. apart; 18-36in. above the litter.

Below is some information you may find useful also. Poultry can carry many diseases and just one bird from a neighboring flock (other island)or another species can kill the whole flock if you don't keep up on vaccinations and cleanliness. I'm not sure what feed you're using but production will be minimal if they're expected to forage on they're own. Clean water must be in supply daily.

Once again, Ken Cokanasiga is the Animal Health and Production Advisor for the SPC(Secretariat of the Pacific Community). I'm sure he knows more about poultry production in the islands and would help in that area. We would also be following the guidlines that they are trying to put in place for animal production in the Pacific islands. Even the smallest farms and populations have an affect on the whole and I believe if we are trying to be eco-friendly we should be trying to work with the local agriculture groups.

Don't forget, although we haven't seen bird flu over here there have been many cases in Asia and Eastern Europe. Cleanliness is very important! This is a daily project of cleaning and care of a group of animals that you have taken on.

Hull! Dis site gets betta every time I visit it. Great work guyz!

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Vaccination is an important biosecurity measure. Newly hatched chicks have a certain amount of natural immunity, and they continue to acquire new immunities as they mature. Your flock may require help to develop additional immunities against diseases found in its environment. Table 1 is a guide. For specific help in developing a vaccination program based on diseases occurring in your area, contact your local veterinarian or extension poultry specialist and your local Cooperative Extension office.

Table 1: Vaccination of chicks.

(Disease Vaccination, Age)

  • Marek's Disease, 1 day old
  • Newcastle Disease/ Infectious Bronchitis, 10 days and 35 days old
  • Infectious Laryngotracheitis, 6 weeks old
  • Avian Encephalomyelitis, 8 weeks
  • Fowl Pox, 10 weeks old
  • Fowl Cholera, 12 weeks old
  • Newcastle Disease/Infectious Bronchitis, 12 weeks, (6, 9, 12, and 15 months) old
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