Voting system proposal

From Tribewanted

Revision as of 16:06, 16 February 2007 by (Talk)


Voting Rules of Order

  • All members have equal rights, privileges, and obligations.
  • The majority vote decides.
  • The rights of the minority must be protected.
  • Full and free discussion of every proposition is an established right of all members.
  • All actions and discussion must be characterized by fairness and by good faith.

Forum structure

To implement this proposal, one new section is required on the forum, called:

  • New Motions & Propositions

Each Motion or Proposition has a single thread to hold relevant text, discussion and Statements.


Statements may be posted by tribe members and are used by the Voting Tikina to control discussion. Valid Statements should be posted in red text in the forum discussion thread. No other red text should be used in forum discussion. The allowable statements are:

I move that
I second the Motion
The Proposition is amended
Call to extend discussion
Call to withdraw

No other Statements are allowed in posts.

Wiki structure

The Wiki contains three types of pages related to voting:

  • Election ballot (shows what Propositions are open for each election)
  • Proposition pages - one page for each Proposition, sequentially numbered. When voting starts, this page is locked by the Voting Tikina.
The following elements are found on each Proposition page:
    • Entire text of Proposition
    • Formal arguments for & against
    • Links to the relevant discussion forum thread
  • Tribal Decisions - archive of the results of all elections


Any tribe member may make a new Motion by creating a new thread in the New Motions & Propositions section of the discussion forum. Motions may only be posted on a Friday or Saturday. Any new Motions made at any other time will be deleted by the Voting Tikina. The subject of the post should be the formal title of the Motion. The body of the post should be formatted as follows:

I move that
Text of entire Motion
Argument(s) for:
Arguments as to why this Motion is being made.

The next post on this thread can ONLY contain a Motion to second and must be made by a tribe member other than the Motion’s author. The second must be made before midnight on Saturday GMT. Any Motion threads not receiving a second by this deadline will be deleted from the forum by the Voting Tikina.

The text of the second post should contain, by example:

I second the Motion.

No other post is allowed on the thread until a Motion is explicitly seconded. Once a Motion receives a valid second, it becomes a Proposition and the same thread is used for all discussion of that Proposition.

When a Motion receives a second, the Voting Tikina will take the following actions, as soon as possible:

  • Each Proposition will be assigned a sequential number for easier reference. This Proposition number will be added to the subject on the forum thread; and
  • a new Proposition page will be created on the Wiki containing the exact text of the Proposition. When voting starts, this page will be locked to prevent changes.

All forum discussion must be completed by the first or second Friday after the Motion was made, depending on the debate period (discussed below.) Once discussion is closed, the thread is locked by the Voting Tikina.


Propositions may only be amended by the original author of the Motion. The first post in the thread is never changed. To amend, the author must create a new post in the thread containing the entire text of the amended Proposition.

The Proposition is amended to:
Text of entire Proposition
Argument(s) for:
Arguments as to why this Proposition is being amended.

Withdrawing a Motion or Proposition

A Motion or Proposition may only be withdrawn by the author. To withdraw, the author edits the discussion thread and adds a preface to the thread subject, stating: “WITHDRAWN:”. The Voting Tikina will lock any withdrawn threads and remove them from upcoming ballots. In addition, the author should place a closing post in the thread explaining the reason for the withdrawal:

Call to withdraw
Explanation for the withdrawal

Arguments for / against

Formal arguments for or against a Proposition may be placed by any tribe member during the discussion period on the Wiki Proposition page. Each argument must be less than 100 words or it will be deleted by the Voting Tikina. It is recommended, but not mandatory, that each argument be signed by the author. The Proposition page is locked by the Voting Tikina on the date discussion is closed for that Proposition.

Extending discussion

In order to allow for fast decisions, all Propositions will initially be open for discussion for a short debate period of 5 to 7 days. To extend the discussion time, any member may make a post to the relevant discussion thread with the following text:

Call to extend discussion

This call is automatic and will extend discussion for 7 more days, allowing a total of 12 to 14 days of discussion. Discussion may only be extended once.

Closing discussion

Discussion on each Proposition will be closed by the Voting Tikina at midnight on Thursday GMT. Based on whether a debate is short or long, the closing will occur one or two weeks after the Motion was made.

Once discussion is closed, the Voting Tikina will:

  • lock the discussion thread
  • lock the Wiki Proposition page
  • update the Wiki ballot page to include all Propositions open for vote
  • update the newsletter to provide information on each ballot, including links to the Wiki


Beginning on each Friday, any closed Propositions will be added to that week’s ballot. Members have a 7 day period to cast their votes, using the Tribewanted website voting system. Voting will be closed at midnight on Thursday GMT.

Posting decisions

The voting results for all Propositions on each ballot will be posted to the Wiki Tribal Decisions page, listed sequentially by Proposition number. The Tribal Decisions page will include a pointer to each Wiki Proposition page so that the complete text of all Propositions can be read, as well as any arguments for or against.

In some cases, new Propositions may move to modify the text of Propositions previously passed by the tribe. In these cases, the text of the new Proposition must specifically include the text of the standing Proposition to be changed, showing any additions (in red) or deletions (by strikeout.) Should such a modifying Proposition be passed by the tribe, the Voting Tikina will update the text of any Proposition to be modified, to include the revised wording. In this manner, the Wiki Tribal Decisions page will always reflect the complete and current rules governing the tribe.


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