Wiki history tab

From Tribewanted

(Difference between revisions)

Current revision as of 01:22, 1 February 2007

Most pages in the Wiki have a history tab at the top, next to the edit tab. The Wiki maintains a record of each and every change made to a page. The History tab will display a page showing you a list of all those changes.

The history page allows you to:

  • compare differences between two page versions
  • display an older version of a page
  • restore a page to an older version

Comparing pages

The current version of the page is displayed at the top of the list. By clicking the little round selection dots, you can choose any two pages in the history. Next, click the "Compare selected versions" button. The next page will show the two versions of the page, highlighting all additions, changes or deletions to the text.

Display a previous version

Just click the time & date of the page version you would like to see. This will not change the current page that is seen by anyone else.

Restore a page to a previous version

Sometimes, a page may be vandalized or altered so significantly that it will be easier to fix the problem by simply rolling the page back to an earlier version. To do this, perform the following steps:

1. Click the date of the page you would like to become the current page.
2. When the page opens, click the Edit tab at the top.
3. Click the "Save page" button.

That's it. The older page will now become the current page.

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