Kristen and her mom blindfolded

From Torg Adventure

As your eyes adjust to the light, you gasp a little. Kristen and her mother are laying across the bed side to side, naked -- Kristen with her head toward the door and her mother with her head away from the door. They are both blindfolded and their hands are tied with rope over their heads. They each have a strawberry in their mouth and one in their pussy. Chocolate sauce is dribbled on each breast. Sliced peaches rest on their bellies.

{LAST_NAME} gets a big grin on her face. She giggles and runs to Kristen's side at the foot of the bed, and laps at the chocolate on her tits. Kristen moans through the strawberry. In just a few seconds, your sister has cleaned her friend's breast completely and then sucks on the nipple. Kristen is writhing on the bed.

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