Two awkward conversations

From Torg Adventure

Lisa stands up, stretching. "Well, it looks like Sam and Gwen have dishes under control." She heads back out to the garage for whatever she was doing out there, before someone can rope her into helping clean up.

"Homework," Amy says simply, before she heads upstairs.

Your aunt Karen gets to her feet. "Come over to our house, Sandy. Nancy can make some of her famous virgin daiquiris and we can kill some time watching tv."

Your mom wastes no time in accepting the offer. "That sounds like a good way to end the evening." She gives a wistful look at her swollen stomach. "I just wish they didn't have to be virgin." As an afterthought, she turns to you. "I'm sure you're welcome to come too, Max. Even if the virgin part may not excite you that much."

"I wouldn't be so sure about that, Mom," Sam says coolly, cutting another slice of the pie.

"Sam!" Your mother is a little shocked, knowing Sam isn't talking about the daiquiris. "Let's not have talk like that in front of Gwen." Despite Gwen being legally an adult, she was still the baby of both families, and everyone in both families tended to be more guarded in what they talked about around her.

"It's okay, Aunt Sandy," Gwen reassures her. "I'm not always going to be your innocent little niece forever, even if I have been saving myself for the man I'm going to marry."

"Sorry, Mom," Sam says. She walks over to you with the piece of pie on a fresh plate in her hand. You half expect her to slam it down in front of you, but she sets it down nicely. "I think Max is better off here, having some more of your pie. Since he obviously can't seem to get enough to be satisfied." Despite the hidden meaning in her words, her tone is perfectly normal.

"No harm done," Aunt Karen says. "We keep forgetting that Gwen is all grown up now, even if she will always be my little baby."

Gwen rolls her eyes. "Mom, please. It won't be too long before I'm having my own babies."

"There is no way I'm letting you have a baby before me, Gwen," your other cousin Nancy says, finally joining in on the conversation. "I was expecting Lisa to be the first of all us girls, but the race is still wide open." She's babbling just a little bit, in keeping with her personality. You had no idea she had been giving serious thought to having a baby though.

"It's not a contest," your mom says. "Maybe you're mother and I have haven't given you girls the best example, but neither you nor Gwen need to be any hurry to have your own children."

"Wait, what about me?" Sam looks at your mother. "Don't I get advice too about not having a baby yet?"

Your mom smiles kindly at your sister. "Sam, you're the sensible one. You've never needed lectures like Lisa. And you're too busy with your martial arts and other stuff to have a baby slow you down."

Sam shrugs noncommittally as she starts running some hot water in the sink. "I'm the oldest, though." She squirts some dish soap directly into the water as it comes out of the faucet, causing bubbles to form immediately. "And maybe the most sensible one would make the best mother."

"I'm sure you'll all make great mothers someday," Aunt Karen says. She's edging toward the door, clearly anxious to get back to her house. Maybe it's to get to the virgin daiquiris, or maybe it's to get away from the conversation. "For some of you, that day should be quite a way out in the future." She looks at Gwen as she says that. "You're already older than Sandy and I were when we started, and for that I know that both of us are very thankful. And no one needs to go out and get pregnant any time soon."

"I could, though," Nancy pipes up. "You and my mom look so happy being pregnant. I want to be happy like that."

Aunt Karen sighs and pauses her movement towards the door. "I do enjoy being pregnant. Perhaps too much. But we're going to have two babies in this house very soon. We don't need a third right away, Nancy."

"It wouldn't be right away," Nancy protests. "It would be another nine months, assuming I got pregnant soon. My baby could wear the hand-me-downs from yours and Aunt Sandy's baby. They could all grow up together." She's obviously romanticized the the entire raising a baby process in her mind. There's a bit of a dreamy look in her eyes.

Your mom smiles at Nancy. "I think two babies are more than enough for our two houses for the near future. Three would be a little more than we can handle."

"We could totally handle three!" Nancy keeps gushing, gesturing with her hands a little. "We could handle more. It would be really cool if we filled up our both our houses with cute little babies."

Aunt Karen laughs wearily, dismissing the thought. "No, there will be no more babies for a while after these two. Neither your aunt nor I planned for these two, but we're more than happy to have them. None of you girls need to go around knocking yourselves up, and we most definitely don't need more than one of you doing it." She turns towards the door again. "Our house. Virgin daiquiris. Now."

Defeated, Nancy's shoulders slump a little bit, as she follows Aunt Karen and your mom out the kitchen door. "I still think being pregnant would be fun."

Your mom shuts the door behind her as she walks out the back. The last thing you hear her say is her telling Nancy that she was sure she would make a great mother someday.

"Well, that was a weird conversation," Gwen says, turning back to you and Sam after watching the other women leave.

"I don't think this one is going to be any less strange," Sam says, turning off the water as the bubbles threaten to overflow the sink. Oh oh, you think. Here to comes.

"I'm guessing that's not the first time you've touched Max's cock?" Sam nods briefly over at you, but keeps looking at Gwen. For the most part, she seems to be ignoring that you're there. You decide to keep your mouth shut. Best to keep her attention off you as much as possible right now.

"Nope," Gwen says, not looking the least bit guilty. Actually quite innocent, which seems to be her perpetual state.

Sam pauses, seeming reluctant to ask the next question. "And have you done more than that with him?"

Gwen shrugs. "We did fuck like little bunnies a couple of times."

You cough uncomfortably. You had hoped that Gwen might have played things a down a little, but she's carried over a lot of the bluntness of youth in the way she speaks.

"A... couple of times?" Sam looks at you then, surprisingly calm. You feel your heart start racing, and sure that your face is turning a little red.

"Well, we did just start this morning, so there hasn't been much opportunity." Gwen smiles. "I was hoping to get some later tonight, maybe."

"You started screwing her this morning," Sam asks you incredulously, her voice rising a little. You gulp a little.

"It wasn't totally his fault, Sam," Gwen interjects. "When I came to tell him about brunch, he was masturbating about making a baby in you. I saw my opportunity and hit him with the whole Lolita routine."

You finally have to say something. "Wait, you planned this morning?" You set your fork down, the pie somehow having gotten itself eaten in the midst of all this. You stand slowly, a little in shock.

"Not specifically this morning," Gwen admits. "Just... in general. If I ever got the right chance, I was going to try to take it." She looks at Sam, a hint of jealousy coming over her face for the first time. "I told you that I was going to make Max my boyfriend, Sam. You knew that."

Sam looks speechless for a moment. "You've been saying that to me since you were five, Gwen. I thought- we all thought- you'd grow out of it."

"Well, I didn't grow out of it," Gwen responds. She's gone back to all sweetness and innocence. "Although it's looks like you grew into it."

Sam blushes. "I don't know what you're talking about," she mumbles weakly.

Gwen laughs, not at Sam specifically, but more at the silliness of her statement given what happened earlier under the table. "Please, Sam. That wasn't the first time that you've touched Max's penis either. You and Max have been boinking for a while now." She tilts her head a little, looking at you for a moment, then walks over beside you. "And I'm fine with that. As long as I get some time with Max, I can share. I'm not really the jealous type, at least most of the time." She looks at Sam meaningfully. "And even though Max is the only boy for me, I won't make Max choose between us. Or between me and anyone else." She takes your arm and puts it around her waist. It feels good, although under the circumstances it's not as enjoyable as it might be. Gwen cuddles up against you, and you see Sam bristle a little bit. You know that Sam is the jealous type, unlike Gwen.

"So I'm okay with Max fucking me," Gwen says. "He's okay with fucking me back. And all of us are okay with him fucking you, too. I guess the real question is whether you are going to be okay with sharing him with me? Or are you going to make him choose?"

How does Sam respond?

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