
From Torg Adventure

< Houseguests
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My name is Dan, I'm a 39 year old father of four. I'm married to Megan, the mother of my children, who also happens to be 39. We were high school sweethearts, I fell for her then because she was an absolute knockout, with a strong personality to match. Megan was a sporty girl 5'6" medium wavy brown hair and had the body of girl who works out. Firm legs, strong arms, flat stomach, an amazing bubble butt and smallish but quite perky breasts.

I got a little too into her too early and knocked her up while we were still in high school. It was fairly late in our senior year and we managed to hide the pregnancy until after graduation and avoid a lot of the shaming that could go with that back then. Megan was determined to have the baby and we were already very much in love. And I knew that if Megan was putting her mind into having the baby and being a good mother we would turn out alright. And we did. We had an amazing baby girl. Soon followed up by twins, a boy and a girl. And a little while later another girl. We couldn't keep our hands off each other and I had a nasty habit of breaking condoms, it's not my fault I'm big and passionate. After that we figured out there were other kinds of birth control so finally stream of children we were having, but never had to cut back on the passion.

Jump forward to the present and we have maybe not quite as passionate a relationship, but we're still going strong. And we have a houseful of children now mostly grown. Penny the oldest is a spitfire like her mother, but even more of a knockout. 5'9" blonde wavy hair, blue eyes and amazing curves with a chest that sometimes makes me do a double take when she's walking around the house with just an old tank top and no bra. She must be at least a 35C maybe bigger. Penny isn't technically supposed to living at home, now 21 she's going to a local college and supposedly sharing an apartment with her boyfriend, Tony, but they seem to be more off again than on again and she ends up back in her old room most nights.

Hunter and Kate, the twins, are just barely 20 now. They are also going to a local college, but they have opted to live at home. The are both what I would call cute, cute versions of each other. Kate is about 5'4" medium length light brown hair. She's not sporty, like Penny, more of soft and touchable, at least that's what Hunter seems to think. Hunter is about 5'8" and not out of shape, actually quite thin, but not really into sports. He's not handsome, but just like Kate, he's cute, girls always seem to like him, he's good looking and non-threatening. But he never seems to realize it. The twins spend most of their time and energy on each other. Hanging out with each other, studying with each other, wrestling with each other. They even live in the same room, which if I had to guess that is the real reason they did want to move into campus housing when they started school, no co-ed rooms. The fixation with each other, although maybe natural for twins, seems like its going to far, I'm going to have to talk to them about that.

Jo is the youngest, now 18 and almost ready to graduate high school. Jo may be the most amazing and dangerous of the group. Jo is stunningly beautiful and knows it. Jo is 5'8" dark haired and also quite fit, she's into sports just like her mother was. Her body is similar to my wife's at that age, but with bigger breasts. Jo is also care free in the way that only the baby of a big family can be. Jo uses her outgoing personality and her looks to get her way and have a good time. That can mean get a variety of high school, and older, boys to take her out on the town, or it can mean testing the gullibility and sense of humor of the people around her by playing pranks always good natured, at least in her mind.

These are enough people to fill just about any household, but as things turn out we will be sheltering a few more heads under our roof in the coming weeks. My cousin Sara, will be in town for a couple of months and we told her weeks ago she could stay with us. We will also be playing hosts to my sister Becka, a bit of a free spirit who's working her way across the country and decided to drop in on us with no warning; and to my wife's sister and her husband, Samantha and Josh, he has some sort of work thing in town for the next couple of weeks and Samantha insisted on joining him and convinced my wife it would be better to stay with us than at a hotel.

I was sitting in my home office when my wife, Megan, came in and gave me a couple of options of work I can do to get ready for our guests. 1) Clean the master bathroom and tidy up our room (she doesn't know who will be using it, so she wants it clean just to be safe). 2) Clean the guest bathrooms. 3) Clean up a couple areas in the basement so people can stay down there if necessary.

After giving me my to-do list Megan took off saying something about getting ready to head out and run some errands. I tooled around in my office for awhile, before resigning myself to the fact that Megan was right and I did indeed need to get to work around the house to get ready for the onslaught of guests that would be showing up over the next few of hours.

Author's Note: This story needs story mode on for all the twists and turns to make sense. Please feel free to add or request your own additions to this story. There are lots of branches to this story now. If there are branches you'd like to see developed please let me know, or nudge it along with a chapter or two of your own. Thanks.

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