Pin her, then take her

From Torg Adventure

Revision as of 08:37, 3 December 2013 by DamianWhite (Talk | contribs)

With your dick so close to finally getting inside of your sister, and taking her virginity, it's tempting just to go for broke and try to win via the "pinetration" rules you had declared at the start. It had been your idea to include the sexual element to the wrestling match, although so far it had been Sam who had been using it to her advantage the most. Now that victory was so close, you had the urge now to go for a more conventional win, and get a legitimate pinfall against Sam. That way, she could not argue that you had won only because of your changes to the rules, and that you could not defeat her in a legitimate fight.

However, you didn't want to give her more time after that to try to argue for another form of combat, or try to renegotiate the rules. You didn't think that Sam would refuse to carry through on her promise to become your sex slave, and have your children, but the way her mind worked, she could stonewall you or rationalize things away to keep you from collecting for a while, if she really wanted to. So you were thinking it was best not to give her that opportunity. And honestly, after Sam sucking and rubbing your dick, and your bodies rubbing up so tightly together, you were so incredibly turned on at this point that you desperately needed to get some relief for this raging boner you now had. Back when the deal had been for your to sleep with Sam once, you had some idea of some special planning for that one time, to make it memorable. Now that she was going to be your eternal concubine, you just wanted to be joined with her as soon possible.

Now that you've got an actual plan figured out, you work to hold down her shoulders with renewed vigor. Sam struggles again under you, trying to get one of her shoulders up. She's still distracted by trying to guard against your cock as well though, as if she's expecting you to suddenly try to plunge it into her. Although this is a reasonable fear on her part, it's not your primary goal at this point. Her distraction allows you to get both shoulders down on the mat though. Also, despite her earlier boasts of her endurance, her strength does seem to be waning. Wrestling, especially against someone who outweighed her so much, was likely far more draining to Sam than she had realized.

"One!" You call out confidently, having a good grip on her shoulders now, holding them down as hard as you can without actually hurting your sister. At the same time though, you manage to work the tip of your rock hard penis against Sam's slit.

"Damn it!" Sam's voice is frantic as she struggles to push you off of her as best she can, with her hands pressed forcefully against your chest. She's not having any luck getting you off of her to release her shoulders, although her desperate pushing is making it more difficult to get the head of your cock to stay pressed against her opening. Her legs are no longer trying to squeeze you, and are instead trying to somehow get between your two bodies, so she can use them to kick you off of her, but there just isn't sufficient room between your two bodies.

You decide to take a chance at getting her hands out of the way, and transfer your hands from her shoulders to grabbing her wrists, and then forcing her arms back down to the mat beside her head. Her shoulders remain pressed against the Mat the entire time.

"Two!" You say, even more confidently than before. Sam tries twisting her wrists out of your grasp, but they never got oiled, and you've got too good a grip on them. Meanwhile, without her hands holding your body back, you succeed in wedging the head of your cock into her pussy just a little bit. You're aided in this goal by the oil covering her cleft, as well as your saliva from when you were going at her with her tongue, as well as some wetness on Sam's part. Despite her resistance to the idea of sex with you, just like you, her body was reacting to everything that was going on. Sam keeps trying to get her wrists and shoulders free, but now she's hampered in her resistance by your cock, which is now pressed against her hymen. Moving too much could make your cock move enough to deflower her, and something like trying to bridge her body up again would probably bury you completely inside of her.

"Wait a minute, Max-" she starts to say, but you don't give her the chance to finish.

"Three!" You call out triumphantly. Sam's body slumps as a look of disbelief comes over her face. You can see it in her eyes; she's never been beaten before.

Then, her body stiffens and another look of disbelief comes over her face as your cock takes her virginity. You waited just long enough for your legitimate victory to register with her, before you collect your prize. Sam leans her head back and moans, her winning streak and virginity both no longer intact. You continue until your cock inside Sam completely. Sam's pussy is tight, but incredibly hot from the energy her entire body has been expending, and her own reluctant sexual stimulation.

Technically it's rape. Yeah, you're having sex with her with the consent she granted you according to the rules set forth earlier, but it's against her expressed desires. You would face a good chance of going to jail if this went to trial. But the same sense of honor that had brought things to this point would prevent Sam from turning you in.

"I can't believe you did it," Sam says, shock showing on her face still.

"You knew I really wanted to fuck you, Sam," you tell her, pulling your cock back just a little bit before pushing it back in.

Sam's face contorts a little in pain at your cock, but the defining expression right now is annoyance. "No, no that, idiot. I can't believe you beat me." She looks at her wrists, which are still being held down by you. "No one has ever bested me, before."

You almost laugh. Sam is more concerned about losing at a competitive sport than she is about losing her virginity. Although that may change once the reality of the situation sinks in.

"You beat me," she says, echoing her words from a moment ago. She looks down at her body now. "And now you're collecting your prize." She moans a little bit, either from pleasure or misery.

You keep fucking her, and start to let go of her wrists so that you can position yourself better over her. It's not terribly convenient to have to hold her arms down while you take her.

"No!" Sam says. She starts wriggling her wrists in your grasp. "Don't fucking let go, you idiot!" She looks relieved as, a little confused, you renew your grip on her. "You can't trust me yet, Max. I'm like a wild horse... you need to break me still, and until then you don't know what I will do."

Despite her promise to be your sex slave, Sam struggles beneath you now. You're not sure what to think, because it's not like Sam to go back on her word.

Then you suddenly realize that she's getting off on finally finding someone who could beat her. That was the entire purpose of her challenge, wasn't it? To find a man worthy of her body. For her skills to be tested in battle, and to finally be found wanting. Just as her honest attempts to get her wrists free of your grip were coming up short.

You start fucking her harder then, less concerned about being gentle with her, because you know that she doesn't want gentleness right then. "I conquered you," you tell her proudly. "And now I'm taking you as my prize, and my woman."

Sam whimpers with passion a little then, and you know you were on the right path. She continues to squirm under you, resistance mixing with assistance in her movements.

"You're completely overpowered, Sam," you tell her. "There's nothing you can do to stop me now, because I am stronger than you."

"Oh..." Sam groans, the strength in her arms seeming to fade a little. Your words are wearing down her resistance faster than your cock is.

You're also enjoying seeing your sister less dominant than normal. You keep fucking her harder, sensing that she's not looking for gentleness right now, even for her first time. Or especially for her first time, right after her first loss.

"You are bound to me now by ancient codes of conquest, and your own honor," you tell her. "And by my own strength over you."

"You're too strong for me," Sam moans, her body moving with you now, even as she continues to test her strength against your hands, and comes up short. "I can't stop you ravaging me... owning me. Proving your dominance over me."

Her legs move around you again, squeezing you. It's not the threat it was a few minutes ago. This time it's to open herself up more to you, and pull you deeper into her.

Go for the pin, or try to fuck her pussy or ass for the win?

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