Intercourse, of course

From Torg Adventure

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"Suckjobs won't make my boobies bigger, will they?" She asks. You assume that it's a rhetorical question. Then she looks at you curiously. "Will they? Because if they will, then I guess I don't have a preference, because whatever we don't do next, we can do later."

"I don't think a blowjob will make your boobies bigger, but I guess I can't be one hundred percent sure," you tell Gwen.

"You should call it a suckjob," Gwen says. "'cause I'm not actually supposed to blow in it." She licks the end of your cock for emphasis. "But we can talk about that later, because I kind of want to try intercourse again. 'specially if it will make my boobies bigger faster."

You don't think it will necessarily make her boobies grow faster just by having more sex with her, but it will give you another chance to pump her full of your baby batter, and knock her up if your first load wasn't enough. And if Gwen has fallen under the impression that the amount of sex corresponds directly to the growth of her breasts, then who are you to dissuade her of that opinion? When she was younger, you made sure that you weren't the one to tell her that there was no Santa Claus or Easter Bunny. No one had wanted to be the one to break that news to her. Although you half-suspected now that, due to that fact, Gwen might still believe they exist.

To be fair, after the events of the last few days, you were willing to believe in any number of magical creatures who brought gifts. How else to explain the incestual bounty that had been delivered to you? You were apparently on somebody's 'nice' list, or else you wouldn't have been able to do all these naughty things.

Gwen lies back down on Amy's bed. "Again please, Max," she says, holding up her arms to you.

You look down at her slender body. "Actually, turn over onto your stomach, Gwen."

She looks confused, but that doesn't stop her from turning over, and lying face down on the bed. "Like this?"

"Yeah," you respond. "Except... hand me those pillows." Gwen grabs two pillows from the top of the bed, and hands them back to you.

"Okay," you say, sliding the pillows under her legs. "Now kneel on those, but keep your head down by the bed."

Gwen obliges, so that her pretty little ass it now exposed to you nicely, her smaller frame lifted up higher so that it is positioned right for you.

You move up behind Gwen. The height alignment this way is perfect. Your cock bumps up against her slit, causing Gwen to wriggle a little. "Sorry, it tickles," she giggles. "But don't stop, because I want it tickling me inside."

You grab onto her hips, holding her in place while you press forward into her. She's loosened up a little from before, partially because she is not a virgin anymore, and also because she's more eager now. Your cousin gives a low moan as you penetrate fully into her youthful cunt. She's still good and wet, so you waste no time before starting to slowly slide in and out of her.

"It's different when you do it this way," she says softly. "It's rubbing me in all new places now. And it doesn't even hurt when you put it inside now."

"It's because we're in a different position now," you tell her. "And because this isn't your first time now."

"Good, then we can do it more often," Gwen says. "I was going to do it, even if it did hurt a little, but this time it feels much better."

What does she decide?

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