Offer Gwen your all natural breast enhancement option

From Torg Adventure

Revision as of 22:27, 8 May 2013 by DamianWhite (Talk | contribs)

Hmm. You can think of one way to make Gwen's tits bigger, even if it might mostly be a temporary solution. You're not sure how Gwen would respond to the idea, although you like it a lot. And it helps get rid of one possible problem you were worrying about, that was about to get very important in the next minute or two as you got closer to orgasm.

"Gwen, like I said before, I like your breasts just like they are now." Your fingers circle around the faint rise of her breasts. "But if you really wanted to make them bigger..."

As the lovemaking progressed, Gwen had been getting more and more drawn into the act itself, and to a certain extent losing out to the fuzziness of the mind she had described earlier, even as she had continued to talk to you as you fucked her. But your words bring a new spark into her eyes.

"I do want bigger boobies, Max," she says, a deep yearning in her voice. "Not as big as Lisa's, or Amy's, because they would be too big for me." She looks down at her mostly flat chest. "But if I could even be close to Sam... I would do anything for that!"

"Really?" Her desire for a more womanly chest might have been stronger than you thought. "Well, there may be something we can do that would give you bigger boobies."

Her eyes light up even more. "What is it, Max? How can we make my boobies grow?" When you don't immediately answer her, she begins pushing her pussy back down against you as you fuck her, as if instinctively trying to please you more in order to get the information out of you. "Please, tell me!"

You struggle to keep the rising pleasure her body is giving you under control. "Well, it is a little extreme..." You say this hesitantly, as if thinking that she won't go for it because it would be too hard.

It has the desired effect. "I don't care! I need bigger boobies, Max. I don't want a little girl's body forever... I want to have to be able to wear something other than a training bra, and have real cleavage!" Her hands clasp at your back beseechingly, and the gesture is echoed by the way her pussy bears down on you, as her body tries to curry favor with yours.

"I do know a way that's certain to do it," you say softly to her. "But I don't think you're ready for it."

"Max!" She pleads, passion and frustration in her voice. "Just tell me what it is! I need to know!"

"Okay then, Gwen." The moment of truth. "I could make a baby in you. Your breasts would grow bigger, just as they are doing with your mom and your aunt right now. Even after the baby, and they shrink, they would still be bigger than they were before." At least that's how you assume it works. You seem to remember your mom and Aunt Karen mentioning that they had gained a cup size after their first pregnancies.

Gwen looks up at you in disbelief. "You're telling me I should get pregnant, from my cousin? Let you make a baby inside of me? To make my boobies larger?" Crap. When you hear her say it like that, it sounds even stupider than you imagined. Maybe you pushed your luck.

Then a beatific smile breaks out over her sweet face. "You would do that for me, Max? Make a baby in me, just so I could get the boobies I wanted?"

Whew. "Yes, I would be willing to do that for my favorite cousin. I'd be happy to help you get larger boobies." It's the easiest, most truthful thing you've said to her all night.

"Oh, thank you!" You see the gratitude on her face, and feel it on her body beneath you, and around your cock. "Thank you so much, Max!" Then her face gets more serious. "Mom will be mad at me, though, when she finds out I'm pregnant."

"She'll forgive you, Gwen," you assure her. Aunt Karen never stayed mad at Gwen long, on the few occasions when she actually did get mad at her baby in the first place. "She always does. And maybe this will convince her that you are not a baby yourself anymore."

"Oh, I want her to let me grow up finally," Gwen says desperately. "And I want my boobies to grow! And a baby... well, I wouldn't need dolls anymore." She kisses you again, gratefully, and with generous amounts of tongue. "Please, Max, make a baby in me right now!" You feel her slim legs part more, opening herself even more to you.

This was going better than you had expected when you first had the idea a minute ago. You were dead set on knocking Gwen up, but didn't know what you would do if she started to get worried about pregnancy before you could actually cum in her. The problem had been solved nicely. "Okay, Gwen. I will." Perhaps both your cousin and you now shared the same vision of her pregnant with your child, her breasts swollen as hormones changed her body.

"You promise?" Excitement at the thought of a larger bosom, and perhaps escaping her mother's over-protectiveness seemed to be stimulating Gwen in other ways as well. "You won't pull out at the last minute, or something like that? You'll fertilize my egg with your sperm, just like they taught us in school?"

"Yes!" You tell her, with increasing passion and eagerness in your voice that is mirrored in the actions of your body. Your cock slides even faster in and out of a hot, narrow pussy that is growing even more accommodating by the moment. A large part of was how close to orgasm Gwen was getting, but another part of it was how eager she was to have you impregnate her, even if it was primarily so she could have cleavage.

To drive home that point, Gwen closed her eyes and started moaning loudly. "Please Max, help make my boobies bigger. Please!" Then her eyes open and she looks at you in wonder and passion. "So this is what an orgasm is like? I think I like-" Then her mouth opens in an "O" of surprise as the full force of it hits her. Both her arms and her legs go around you and constrict involuntarily as her nymphlike body quivers beneath you.

It's all too much for you to take any more. It's as if your balls are twin suns, suddenly erupting in s solar flare that would in real life would have been enough to extinguish all life on Earth. Instead, you're hoping to create life. As orgasm overtakes your body, radiating out from your energy center, your first load of cum tries to outrace the blast wave, to the safety of Gwen's womb. You can feel it escaping from your body, and Gwen can apparently feel it entering hers.

"You're doing it, Max!" She exclaims as she continues to cum, her voice a mixture of glee and passion, child and woman. "Your sperm is going into my kitty!" She moans as she feels a new influx of seed into her body. "Oh my! More, Max, please! Make my boobs really big." If you weren't so busy cumming, you'd laugh at the mental image of the amount of your ejaculate translating directly into her increased breast size.

Then, the last of your mutual orgasm fading from both of your bodies, she looks at you in wonder. "I really am a woman now, aren't I? I'm not a virgin anymore, and I've had my first orgasm." She looks down at her body. "Or at least I'm more of a woman. And I'll keep getting more and more so as the baby grows, and my boobies get larger."

She looks back up at you, with her innocent eyes. "Do... do I automatically get pregnant then, since we didn't use a condo, or do it standing up, or anything like that?"

You're only an amateur ob/gyn, so you're not entirely sure. It seems unlikely that one time would be enough though. "There's a chance, Gwen, but it's not guaranteed. It depends on where your body is in it's cycle, and luck, and other things."

She gets a nervous look on her face. "Would... would you be willing to do this with me again then?" Her cute little face starts to turn a little red, although nowhere near the color or her hair. More like the pink of her pussy. "Keep trying to make a baby in me? As often as it takes? Our mom's trust us alone together, so there'd be plenty of opportunity, and we wouldn't be likely to get caught." She runs a hand over your chest, perhaps her first conscious attempt to use her womanly wiles to influence a man. "It wouldn't have to be all the time... I understand you have your own sisters to take care of, as well. But any other time that you're free, I can be there, to teach me more about sex, and to keep trying to put a baby in me." She looks down at her chest. "And I could swear that my boobies are bigger now just from us making love. I'll bet that just having sex makes them bigger, too."

"I will make love to you whenever you want, as often as you want, Gwen," you tell her enthusiastically.

Gwen giggles. "Oh, Max, you always spoil me so bad. Playing along with my games. Buying me little gifts. And now being so nice in helping me get bigger boobies."

You reach above Gwen's head and manage to carefully untangle your shirt from her hair now, and then carefully lay the hair around her head like a crimson halo. "Anything for my Gwen." You think for a moment. "We will need to keep this a secret, though. Our moms can't find out, or they would freak. Probably kick me out, or send you to a boarding school or even a convent."

Gwen makes a face. "I don't want to have to move away from here, and from you, Max. Although I do think private school outfits are kind of cute. Even nun outfits, too..." Her expression takes on one of resolution. "I will keep our secret, Max. I don't even have to tell Mommie who the father of the baby is, when my belly starts to show." She looks around the room. "But I do need to talk to Amy about it. Sam too, maybe. I need to make sure that Amy is going to be my Best Friend Forever again."

A lecherous smile appears on your face, as your thoughts go back to watching Sam and Amy last night. "You may end up becoming more than just best friends."

Gwen looks confused for a moment, before her eyes go as wide as her mouth as she says "Ooooooooooh!" quite loudly. "You think she'll want to do lesbian-y things with me, Max?"

You shrug your shoulders. "She certainly did with Sam. And just because you're her cousin and best friend doesn't mean you can't also be lovers, any more than that applies to the two of us."

Gwen's face screws up in thought. "I think I could get into some of those lesbian-y things, especially with Amy. And I could get into all kinds of other things with you, Max. I need you to show me how to be a real woman, since no one else in this family has been willing to tell me anything." Then a wistful expression appears on her face. "But, I'm not so sure I'm quite ready to give up on being a little girl so soon, especially since my belly will start to show in a few months. I still want you to treat me like you always did, most of the time. And I may still want to play some of our same games we played before, Max." She blushes a little. "Although we could probably find ways to put more grown-up stuff in them. And we could come up with brand new games we could play, as well."

Some of Gwen's earlier role-playing games had turned you on, despite your cousin's lack of intent of doing so. You're intrigued to see what happens when she redesigns her games, or creates new ones, to take them higher than a "G" rating. You're wondering exactly how high the rating will rise. But that's really something to discover at another time. Right now you're here with Gwen the Deflowered Teenage Detective, who with no small contribution on your part did successfully get her man and solve the Case of the Canoodling Cousins, despite finding herself getting far more involved in the case, and with her partner-cum-suspect, than she ever planned. It's certainly for more than you expected, but every bit as much as you had hoped.

Take another crack at making Gwen's breasts larger, take a break and clean up, or something else?

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