Answer the phone

From Torg Adventure

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Ignoring your urge to breed the sexy woman lying next to you, you decide that it’s best to answer the phone. "What if it's an emergency?" you ask yourself. Locating {LAST_NAME}'s cell on the night stand you answer, "Hello."

"Hello, {FIRST_NAME}?" comes the reply from a vaguely familiar female voice.

"Yeah, this is he," you answer.

"Well, {FIRST_NAME}, I don't know why your answering {LAST_NAME}'s phone, but this is your cousin Emily."

Upon hearing the name, your voice catches in your throat as you remember the recent dream you had of your younger cousin.

"{FIRST_NAME}, you there?" she asks.

"What? Yeah … Yeah, I am here," you quickly reply. “{LAST_NAME} was upstairs, and she left her phone in the family room. I nodded off watching Firefly reruns. So what’s with the call Em. It’s kinda late.”

"Late? It’s only 630pm? Oh wait, that’s right. You guys are 3 hours ahead. But anyways, I finished up my two-year degree in science at my community college, and I’ve been accepted at a college in your area that I can transfer to, so I can finish out my four year degree in geology."

Listening to Emily your thoughts trail back to your dream from the other night. Realizing the irony of everything you begin to laugh out loud.

"What’s wrong? Why are you laughing?... {FIRST_NAME}, I don't see why going for geology is so funny. Man, you can be such an ass. I am hanging up now."

"No, wait, Em! Don't hang up! I wasn't laughing at you. I think it’s wonderful that you have a plan for the future. I always knew that you would shoot for one of the sciences," you answer quickly.

"Now you’re trying to bullshit your way out of it. I wasn't born yesterday, you know." The annoyance is thick in her voice.

"Honest, Em. I wasn't laughing at you. I was laughing because I had a weird dream the other night that you had shown up and we had a similar conversation."

"Fine, I guess I can let it go for now. Besides you can make it up to me when I get there."

"What do you mean, Em?"

"I have my orientation in a week and I decided to get a couple days head start by looking for a place to stay and visiting you guys."

Thinking on your feet and considering all of the new implications, you decide to take matters into your own hands.

"Em, don't be silly. You’re family. You can stay here with us. I am sure my parents won’t mind."

"Well if you’re sure, I guess I can stay there. But please tell your parents and have them get back to me. I don't want to impose."

Not wanting to miss a chance at filling another fertile belly, you tell her a little white lie.

"Wait a sec, Em, my cell is ringing. It’s my parents. I’ll ask them right now,” you say as you cover the mouthpiece and pretend to talk to your parents.

“They just said that it was no trouble at all."

"Ah alright if they say so then I will see you in a day or two."

"Sounds great! Later Em."

Hanging up the phone you smile to yourself at your new plan. Drifting thoughts of sexy flat bellies growing with your children have you hard as a rock. Glancing over at {LAST_NAME}, you hunch over and begin to rub her tight slit which is still slick from earlier couplings. The nubile redhead begins to stir in her sleep and lets out a soft mewling sound at your touch. You respond in kind by working your fingers in and tweaking the inside of her silky snatch. Her hips begin to rise as she humps back at your probing digits. Using your free hand,you gently stroke your sibling's velvety red hair. {LAST_NAME}'s reactions become more frantic and within mere moments her orgasm explodes onto your hand. Now fully awake, {LAST_NAME} presses her body against yours kissing you with wild abandon. After a minute of making out, you push your sister flat on her back and plunge your sharp blade into her waiting depths.

"Oh shit...fuck...I don't know what happened, but judging from your firm penis, it must have been good. So fuck me and sperm my fertile womb."

Your sister's dirty words are too much for you to handle. Thrusting faster and harder into your sister ,you explode once again into her waiting pussy.

"Come on, sis, lets go out and celebrate right now."

"Out? {FIRST_NAME} it’s almost 10 pm."

"So what, {LAST_NAME}? The bars and clubs are open till 2pm."

"I am too tired to go anywhere. Besides you just want to get me drunk, so you can ravish my poor little vagina."

"Sis, why would I do that, when I can do that right here, right now?"

"I don't know..."

"Well, sis, don't blame me if I happen to pick up some defenseless hottie because you stood me up."

The jealousy card worked as the young redhead shot out of bed to get ready to go out with you.

"Let me get ready and we can go out and have a nice dinner instead of getting drunk, {FIRST_NAME}."

"Sure thing, beautiful, dinner it is," you reply, smiling to yourself.

What do you do next?

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