Amy still needs to be punished

From Torg Adventure

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"No, there's still the matter of punishment," your mom says.

Your heart sinks. This could be bad.

She looks at you first. "I don't approve of your part in all of this, Max. But as I said earlier, both of you are consenting adults. What you do in the privacy of your bedroom is your business."

She looks at Amy then. "You, on the other hand. You broke that privacy by screaming 'rape', and almost got your brother into a whole lot of trouble." She looks at Amy's computer. "You've also apparently been spying on your brother, and on me as well, neither of which I take likely."

"I'll stop doing both immediately," Amy quickly volunteers.

"Yes, you will." Your mother looks stern. "Because I'm thinking the best punishment for you is to take that computer away from you."

Amy looks aghast. "Mom, you can't do that!"

Your mother just stares back at Amy. "You may be an adult, but you still live under my roof." She looks at the computer again. "And if I remember correctly, you borrowed the money to buy the computer from me as well, and have yet to pay me back. So the computer it technically mine to do with as I please."

"Mom, that computer is my life!" Amy looks distraught as she argues against her punishment. "Can't I just get another kind of punishment?"

Your mother looks annoyed at Amy's protests. "I think it is the most appropriate punishment, under the circumstances."

"I'll take any other kind of punishment," Amy continues desperately. "Ground me. Make me do everyone else's chores. Take away my tv or something..."

Your mother continues to look more and more annoyed. She's never been terribly patient. "Fine. If you're going to act like a child over getting punished, then you can choose a child's punishment if you want. Instead of getting your precious computer taken away, you can choose a spanking instead."

Amy looks incredulous. "A spanking? You've never spanked me before."

Your mother looks down at her belly. "And this probably isn't a good time for me to start. She looks at you. "So I guess your brother would have to do it. Under my directions, that is."

Amy looks even more shocked, if such as thing is possible. 'He can't spank me! He's my brother." A sharp glance from your mother makes her wilt a little. "Oh, right. Not the best argument to make under the circumstances."

"So those are your choices, young lady." Your mother holds up two fingers, ticking them off with her other hand. "You can choose to have your computer taken away from you, or you can take a spanking right here and now from your brother, and be done with it.

Amy looks torn. As she had said earlier, your mother had never spanked her. Amy was the nice one, and had never really needed to be punished for anything before. But she obviously really, really liked her computer.

As for you, you're not sure why your mother is involving you in this. Although Amy does have a really nice ass, and you're wondering how the flat of your hand would feel against it. Although spanking Amy in front of your mom might feel a little... awkward.

Which punishment does Amy choose?

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