Lego Replicas 3

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Lego Replicas 3
Producer Just Stuff
Country UK
Year 2006
Packaging/Colour N/A
Stats Complexity
Lego Factor
Replica Factor
Alien Factor
No. of Cards 30

Lego Replicas 3 is the third in the series of Lego Replicas. The cards have no perticular theme linking them and they're all just famous characters placed next to its lego form. The template is perticuarly interesting. The template background colour is yellow, at the top is the pack title. Under is 2 pictures. The one on the left is a lego figure, the one on the right is a picture of the character. Under the pictures is 8 pink boxes containing the stats. In this pack, Snowman and MSN Buddy are featured. These are featured as lego figures but without legs. (and in MSN Buddy's case, no hands or face)Also, one of the cards is Snowball II (a cat on The Simpsons) which has been put into lego form. The SST is Frugty Ayrysys. A not so famous person and few people have seen his face.

Card List

Anakin Skywalker
Anna Williams
Aragorn Ellesar
Boba Fett
Callum Brown
Darth Sidious
Doctor Frankenstein
Han Solo
Harold Bishop Indiana Jones
Irvine Kinneas
Lando Calrissian
Luke Skywalker
Mace Windu
MSN Buddy
Princess Leia
Robbie Williams
Roy Bedford
Selphie Tilmitt
Snowball II
Stone Cold
Sue Bedford
The Hulk
Wicked Witch
William Turner

See Also

External Links

Lego Replicas 2 at Just Stuff

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