User talk:Harpier

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Revision as of 16:44, 12 October 2008 by Harpier (Talk | contribs)

Hey JohnFaa, it's Venatosaurus. So I guess I'm going to help with your project, and come up with new concepts for the project, as well as update some of your old dinosaur concepts. I hope this is where I'm supposed to post my ideas,like you said earlier ?!  :D

Yes, you post your ideas here ~JohnFaa

Okay so I have an idea which I thought about too, but never really conceptualized it. So here it is ... some dinosaurs created by dracontes from deviantart. First is a Dinosaurian Gibbon

And quadrapedal maniraptorians

Now either we ask permission to use these concepts, or something similar to them, or we ask dracontes to join us! ;)

Maybe... JohnFaa

I came up with the idea of a group of Ornithomimids that have taken over the niche of the extinct Therizinosaurs, some of which have survived and evolved to fill other roles which will be explained later (The Therizinosaurs I mean), and now are larger and have a single large, sycthe-like claw (some subspecies retain a small second finger). They also have two toes on each foot, resembling that of RE's ostrich. There are also other physiological changes , but those can be discussed later. I've also been playing with the possibility of flying rats ( similar to those from King Kong),some of which are quite large and have an 8-10 ft wingspan.As well as some ungulate-like ceratopsids, that have slim,nimble,and gracile bodies, many running grazers and others mountain dwellers. Do you have any other ideas, or are you going to be more preoccupied with Terra Alternativa, cause I hope we can get this going soon.

Well, the ornithomimids could take the niches of therizinosaurs, although I doubt they would have a single claw; most likely they would retain all claws. As for for ungulate like ceratopsids, then no, because hadrosaurs and other ornithopods are more likely to fill those niches, although protoceratopsids that behave like pigs, and even carnivorous forms (they were omnivores, so some could develop scavanging species that could occasionally go after living prey) are likely to develop. As for flying rats, I would prefer flying multituberculates - JohnFaa

Oh I was really rooting for the gazelle-like ceratopsids, unless the ceratopsids live in a different region than the hadrosaurs, maybe areas similar to the Himalayas, and maybe they could live beside some of these hadrosaurs, similar to how different ungulates co-exist today. As for the ornithomimids, what if they had a much larger middle finger, dubbing them the name "Cussers" . And I think pig-like protoceratopsids would be excellent. I also have in mind North American ceratopsids, that developed a "coat" of woolly feathers, to protect from the cold, something extremely useful during the Ice Age. As for the flying multituberculates, I think that could do, ooh this'll be just as interesting as Spec !

As a whole I don't see ceratopsids becoming gazelle like, although some mountain dweeling species could occupy the niches of mountain goats and such; its just that ornithopods were already very diverse and they can more easily develop fast antilope-like forms; plus, there were several maniraptors (like ornithomimids and appearently also oviraptors and troodontids) that could feed on vegetation, plus herbivore mammals. Though ceratopsids could still occupy the niches of large herbivores like rhinos and elephants, plus pig and perhaps hyena sort of niches. Given the fact that nearly all sauropods became extinct, I also like the idea of your large browsing therizinosaur like ornithomimids, both in tropical and colder areas. JohnFaa

Thanks JohnFaa, when I said ungulate-like ceratopsids, I meant them as being mountain goat-like. Of course there were ornithopods that could easily develop into antelope-like forms, and many do so. I also like the idea of a hyena-like ceratopsid, but what about an oviraptor taking up a niche like that. I've also taken into consideration a sauropod-like hadrosaur that evolved in Africa, and some eventually migrate towards Asia, maybe even Europe. I've also had ideas about a stegosaur that survived beyond the Cretaceous, possibly into the present. Although I think this'd be unlikely, I've also played around with the idea of some tyrannosaurids redeveloping longer arms, but their jaws grew smaller, this was due to the fact they have evolved in more vegetated areas, and had to compensate for this. Some tell me what you think about these ideas, and we'll take it from there. Oh and how diverse would the flying "rats" ;) be ,I was thinking of them being larger than our worlds bats, maybe the the average size about a flying fox ? What about insects, would it be plausible as having them as grotesque as the ones in King Kong ( although I'm sure they'd be smaller)?

Given the fact that modern bears and boars share the large omnivore niches, then scavenging ceratopsidians and oviraptors might co-exist. Tyrannosaurids would most likely loose the arms at this point, and stegosaurs would not be alive nowdays. The giant insects are also impossible. Otherwise, everything's fine ;) JohnFaa

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