
From Tlaquanaru

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Revision as of 06:05, 18 August 2007

The Tlaquanaran arthrozoans strongly resemble Terran arthropods, save for the fact that arthrozoans tend to have more than two compound eyes. Otherwise, Tlaquanaran arthrozoans are segmented animals with jointed legs, and are covered in a chitinous exoskeleton that is strengthened with proteins and calcium carbonate, or silicates.

The phylums Arthrozoa and Conchozoa make up the major constituents of the superphylum Stylogaster (aka "Chitinozoa")

Within Arthrozoa, there are two main divisions, the Calciarthra, and the Siliciarthra, with the main difference between them being the use of calcium carbonate and calcium phosphate salts to reinforce the exoskeletons of the former, and silicate salts to reinforce the exoskeletons of the latter.

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