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Notre Dame

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Revision as of 11:23, 22 February 2007 by Carlo92 (Talk | contribs)
Notre Dame Cathedral

Notre Dame is the third level in TimeSplitters 2's Story Mode. In this mission, you become Viola and fight off zombies and members of Jacque de la Morte's cult in order to save the Maidens and defeat Jacque once and for all.




Night falls on the Ile de Cite and another Parisienne screams within the cold stone walls of Notre Dame.

The rivermen talk of a crazed madman leading a cult of undead followers. Who is this Jacque de la Morte? What devils does he worship? And what black magic does he wield?

You must release the damsels in distress from the dark vaults and make your way through the Cathedral to confront Jacque.

But hurry! - the full moon signals another Black Mass and who knows what demons might be summoned within Our Lady's hallowed halls?

Primary Objectives

Secondary Objectives

  • Help the Hunchback get the maiden to safety (Easy)



Used With Permission from SuperNova "From where you start turn right around the corner and left around the next one. A zombie will come ambling towards you, so take aim and blast its head off. Walk up to the body on the floor and it will rise. Blast its head off too. Go forwards and you will see a path to your left and some ammo. Take the ammo and go left. At the far end of the room is a lever you should activate. Immediately turn, as a zombie will be coming towards you. When its head hits the floor turn left into a sewer-like hallway through a gap in the wall. Another zombie will greet you, so shoot it and head down the circular hallway and pull the lever on the left to open another grate. On the other side is a zombie - kill him - and some steps. Ascend them and shoot the zombie who spawns halfway up. Don't forget the armour lying on the floor either.

Now ascend the spiralling staircase and enter the wine room at the top. Collect the ammo in front of you and walk to the other end of the room. Stay well away from the barred doorway - a moment or two later it blasts open and flaming zombies rush into the room! Stay well away from them (catching fire kills you). Eventually they will burn to death. Go through the open doorway and you'll find yourself in a crypt. There is ammo on the floor and a chained maiden up ahead. Go up to her but DON'T RELEASE HER! There are zombies around (like the one on the left right now) who would kill her. Eliminate the zombie on the left then turn back to the maiden. Take a moment to admire her ample bust then free her with the action button. No turn the corner and you'll see another one chained up ahead. There is also ammo on the floor and armour in the cell on the left (shoot the lock to get it). Then go up to the maiden and decapitate the two zombies who appear on the right. Rescue her and turn the next corner.

Kill the sewer zombie further ahead and start climbing the small flight of steps on the right. A crypt zombie will come down, so kill it first. Then climb the next flight of steps and kill another crypt zombie before entering the church itself (you'll get the message "time crystal located"). Look up to the ceiling - a girl is chained up there. Before you rush to her rescue kill the two undead priests who appear to be praying amongst the seats. They leave you Luger ammo. Further up from the seats is the time crystal on a pedestal. Collect it to finish that objective.

Now go over to the door at the opposite end of the church. Kill the undead priest along the way and collect the armour inside the small room at the other end of the church. Then turn right and down the corridor to a 2x Luger wielding undead priest. Grab the guns and run up the spiralling staircase. At the top is another undead priest and two ropes. Pull either to lower the damsel in distress to safety. Then go back down to her - the hunchback (as in "The Hunchback of Notre Dame") will help you fight off a few zombies (eight in total) which now appear. When you've fought them off he'll thank you profusely and you'll complete another objective (rescue all maidens). Now follow the hunchback and the maiden all the way down to the sewers, then leave them out of sight for a minute. When you return you'll find some shotgun ammo and your secondary objective will be complete.

Return to the church and go through the door opposite where you enter. You'll come to a spiralling staircase with some armour at the bottom and some ammo halfway up. You will then come to a small room with a cross in it, and a doorway at the other end. Go through and you will face the portal daemon (new objective: kill the portal daemon). There is shotgun ammo on both sides of the balcony if you need it. To kill the daemon aim at its head and shoot continuously, occasionally stopping to dodge the red laser stuff he launches at you. When he dies exit through the door on the other side of the balcony. There is armour through here (do you really need it?!) and another door which leads onto the roof of the cathedral. Out here you'll be confronted by three undead priests and a scourge splitter. Finally, Jacque de la Morte appears, declaring that you can never kill him. Prove him wrong by pumping a few shotgun shells into him to end his devil worshipping antics. Then turn around and exit through the time portal. Mission complete!"


  • It is possible to shoot the rope that is holding the last Maiden up but she will drop onto the ground and die, causing you to fail the mission.
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