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Louie Bignose

From The TimeSplitters Wiki

Revision as of 23:43, 17 December 2006 by Carlo92 (Talk | contribs)
Louie Bignose
Unlocked by Amateur League > Too Hot to Handle > Disco Inferno
Species Human
Size Normal
Accuracy 3 of 10
Agility 3 of 10
Stamina 6 of 10
Fire Proof N/A
Shock Proof N/A
Default AI 3 Stars
Native TimeZone 1930s
First Appearance TS2 Story Mode
Relations N/A
Games TS2


Big Tony's right hand man, his loyalty and commitment to his boss is legendary. It was once said that he shopped his own mother in for stealing drinks from the bar.

Gallery Entry

Louie's been slipping and sliming his way in and out of Big Tony's good book for years. Every time Tony promotes him he somehow manages to goof up. Lately he's hit upon the trick of getting Braces to break any bad news to Tony.

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