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Undead Priest

From The TimeSplitters Wiki

Revision as of 22:51, 11 December 2006 by Carlo92 (Talk | contribs)
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Don't be fooled by the cross and robes. Once a holy man, but no more - having sold his sole to the dark side he now protects these hallowed walls, killing anyone who dares to enter.

Undead Priest
Unlocked by Amateur League > Too Hot to Handle > Burns Department
Species Zombie
Size Normal
Accuracy 7 of 10
Agility 3 of 10
Stamina 9 of 10
Fire Proof 2 of 10
Shock Proof 5 of 10
Default AI 5 Stars
Native TimeZone 1890s
First Appearance TS2 Story Mode
Relations N/A
Games TS2, TSFP

Gallery Entires

TS2: The undead priests are all that remains of Jacque's cult followers. Under his influence they sacrificed their souls for immortality, providing Jacque with an elite army of dark followers.

TSFP:Undead priests--an ecumenical conundrum.


Undead Priest appears as a hooded priest with a skull for a face. Almost his entire outfit is diffrent shades of grey and he wears a rope around his waist and a cross around his neck.


TSFP Opening Taunt

In his future perfect opening taunt the Undead Priest appears in a Timesplitters 2 action figure package that has a sticker that says "realistic chomping action!" He shakes and rattle the box and complains that he's "all steamed up."

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