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Revision as of 21:24, 6 December 2006 by Carlo92 (Talk | contribs)
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Unlocked by Default
Species Human
Size Normal
Accuracy 6 of 10
Agility 4 of 10
Stamina 6 of 10
Fire Proof 5 of 10
Shock Proof 5 of 10
Default AI 5 Stars
Native TimeZone 2019
First Appearance TS2 Storymode
Relations N/A
Games TS2, TS Future Perfect

The coolest CyberJock in the Tek Quarter, Ghost can hack an AI CORE in milliseconds. When he declined Sadako's offer to join her gang she planned a bitter revenge. Now he is framed for a crime he did not commit and the Neo Tokyo police are on his trail

Apperance: Futuristic Tokyo is a dreary place, and the morbid looking attire of Ghost is a testament to that

Distinguishing Features: The skull pendant is a memento from his first kill. There have been many more since!

Likes: Gadgets, gizmos and gore

Dislikes: Everything else about his existence

Weapons of choice: Homing Rockets, Silenced Pistol.

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