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Daisy Dismay

From The TimeSplitters Wiki

Revision as of 10:49, 24 January 2008 by Foxcowpatt (Talk | contribs)
icon_confused.gif The original author of Daisy Dismay does not have any further information on this article. The author may return to finish the article when information has been gathered, however they welcome anyone to expand on this article.

Daisy Dismay
Unlocked by Complete Co-op Story
Species Zombie
Size Normal
Accuracy N/A
Agility 4
Stamina 6
Fire Proof 2
Shock Proof 5
Default AI 3
Native TimeZone 1994
First Appearance TSFP Story Mode
Relations N/A
Games TSFP
TS1 Gesture N/A TSFP Gesture Daisy performs the moonwalk, twirls around, and ends with a arm in the air, while saying zombie moans.
TS2 Gallery N/A TSFP Gallery Daisy, Daisy, Im half crazy, just from one look at you.

Daisy Dismay is a female zombie from TimeSplitters Future Perfect. She is seen in the level Mansion Of Madness, and is unlocked by completing the game in co-op mode. In the story, she runs instead of the slow walking like the other zombies.

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