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Club Soda

From The TimeSplitters Wiki

Revision as of 23:21, 6 June 2007 by Koopa64 (Talk | contribs)
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This is a simple Team Deathmatch with a few bots.


Slick Tommy and Jimmy Needles just knocke over your drink, and their refusing to buy another! Teach them some manners, and score 20 kills before they do! Braces and Marco will back you up.


Match Info:


Medal Requirements:

  • Platinum: 20 Kills in 1 min 30.0 secs
  • Gold: 20 Kills in 3 min 0.0 secs
  • Silver: 20 Kills in 4 min 0.0 secs
  • Bronze: 20 Kills


The best weapon here is the Shotgun x2, found in Big Tony's suite, with that, all that is required is to run around and shoot the opposition. The most high-traffic areas are the foyer and the surrounding rooms.

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