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Venice is a cramped area with enemies that can pop up out of nowhere. The shotgun is strongly recomended!
{{Infobox Map|
The recommended bots are: Mr. Underwood, Viola, undead preist, crypt zombie sewer zombie,maiden, and Jacque de la morte
  name          = Venice|
  image          = |
  size          = Medium|
  location      = Venice, Italy|
  climate        = Nighttime, overcast|
  unlocked      = Default|
  rec_bot_set    = Mr. Underwood<br>Viola<br>Undead Priest<br>Crypt Zombie<br>Sewer Zombie<br>Maiden<br>Jacque de la Morte|
  rec_wep_set    = Wep #1<br>Wep #2<br>Wep #3<br>Wep #4<br>Wep #5|
'''Venice''' is a cramped area with enemies that can pop up out of nowhere. There are numerous gondolas  throughout the map that can be rode to traverse the canals that split the level roughly down the middle. The [[Shotgun]] is strongly recommended!

Revision as of 20:06, 15 February 2007

Size Medium
Location Venice, Italy
Climate Nighttime, overcast
Unlockable Default
Recommended Bots Mr. Underwood
Undead Priest
Crypt Zombie
Sewer Zombie
Jacque de la Morte
Recommended Weapons Wep #1
Wep #2
Wep #3
Wep #4
Wep #5

Venice is a cramped area with enemies that can pop up out of nowhere. There are numerous gondolas throughout the map that can be rode to traverse the canals that split the level roughly down the middle. The Shotgun is strongly recommended!

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