
From Time Travel Game

Revision as of 11:53, 29 April 2012 by Admin (Talk | contribs)
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Version History

v1.20 In Game Information, Game World, Animation Sets, Sound Design, Look and Feel and Camera Systems pages finished

v1.10 Story Synopsis, Game Objective and Controls pages finished

v1.01 Basic Editing, Correcting and Optimising

v1.00 Key Information pages finished

v0.9 - Market Consideration and Platform pages finished

v0.8 - Gameplay Elements & Features page finished

v0.7 - Game Synopsis page finished

v0.6 - Game Concept page finished

v0.5 - Time Travel page finished

v0.4 - Basic Information page finished

v0.3 - Key Information fleshed out

v0.2 - Formatting and sections added

v0.1 - Concept and Drafting

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