In Game Information

From Time Travel Game

Revision as of 20:31, 26 April 2012 by Admin (Talk | contribs)
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Full Size

The heads up display for the Time Travel Game will take advantage of the resolution offered by PCs. It stands to reason that due to the type of game and target market that the majority of players will have a fairly high resolution monitor to play the game on. So while the mockup HUD in the above image may look a but full bare in mind that it will scale with screen resolution.

The HUD itself is divided up into three key areas and the visual effects for when the player takes damage.


Power Meters

The top left corner is dedicated to the three meters that govern the player's time travel abilities. The top green bar is for Instant powers and recharges at a rapid rate. The middle yellow bar is for the player's most powerful abilities and takes a long time to recharge. The bottom red bar is the recharge timer of the main character's ability to jump between different time periods. This does not effect any usable powers but gives an indication to the player as to how far they are through a given mission. This because once it is full players will typically be in the last sections of a level. Think of the Long Jump Bar as a progress meter.

Mini Map

The top right corner of the screen is for the game's mini map. Which will show players a variety of information from the layout of the area, to enemy positions, to highlighting key objectives.


Across the bottom of the screen is the Hotbar for the player's weapons, items and abilities. The Hotbar itself is made up of two separate sets of buttons, one for Weapons and Combat related Items (labelled as, Weapons) and the other for Time Travel Abilities and related items (labelled as, Powers). Each weapon/ability/item has a corresponding key attached to it that is displayed in the bottom right corner of each button. A selected button will be surrounded with a glowing box to show that it is the currently selected button to the player. To switch between the two Hotbars players will press the Z or X keys. An animation of the Hotbars swapping over will be needed.

Damage Effects

As the player takes damage the colour for the game world will fade away giving way to greys, blacks and whites. Once all colour has left the screen the player will die. (See Character Health and Power Section for further information)

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