Character Health and Power

From Time Travel Game

Revision as of 12:48, 28 April 2012 by Admin (Talk | contribs)



The Time Travel Game uses a regenerating health system which allows players to take a certain amount of damage before dying. Once they have taken damage if a player doesn't receive any more damage for a predetermined amount of time their wounds heal. As players take damage the colour slowly seeps out of the game world to show how close the player is to death (See In Game Information for further details).

The set amount of damage a player can take before dying is 10 with different weapons and damage types dealing different amounts. To recharge back to full health players will have to avoid taking damage for 10 seconds. This recharge time can be sped up and slowed down by the player depending on what time travel abilities the player is using.



The players time travel abilities are divided into three separate categories. Instant, Short and Long. Each power type has has its own recharge rate.


These are abilities that have a very short effect time and the instant ability energy bar has the fastest recharge rate. Instant abilities include; quick pause, speed boosts and basic combat abilities.


These are abilities that have a long effect time and the short ability bar has a long recharge time. Short abilities include; pause, slow down time, rewind time and the most powerful combat abilities.


Long abilities are not actually usable by the player because these are the powers that allow the main character to jump to different time periods. The recharge rate of the Long energy bar is actually an indicator of the player's progress through a given mission or level.

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