Story Synopsis

From Time Travel Game

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Basic Synopsis

- The main character is rescued from an accidental and over the top death by the Time Agency. The Time Agency rescues the main character while still giving the impression to bystanders that he dies.

- They then recruit and train him in the use of their time travel technology. During their training the player is informed that Time Agency's mission is to protect the timeline from a militaristic opposing force that wants to control history.

- It is up to the player to go to historic hotspots and stop the opposing force from gaining control of them or altering history through their actions.

- Soon the player and main character start questioning the Time Agency's motives, eventually it is revealed that their operatives (including the player) are causing many alternate timelines and histories to develop that the Time Agency is then invading and harvesting for resources in an attempt to gain control over all of time.

- The player then starts breaking the Time Agency's rules as he pits them and the opposing force against each other.

- All this culminates in a big epic showdown between the two sides with the player stuck in the middle.

- Finally at the end of the game the player returns to the moment when they were taken by the Time Agency to make it look as though they die in an attempt to stop themselves being recruited by the Agency.

Story Breakdown


Mission: 0

Time Period: Modern day

Setting: City Rooftops, streets, apartment complex

Key Story Points: Player controls a Time Agency operative tasked with rescuing and recruiting the game's main character from his grisly death. They are against the clock of the impending disaster that will “kill” the main character.

Act 1

Mission: 1

Time Period: Outside of Time, The Time Stream

Setting: Time Agency, Time Agency Training Grounds

Key Story Points: The main character is introduced to the concepts of time travel and given training in the use of his personal time travel device. The main character must overcome a series of tests to become a fully fledged time traveller.

Mission: 2

Time Period: Far Future

Setting: Future city streets and building

Key Story Points: The main character has to travel through a futuristic city as they attempt to stop an enemy agent from detonating a nuclear bomb in the heart of the city. They track down and confront the enemy then chase them through the city streets.

Mission: 3

Time Period: Jurassic Era

Setting: Ancient forest, open plane, enemy base

Key Story Points: The main character has to infiltrate and destroy an enemy base avoiding dinosaurs along the way! It is during this mission that the main character will start to question the motives of the Time Agency. They start in a forest and have to avoid the dinosaurs while making their way to the enemy base. After a mad stampeding dinosaur filled dash across an open plane they reach the enemy base. The main character sneaks in and plants a Time Bomb to erase the base from the Timeline. Along the way the main character stops evidence that all isn’t as it seems with his enemies.

Act 2

Mission: 4

Time Period: Medieval Period

Setting: The road to ancient Jerusalem

Key Story Points: The main character has to protect a band of crusaders on their journey to the holy land. They interact with and help the crusaders fend of enemy attackers. Eventually holding up in a small village on the outskirts of Jerusalem. During the defence of the village the main character accidentally lets on the crusaders die. Earlier in the game before this particular mission the main character is told that if any of crusaders died it would cause an anomaly within the Timeline that would result in the end of all things. This doesn’t happen. The main character realises he has been lied to by the Time Agency and decides to test how far the rules can be pushed. He sets his next time jump to World War II

Mission: 5

Time Period: World War II

Setting: Allied Forces Stronghold, Battlefield, Axis Command Bunker

Key Story Points: The main character decides to break all the rules of the Time Agency and head to World War II to do the one thing he was told not to do, kill Hitler! The main character heads to an Allied Forces Stronghold to recruit the forces stationed there by telling them Hitler’s current location. This leads to a large battle as the main character and the allied forces launch an assault on the Axis base were Hitler is currently assessing his forces. The main character eventually gets to Hitler and kills him. Once again nothing happens. Time doesn’t break, it just keeps going on. Suddenly Time Agency Operatives flood the room that the main character and Hitler’s corpse are. They subdue the main character and take him back to the Time Agency HQ.

Mission: 6

Time Period: Outside of Time, The Time Stream

Setting: Time Agency HQ

Key Story Points: Held captive by the Time Agency for their actions in the previous mission the main character has to escape his prison cell and make a run for it. After breaking free from the Time Agency’s jail the main character makes a mad dash through the Agency HQ discovering a series of rooms and chambers which reveal the Time Agency's ultimate plan to create alternate timelines and harvest them for resources so that they can gain control of the Prime Timeline. It also turns out the the opposing force to the Time Agency is actually trying to defend the Prime Timeline from their invasion.

Act 3

Mission: 7

Time Period: Not to distant future

Setting: Opposing Force Stronghold

Key Story Points: After escaping from the Time Agency the main character travels to the near future to infiltrate a stronghold of the opposing force and sabotage a valuable piece of technology housed there and pin it on the Time Agency to provoke an open conflict between the two sides. The aim of the infiltration is to cause as much disruption and damage possible to the opposing forces so they get angry enough to launch a counter attack against the Time Agency.

Mission: 8

Time Period: Ancient Egypt

Setting: Time Agency Stronghold along the Nile Key Story Points: The main character travels to Ancient Egypt to attack a Time Agency stronghold and pin it on the opposing force to provoke the Time Agency to attack them. This mirrors the previous mission pretty much beat for beat.

Mission: 9

Time Period: Undetermined

Setting: Undetermined

Key Story Points: During a major historical battle between, the Time Agency and the opposing force go into all out war as the main character weaves their way through the battle setting up nodes. These nodes when activated cause a time bubble to appear around the area and lock off that moment, trapping major portions of both the Time Agency and the opposing force's armies. It is in this mission that the majority of the game’s various plots and stories will be tied up.


Mission: 10

Time Period: Historical Battle from Mission 9, Far Future, Victorian, Present Day

Setting: Outside the time bubble, Far Future City, Cramped Victorian London Streets, Areas from Mission 0

Key Story Points: Set in multiple time periods. The main character is in a race against time to get to the moment when the Time Agency recruited them with the remnants of both the Agency and the opposing force's chasing after him. At first the main character tries to loose his pursuers by jumping to various time periods and settings. Eventually he realises he has one option. He jumps to the time period and a setting of the start of the game and begins to quickly head towards his old apartment where the Time Agency is about to recruit his past self. In the process the main character is badly ingured and seemingly dies trying to stop himself from being recruited in the very accident that he was meant to die in. After the game’s credits it is revealed that the main character is alive and that both the Time Agency and the opposing force believe him to be dead.

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