Marius Camenzend

From Thrashfs

  • Age 47.
  • Husband of Soon-Ei Camenzend.
  • Father of Julia Ei Camenzend and Noel Camenzend.
  • A historian and de-facto Journalist, with a focus on Asian studies. Books include Ten Days: The History And Impact Of The Tonghak Rebellion, which was his original book on Korea, and 5.18: An Outsider's Eyewitness Account Of The Gwangju Uprising, a published form of his journal while he was doing research for his first book.
  • Marius is an exceptionally passionate man, often throwing himself into hobbies only to get bored with them weeks or months later, and abandon them for a new (or previous) interest. His enthusiasm for often puts him at odds with his adopted son, who's default behavior is aggressive and morose.
  • Marius' current obsession is the paranormal; in particular, ghosts. He's been relentlessly E-Baying for supposedly haunted, blessed, or cursed items, and he's already blown the block's power-grid twice with his Electronic Voice Phenomenon set-up in the garage.
  • Always wears sunglasses.
    • Always.
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