Cass Solaryn

From Thrashfs

Revision as of 08:11, 10 February 2008 by (Talk)



Name: Cassiel Solaryn
Concept: reverse trap and very bitter clone of a celestial maiden
Fighting Style: Chinese-style swordplay
Motivation: Pride


Agility: 7
Intelligence: 4
Presence: 5
Stamina: 3
Strength: 2
Will: 4

Secondary Values

Finesse: 6
Force: 3
Precision: 5
Health: 27/30
Ki: 22
Super: 0/10

  • Super Foci: Attack, Rage

Destiny: 5/30
Damage: 5 (sword)


Acrobatics: 3
Block: 3
Evade: 4
Focus: 4
Grapple: 1
Kick: 2
Melee: 7
Punch: 1



  • Block: AV of (Force + Block + 1). Move of 1.
  • Defense Reset: AP Cost of 1.
  • Disengage: AV of (Finesse + Grapple + 1). Cancels any Grapple Maneuver.
  • Dodge: AV of (Finesse + Dodge). Move of 2.


  • Super Burn: Super Cost of 10. For this turn and the next three turns, characters add +2 damage, and Supers get a Super Enhancement.
  • Super Charge: Each AP spent adds 2 points of Super.
  • Disruptive Taunt: AP Cost of 2. AV of (Presence + Taunt Skill) versus (Will x 2). If successful, half the successes are removed from their Super.
  • EX Blazing: spend 5 points of Super, add a Super Enhancement.


  • Dash: AP Cost of 2. Move of 3 + (Agility/2).
  • Jump: AP Cost of 1. Move of 3 + (Agility/2). Adds Aerial; attacks gain +2 to damage.
  • Pursuit Jump: Costs 1 AP. Move of 3 + (Agility/2). Adds Aerial; attcks gain +2 to AV and +2 to damage.
  • Teleport:, blah blah blah.
  • Teleport Dodge, blah blah.


  • Takedown: AP Cost of 3. AV of ([Finesse or Force] + Grapple + 1). Move of 1. Damage of 9 + (Strength/2). Target and user left prone.
  • Throw: AP Cost of 3. AV of ([Finesse or Force] + Grapple + 1). Move of 1. Damage of 7 + (Strength/2). Target left prone.


  • Kick: AP Cost of 2. AV of ([Finesse or Force] + Kick). Move of 1. Damage of 5 + (Strength/2).
  • Punch: AP Cost of 2. AV of ([Finesse or Force] + Punch + 1). Move of 1. Damage of 4 + (Strength/2).
  • Sweep: AP Cost of 3. AV of (Force + Kick). Move of 0. Damage of 4 + (Strength/2). User must be crouching, causes knockdown.
  • Through Slash, blah blah stuff goes here.
  • Multi Strike/Slash, blah blah...
  • Sword Strike, blah blah...


  • Heavy Strike: +1 AP, -1 Accuracy, +3 Damage, -1 Move.
  • Move Boost: +1 AP, +3 Move.

Super Attacks

  • Variable Combo

Support Traits


  • Appearance: Attractive
  • Desperation


  • Alertness, bought once.
  • Performance, bought once.
  • Lore, bought once.
  • Presence Sense, bought once.
  • Taunt, bought once.

Story Hooks

  • Targeted By Evil Organization- Because when you're actually a successful clone of a tennyo, the first and thus far only successful one, of course the evil organization that had you cloned is going to want you back. Elysium is Not Happy right now. They're also not happy that she blew up one of their labs.
  • Inner Power- Cass is not strictly human, but a clone of a celestial maiden, slowly discovering the powers that go along with what she is.


  • Personality Flaw: Bitchy. Because Cass is snarky and abrasive and bitter and it bleeds out into everything she does.
  • Obsession. Cass has very much of a drive to protect her younger sister.


Small-she is just under five feet tall-and slender, with short, pale silver hair, Cassiel is the very picture of androgynous beauty, though with more then a hint of the ethereal and otherworldly in her appearance: she dresses like a boy all of the time, in boy's clothing (though she does own perfectly suitable girlish clothing. That hangs, hidden, in her closet and collects dust). Because of her dressing habits and lack of feminine curves, she is quite usually mistaken for an exceptionally feminine boy, with a high voice, though her alto voice is low for a woman. She even walks like a boy, with no hint of sensuality or anything in her stride: she occasionally does wear a touch of makeup, but it is normally planned to shock everyone who thinks of her as a boy.


I am the one who fell to earth.

A very long time ago, or so it is told, a man took a celestial maiden to be his wife, through trickery: she had come to earth with her sisters, to dance and to bathe, and he looked upon her and fell in love with her. To keep her with him, he hid her feathered cloak, so that she could not return to heaven: she remained with him, and bore him three daughters, until finally she found her cloak and returned to heaven. Perhaps this would have been the end of the story, except for a company.

Elysium had long been doing projects, on the cutting edge of genetics and human manipulation: one of their other projects dealt with creating human supersoldiers. They lured a celestial maiden to earth and took her feathered cloak in order to keep her there, for the purposes of cloning. The results of the C-Genome project resulted in several young women who were incomplete clones: only the second youngest, code-designated Persephone, turned out to be the full clone, with the celestial powers that they had hoped for. Her personality proved to be a disappointment, however, not anywhere near as docile as they had hoped for, and their next experiment, code-designated Athena, was another failed clone. The younger girl was mindwiped, and was almost discarded as useless: this, however, enraged her older sister, who in a fury manifested levels of power she had not demonstrated before, blew up the entire lab, grabbed her sister, and escaped.

She and Leanne ended up being taken in by an old, wise man named Sensei Igayim, until his death.

  • Please use bullets to detail current events in the storyline.
  • However, to keep from cluttering the page, please break bullets down into paragraphs once the storyline has ended.

Tournament Record

Wins: 0
Losses: 0
Draws: 0
List Of Titles And Awards

  • Titles are listed in bullet format.
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