Editing Gethamane

From Thirdexalt

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400-miles directly north of Whitewall is the small subterranean city of Gethamane, where some 80,000 people dwell. An enclosed society, fed entirely on their subterrainian Supernatural Gardens, these people do not fear winter storms or barbarian attacks, while their  remove the threat of starvation.  
400 miles directly north of Whitewall is the small subterranean city of Gethamane, where some 80,000 people dwell. An enclosed society, fed entirely on their subterrainian Supernatural Gardens, these people do not fear winter storms or barbarian attacks, while their  remove the threat of starvation.  
Indeed despite [[The Guild]]’s presence ensuring a constant stream of merchants passing through, and even though hunter-gatherers go out during the short summer season to harvest any food that they can obtain, the majority of Gethamane's inhabitants are born inside, live inside and die inside - never once seeing the outside realm. The shut-in corridors, the lit crystals that brighten during the day and dim at night, even the taste of the mushrooms that grow in the sunken Gardens, are things that become familiar to Gethamane’s children; the outside wind and sky and sun are strange to them.  
Indeed despite [[The Guild]]’s presence ensuring a constant stream of merchants passing through, and even though hunter-gatherers go out during the short summer season to harvest any food that they can obtain, the majority of Gethamane's inhabitants are born inside, live inside and die inside - never once seeing the outside realm. The shut-in corridors, the lit crystals that brighten during the day and dim at night, even the taste of the mushrooms that grow in the sunken Gardens, are things that become familiar to Gethamane’s children; the outside wind and sky and sun are strange to them.  
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''' The Guild's Arrival - RY 107 '''
''' The Guild's Arrival - RY 107 '''
A wandering Guild caravan meets some of Gethamane's hunters and are invited back to the city. Bethan Redeye trades immediate food supplies in return for cloth, spices, metal and other things. In turn, the caravan leader quickly realizes the subterranean city would make an excellent trading base for ventures in the North, and recognized the inhabitants’ urgent need for outside sources of food, clothing and luxury items.  
Matters changed when a wandering Guild caravan met some of the Gethamane's hunters and were invited back to the city to trade and bring news. Bethan Redeye traded immediate food supplies in return for cloth, spices, metal and other things. In turn, the caravan leader quickly realized that the subterranean city would make an excellent base for trading ventures through the North, and recognized the inhabitants’ urgent need for outside sources of food, clothing and luxury items.  
Thus begining Gethamane’s association with the Guild
Thus begining Gethamane’s association with the Guild
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''' Death of the Founder - RY 150 '''
''' Death of the Founder - RY 150 '''
Bethan dies at the age of 93; having been Gethamae's Mistress for 48 years. She is survived by two husbands and twelve children, and names her secondborn son [[Gerath Redeye]] her heir. This established the tradition that the Master/ Mistress of Gethamane would choose an heir from their assembled descendants, rather than automatically passing the position to their firstborn. The office of Master or Mistress of Gethamane has stayed in Bethan’s line ever since.
Bethan died at the age of 93; survived by two husbands and twelve children. She had raised all her children to assume her responsibilities as administrator and leader, but named her secondborn son [[Gerath Redeye]] her heir. This established the tradition that the Master/ Mistress of Gethamane would choose an heir from their assembled descendants, rather than automatically passing the position to their firstborn. The office of Master or Mistress of Gethamane has stayed in Bethan’s line ever since.
''' A Failed Coup - RY 498 '''
''' A Failed Coup - RY 498 '''
The only recorded coup attempt in Gethamane's history. Mineko Threebrand, a disgruntled member of the Guard, poisoned all of the then-Master's close relatives. The Master resolved the crisis by quickly adopting three popular Gethamanian's, each a descendant (even if remotely) of Bethan Redeye, as his offspring to replenish the clan.
Mineko Threebrand, a disgruntled member of the Guard, poisons all the current Master's close relatives. The crisis is resolved the crisis by the Master quickly adopting three popular Gethamanian's, each a descendant of Bethan Redeye, to replenish the clan.
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''' The New Mistress - RY 758 '''
''' The New Mistress - RY 758 '''
[[Katrin Jadehand]] is made Gethamane's new Mistress; age 40.
[[Katrin Jadehand]] is made the new Mistress of Gethamane at age 40.
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In the worst case, her planned strategy is to expel all foreigners while closing the city gates, place all adoptees under the direct guard of their adoptive families and sit tight and wait a few years.
In the worst case, her planned strategy is to expel all foreigners while closing the city gates, place all adoptees under the direct guard of their adoptive families and sit tight and wait a few years.
Gethamane does not pretend to control any territory beyond the slopes of its own mountain, but its hunters and gatherers see most of what happens within the nearest 20 miles or so. The hunters sometimes venture farther, out of the mountains and all the way to the White Sea shore.
Sheltered valleys within the mountains sometimes hold patches of taiga that the Gethamanians cultivate and harvest with care—a tree can take 50 years to grow 10 feet high. Tundra covers the lower mountain slopes with hardy lichen, moss and patches of grass and herbs. The icy upper slopes are nearly barren. This far into the North, in a direct line from the Elemental Pole of Air, winter lasts much of the year and the growing season is just three months long.
Farther out, toward the sides of the mountain, lie the tunnels and rooms that have been claimed as territory by the various families, and are used for accommodation, crafting and storage.
Gethamane’s hunters and gatherers travel the slopes of the mountain and the surrounding tundra under all conditions short of howling blizzards. The appalling winter weather and marauding icewalkers makes it impossible to maintain stable farms during the winter, but hardy orchards and perennial crops mean there is some cultivated food to harvest in the brief summer and autumn.
Otherwise, there are mosses and ferns to gather and local wildlife to hunt down.
About half a mile up the mountain, spaced in a loose circle around the peak, a dozen small, well camouflaged tunnels lead to clusters of chambers and from there to the Temple District and Upper Ring. Hunter-Gathers use these to store their equipment and hunting weapons.
Over the centuries, Gethamane installed a variety of locking cast-iron doors, false tunnels, dropfalls and other traps for uninvited visitors. Nobody in Gethamane can translate the ancient script carved around the entrances.
The two great gates of Gethamane are carved from stone, a foot thick, gleaming with the distinctive hues of jade and orichalcum alloys (pale blue in the north, reddish in the south) and reinforced with heavy enchantments of warding and defense laid on them. Inside, large wheels move stout bars to lock or unseal the gates.
A tunnel 50 yards long, 10 yards high and 10-yards wide leads from each gate to a large antechamber, which has heavy orichalcum-infused adamant portcullises at each end. For security only one porcullius will be raised at any one time. Guards constantly man these posts. Any minor brawl or scuffle in the gate passages or antechambers will be dealt with brusquely and effectively.
The antechamber guards record the names and brief descriptions of every visitor to Gethamane. All who enter Gethamane have their names taken down, together with a brief physical description, usually no more than “black-haired woman” or “man with limp.” Noticeable characters, such as Solars traveling openly, are likely to have more details noted down.  None enters the city without registration, though.
Visitors must pay a silver dinar to enter. Slaves pay half a dinar (a concession to the Guild). Those short of cash can pay with goods or labor with the amount to be adjudicated by one of the Bethanites: Plenty of menial tasks always need doing, such as cleaning passages. Masters of slave caravans often arrange for their slaves to work off the fee in labor while staying in the city, rather than pay. Particularly dangerous but penniless adventurers may be asked to undertake an underways expedition, with promises of significant extra recompense if they succeed.
Each antechamber also holds the keys to a set of explosives and sorceries set into the 50-yard tunnel leading to it, which should (it has never been tested) collapse the tunnel when activated. This is a last-ditch defense to be used if the outer gate falls.
In Gethamane, social rank goes along with depth in the mountain. The closer a person is to ground level, where the sunken Gardens are, the higher-ranked she is. Gethamane consists of five layers:
* the [[Temple District]] at the top; large open rooms decorated with jewel-encrusted carvings of mountains and enormous flying creatures.
* the [[Upper Ring]] below that;
* the [[Guild District]]; where the Guild may stable and house its caravans, trade with the people of the city and maintain a permanent market.
* the [[Outer Ring]], by far the largest sector of the city;
* the [[Garden District]] at Ground Level, containing its food sources, its government, its records, the Courthouse the Dole distribution center, the Master’s quarters and the Guardhall.
Proximity to the source of the Dole makes the Garden District the most prestigious sector of Gethamane, while the Upper Ring’s distance renders it the least desirable place to live in the city.
Below the Garden District are the [[Underways]].
=== PASSAGES ===
Gethamane consists of hundreds of twisting corridors that connect countless rooms. Its passages are square shaped, their floors and ceilings carved from the dark gray stone of the mountain while other forms of stone or concrete sometimes cover the walls.  
Gethamane has little direct contact with the rest of Creation. Few Gethamanians travel, and few other people want to visit this remote bastion of civilization. None can conquer Gethamane, and Gethamane cannot threaten anyone else. Most Gethamanians know very little about the rest of Creation.  
While smaller rooms are generally plain, larger rooms and halls are covered in intricate and beautiful carvings of unknown plants and beasts, strangely designed pictures that haunt the memories of visitors. Some rooms have stone doors, while others have newer doors of timber or stretched hide.
Since Gethamane’s current population exceeds that of the old City of the Mountain Gateway, many Gethamanians live in apartments formed by partitioning larger chambers or passages. Older or wealthier families have heavier, metalnailed bulwarks or elaborately painted screens, while poorer families must make do with roughly tanned leather, pieces of wood cannibalized from merchants’ carts and other temporary makeshifts.
Large crystals of pale violet set in the walls and ceiling emit a clear white light which glows brighter during the day outside (even brighter than most days) and dim when night falls (though remain bright enough for most people to continue working on all but the most demanding tasks).
Gethamanians cover the crystals if they want darkness, but few outside the visitors’ section ever do so. Gethamanians are used to constant light: True darkness frightens them. Damaging the crystals is a Major Offense against the Second Law. Gethamanians learned centuries ago that removing a crystal from its setting darkens it forever.
For water, Gethamane has at least four large public fountains on each level and citizens draw off water as needed. Additionally the Outer Ring has two working bathhouses whose large, tiled pools magically heat the water in them. Two others no longer function. These bathhouses were all declared to be city property in the early days of the city and remain such. Even the wealthiest families must either come to the public baths or heat basins of water in their own homes. As such they are considered social as well as hygienic locations, and were clearly used by the previous inhabitants, as the caves in which the springs are situated were laid out for bathing, with some small pools to one side for private use and other large pools for general use.
Gethamane's laws forbid anyone restricting the use of a well save "at the will of the City in time of trouble”. Any damage to a well is a crime against the Second Law, garnering similar penalties as damage to the light crystals.
Unfortunately, most of the city’s internal plumbing corroded to uselessness during the long vacancy. Gethamanians make do with chamber pots and rather stinky non-flushing commodes.
Gethamane has little direct contact with the rest of Creation. Few Gethamanians travel, and fewer want to visit them. As such most Gethamanians know very little about the rest of Creation.  
Bethan Redeye’s people spoke Skytongue when they came to Gethamane and it remains the most common language of the city. However, Bethan was one of the more educated of her group and carried hidden knowledge from her divine parent. As such some citizens also speak Old Realm.
It is easy to differentiate who go outside and the rest of Gethamane. The minority who spend much of their time outside (Guards, Hunters and Gatherers) show color in their cheeks, roughened skin or other signs of exposure to sun and weather. The majority who remain within Gethamane most (if not all) of their lives have unnaturally pale skins never touched by the sun and eyes adapted to shadows (exposded to sun and/or natural weather these 'albinos' are known to flinch, tremble or even break down into fits of hysterics).
It is easy to differentiate who go outside and the rest of Gethamane. The minority who spend much of their time outside (Guards, Hunters and Gatherers) show color in their cheeks, roughened skin or other signs of exposure to sun and weather. The majority who remain within Gethamane most (if not all) of their lives have unnaturally pale skins never touched by the sun and eyes adapted to shadows (exposded to sun and/or natural weather these 'albinos' are known to flinch, tremble or even break down into fits of hysterics).
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Inside families, descent is matrilineal, though a woman’s current husband is legally the father of all her children, regardless if she was married to him or not at the time she bore the children.
Inside families, descent is matrilineal, though a woman’s current husband is legally the father of all her children, regardless if she was married to him or not at the time she bore the children.
=== Adoption ===
Families often adopt children too, a custom that began as a way to make sure that orphans — future workers — could survive and provide childless couples with heirs to care for them in their old age. Most large families include a few adopted members. Adoption ends all ties to the former family, legally and (Gethamanians hope) emotionally. Therefore a woman can bear a child to a man in another family, then give the child to be adopted by parents inside that family (if she is married, this requires her husband’s permission as well), at which point the child becomes a child of that family.
It is considered very rude to pry into someone’s past about something like this or suggest anyone might feel loyalty to any family other than their own, even if they are the physical child of that family.
Families often adopt children too, a custom that began as a way to make sure that orphans — future workers — could survive and provide childless couples with heirs to care for them in their old age. When a Gethamanian of humble birth shows great skill and dedication, a wealthy and socially prominent family may adopt her. Not only does this provide Gethamane with a unique form of social mobility, it prevents the leading families from becoming stagnant and complacent.
=== Adoption ===
Most large families include a few adopted members. Adoption ends all ties to the former family, legally and (Gethamanians hope) emotionally. Therefore a woman can bear a child to a man in another family, then give the child to be adopted by that family (if married, this requires her husband’s permission as well), at which point the child becomes a full member of that family.
Constant adoption prevents serious inbreeding, but many tragic plays deal with youths who fall in love with adopted siblings. (Such plays usually end with murderous rampages and suicide, or one lover nobly choosing exile. Comedies end with one lover adopted into a different family, making their marriage permissible.)  
It is considered very rude to pry into someone’s past about something like this or suggest anyone might feel loyalty to any family other than their own, even if they are the physical child of that family.
When a Gethamanian of humble birth shows great skill and dedication, a wealthy and socially prominent family may adopt her. Not only does this provide Gethamane with a unique form of social mobility, it prevents the leading families from becoming stagnant and complacent.
=== Adopting Outsiders ===
=== Adopting Outsiders ===
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* Second, families don't want to adopt strangers who may bring disrepute on their position. Even middle/lower class who would be willing to adopt an outsider, particularly if a large payment in jade or goods was involved, want to be sure their family won’t be at risk from the outsider’s actions.
* Second, families don't want to adopt strangers who may bring disrepute on their position. Even middle/lower class who would be willing to adopt an outsider, particularly if a large payment in jade or goods was involved, want to be sure their family won’t be at risk from the outsider’s actions.
* Third, while the “parents” are the only ones who formally need to give assent to the adoption, if their family strongly opposes this then pressure may be placed to prevent the adoption. Accidents, such as falling into the underways or tragic overdoses of common sleeping drugs have been known to occur in particularly awkward cases (especially ones involving Guild members).
* Third, while the “father” and “mother” of the new adoptee are the only people who formally need to give assent to the adoption, if the rest of the family strongly opposes this course of action then pressure may be placed to prevent the adoption. Fatal accidents, such as falling into the underways never to be heard from again or tragic overdoses of common sleeping drugs have been known to occur in particularly awkward cases (especially ones involving Guild members being adopted).
Sometimes, an outsider will do a Gethamane family such a definite favor that adoption is the only commensurate favor the family can provide in return. In that case, adoption will be offered willingly, and the outsider is made to understand exactly how large a favor is being done for him. If the outsider truly doesn’t want to be adopted, then an accepted solution is for them to have a child of his blood (or, at worst, a deserving orphan) adopted by the family in his place.
Sometimes, an outsider will do a Gethamane family such a definite favor that adoption is the only commensurate favor the family can provide in return. In that case, adoption will be offered willingly, and the outsider is made to understand exactly how large a favor is being done for him. If the outsider truly doesn’t want to be adopted, then an accepted solution is for them to have a child of his blood (or, at worst, a deserving orphan) adopted by the family in his place.
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The best that outside forces can do is to arrange for future agents to be adopted as children and then attempt to influence them once they reach the age of usefulness. Alternatively, it is possible to get an innocuous outsider adopted and then substitute an agent for the adoptee, though this runs the risk of high embarrassment and social disgrace for the family concerned if it is discovered.
The best that outside forces can do is to arrange for future agents to be adopted as children and then attempt to influence them once they reach the age of usefulness. Alternatively, it is possible to get an innocuous outsider adopted and then substitute an agent for the adoptee, though this runs the risk of high embarrassment and social disgrace for the family concerned if it is discovered.
=== Leisure ===
Gethamane encourages (to an extent) a culture of leisure. Citizens who perform sufficient labor to earn their Dole can do whatever they want with any spare time.
"Proper-thinking citizens" (as they describe themselves) fill their leisure hours with:
* quiet exercise
* productive crafts (carving imported driftwood is currently very fashionable)
* watching morality plays
* writing epic poetry modeled on barbarian sagas that celebrates honor and virtue
* playing instruments (wind instruments are more generally used than soft string instruments. Drums are never played for recreation; reserved for the Guard’s use).
However Gethamane has its darker share of pleasures. Behind closed doors (or pulled screens) wide variety of drugs are taken, from imported opium and qat to hallucinogenic local mushrooms. Casual sex, quite outside of marriage, and vicious sessions of gossip and destroying reputations are all common. Some Gethamanians seek pain instead of pleasure, leading to private sessions of sadomasacisim between consenting (or paying) adults. Scarification is currently fashionable, sometimes undertaken using drugs to intensify the pain.
While the more regular citizens disapprove of these past times, they are a recognized part of life in Gethamane. Bethan Redeye realized she needed a viable breeding population in the city and recognized there would always be those who disliked the system she had established. As such she felt it better to offer a cultural escape, rather than drive them out of the mountain.
Regardless of activity, Gethamanians are quite strict that indecorous amusements not leave a mark Even the young who want to shock their parents keep their scars or welts hidden beneath clothing, so they can show a placid, pale and unmarked face in public. It’s the height of bad manners to suggest that your next-door neighbor copulates with imported goats in his silk-hung bedroom. Unless, of course, it should be audible through the walls — in which case, it becomes a matter for public discussion, and the general condemnation of your neighbor will be on the grounds of his incompetence for not keeping the sound down.
Most importantly Gethamane insist on keeping the noise down. Many ears are listening… and no matter what you do or where, you want to hear the distant alarm-drum or the nearby hiss or scuttling that means the horrors are loose and you must run or fight for your life.
=== Religion ===
=== Religion ===
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=== Funeral Rites ===
=== Funeral Rites ===
Gethamane's dead are cremated by the priesthood in the essence-fires of the three temples. It is illegal to dispose of dead bodies [[Gethamane Embalming|any other way]]. Families keep the ashes in small ornamental boxes, scatter them on the mountain slope or add them to fertilizer the Gardens.  
The dead of Gethamane are cremated in the essence-fires of the three temples by the priesthood. Families keep the ashes in small ornamental boxes, scatter them on the mountain slope or add them to the fertilizer for the Gardens. It is illegal to dispose of dead bodies [[Gethamane Embalming|any other way]].  
Gethamane has no true ancestor cult since Gethamane has no ghosts at all. Some inhabitants say that this is due to the profoundly materialistic outlook of most of the citizens — they leave the religion to the priests. Regardless, Gethamanians accept this as normal.
Gethamane has no true ancestor cult since Gethamane has no ghosts at all. Some inhabitants say that this is due to the profoundly materialistic outlook of most of the citizens — they leave the religion to the priests. Regardless, Gethamanians accept this as normal.
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Gethamane is alive and busy all round the clock; citizens working “day” or “night” depending on personal preferences.
However strange Gethamane seems to outsiders, its people still need to eat, craft tools and otherwise secure their livelihoods—even if they do things a little differently.  
* Farmers maintain the magical Gardens.  
* The farmers maintain the magical Gardens.  
* Hunter-gatherers bring additional food and other commodities from outside, and act as 'scouts'  
* Hunter-gatherers bring additional food and other commodities from outside, and act as 'scouts'  
* The [[Gethamane's Guard|Guard]] preserves civic order and defends against the monsters of the underways.  
* The Guard preserves civic order and defends against the monsters of the underways.  
* Artisans fashion the tools and implements needed for daily life.  
* Artisans fashion the tools and implements needed for daily life.  
* Merchants trade with the Guild and other outsiders.  
* Merchants trade with the Guild and other outsiders.  
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The Garden District includes the rooms and offices of Gethamane’s ruler, passed from Master to Mistress for centuries. It’s a point of pride to change as little as possible from Bethan Redeye’s original sparse furniture and belongings.
The Garden District includes the rooms and offices of Gethamane’s ruler, passed from Master to Mistress for centuries. It’s a point of pride to change as little as possible from Bethan Redeye’s original sparse furniture and belongings.
=== Leisure ===
====Farming ====
Gethamane encourages (to an extent) a culture of leisure. Citizens who perform sufficient labor to earn their Dole can do whatever they want with any spare time.  
The Gardens occupy a complex of long, dark caves.  
"Proper-thinking citizens" (as they describe themselves) fill their leisure hours with:
The entrances have light crystals, but the Gardens themselves are dark except for faint luminous streaks that mark the edges of paths and growing fields. Various sorts of fungi grow in shallow, bathtub-sized trays set in the floor. Only a few trays are cracked and no longer function. The entire circular array of chambers is two miles wide—probably the most productive acreage in Creation. The dung and offal that the farmers dump in the trays are wholly inadequate to sustain the mushrooms and other fungi that grow with unnatural speed to feed tens of thousands of people every day.
* quiet exercise
* productive crafts (carving imported driftwood is currently very fashionable)
* watching morality plays
* writing epic poetry modeled on barbarian sagas that celebrates honor and virtue
* playing instruments (wind instruments are more generally used than soft string instruments. Drums are never played for recreation; reserved for the Guard’s use).
However Gethamane has its darker share of pleasures. Behind closed doors (or pulled screens) wide variety of drugs are taken, from imported opium and qat to hallucinogenic local mushrooms. Casual sex, quite outside of marriage, and vicious sessions of gossip and destroying reputations are all common. Some Gethamanians seek pain instead of pleasure, leading to private sessions of sadomasacisim between consenting (or paying) adults. Scarification is currently fashionable, sometimes undertaken using drugs to intensify the pain.
Despite the unsavory fertilizer, the farmers keep the rest of the Gardens swept and scrubbed spotlessly clean. The farmers do not speak much as they work. Some farmers push barrows full of dung through the narrow paths between trays, then spread this fertilizer over the chosen beds. Other farmers add bits of the fungi they intend to grow or add water from wheeled tanks. A few hours later, the farmers trundle past with a new set of barrows for the harvest.
While the more regular citizens disapprove of these past times, they are a recognized part of life in Gethamane. Bethan Redeye realized she needed a viable breeding population in the city and recognized there would always be those who disliked the system she had established. As such she felt it better to offer a cultural escape, rather than drive them out of the mountain.
Regardless of activity, Gethamanians are quite strict that indecorous amusements not leave a mark Even the young who want to shock their parents keep their scars or welts hidden beneath clothing, so they can show a placid, pale and unmarked face in public. It’s the height of bad manners to suggest that your next-door neighbor copulates with imported goats in his silk-hung bedroom. Unless, of course, it should be audible through the walls — in which case, it becomes a matter for public discussion, and the general condemnation of your neighbor will be on the grounds of his incompetence for not keeping the sound down.
Most importantly Gethamane insist on keeping the noise down. Many ears are listening… and no matter what you do or where, you want to hear the distant alarm-drum or the nearby hiss or scuttling that means the horrors are loose and you must run or fight for your life.
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Unofficially, Bethanites gather information for the current Master or Mistress. Everyone in Gethamane knows this — only the rawest, most ignorant newcomers from outside would be unaware. As such the Mistress of Gethamane has to look outside her family for operatives to get further information.
What the clerks don’t know, spies must discover, for Gethamane cannot afford any disruption. Civil unrest could leave people starving, and leave the city vulnerable to invasion from below.  
[[Shakan]], the current Head Intelligencer solves this with blackmail. All his agents watch for criminal behavior, and use that information to recruit new operatives, using their loyalty to their family by inspiring fear that their families will suffer for the agents’ acts. Once the agents have work for him for long enough, that itself is another reason to fear exposure. Indeed, Gethamanians despise the Intelligencers and exposed agents suffers worse ostracism than they might have received from her original crime.  
Unofficially, the Bethanites gather information for the current Master or Mistress. Everyone in Gethamane knows this — only the rawest, most ignorant newcomers from outside would be unaware. As such the Mistress of Gethamane has to look outside her family for operatives to get further information.
Shakan has agents throughout society, except the temples (the priests are generally too preoccupied with their rituals to do anything significantly illegal) while he has agents among the foreign merchants, he distrusts them and cannot be totally certain of their loyalty. He currently has no agents who are Guild members but would like to gather some.
[[Shakan]], the current Head Intelligencer solves this problem with blackmail. All his agents constantly watch for criminal behavior, and use that information to recruit new operatives, using their loyalty to their family by inspiring fear that their families will suffer for the agents’ acts. Once the agents have been working for him for long enough, that in itself is another reason to fear exposure. Indeed, Gethamanians despise the Intelligencers and exposed agents suffers worse ostracism than they might have received from her original crime.
Shakan has agents throughout society, except in the temples (the priests are generally too preoccupied with their rituals to do anything significantly illegal) and while he has agents among the foreign merchants, he distrusts them and cannot be totally certain of their loyalty. He currently has no agents who are also Guild members but would like to gather some.
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People who don’t belong to Gethamane’s families and who, thus, aren’t citizens of the city form the underclass,
People who don’t belong to Gethamane’s families and who, thus, aren’t citizens of the city form the underclass,
however well-born or rich or gifted they are. They simply aren’t given the same consideration and respect that locals get. Shops overcharge them, the Guard treats them with distant curtness, they aren’t allowed anywhere near the gardens and, when found outside the Guild quarter or the temples, they are politely encouraged to go back there and reminded none-too-subtly of the laws prohibiting a stay of more than a month. The people who really suffer are those outsiders who have been adopted and who should be treated like normal citizens but don’t yet look or behave properly. To be fair, once local citizens are aware that the apparent foreigner they’re talking to or dealing with has been properly adopted, they will give him fair and civil treatment.
however well-born or rich or gifted they are. They simply aren’t given the same consideration and respect that locals get. Shops overcharge them, the Guard treats them with distant curtness, they aren’t allowed anywhere near the gardens and, when found outside the Guild quarter or the temples, they are politely encouraged to go back there and reminded none-too-subtly of the laws prohibiting a stay of more than a month. The people who really suffer are those outsiders who have been adopted and who should be treated like normal citizens but don’t yet look or behave properly. To be fair, once local citizens are aware that the apparent foreigner they’re talking to or dealing with has been properly adopted, they will give him fair and civil treatment.
Gethamane does not pretend to control any territory beyond the slopes of its own mountain, but its hunters and gatherers see most of what happens within the nearest 20 miles or so. The hunters sometimes venture farther, out of the mountains and all the way to the White Sea shore.
Sheltered valleys within the mountains sometimes hold patches of taiga that the Gethamanians cultivate and harvest with care—a tree can take 50 years to grow 10 feet high. Tundra covers the lower mountain slopes with hardy lichen, moss and patches of grass and herbs. The icy upper slopes are nearly barren. This far into the North, in a direct line from the Elemental Pole of Air, winter lasts much of the year and the growing season is just three months long.
Farther out, toward the sides of the mountain, lie the tunnels and rooms that have been claimed as territory by the various families, and are used for accommodation, crafting and storage.
Gethamane’s hunters and gatherers travel the slopes of the mountain and the surrounding tundra under all conditions short of howling blizzards. The appalling winter weather and marauding icewalkers makes it impossible to maintain stable farms during the winter, but hardy orchards and perennial crops mean that there is some cultivated food to harvest in the brief summer and autumn.
Otherwise, there are mosses and ferns to gather and local wildlife to hunt down.
About half a mile further up the mountain, a dozen small, well camouflaged tunnels lead from the icy slope to clusters of chambers and from there to the Temple District and Upper Ring. Over the centuries, the Gethamanians also installed a variety of locking cast-iron doors, false tunnels, dropfalls and other traps for uninvited visitors. Nobody in Gethamane can translate the ancient script carved around the entrances.
The dozen exits that the hunter-gatherers use are all positioned high up on the mountain, spaced in a loose circle around the peak, nearly a day’s downhill travel from the main entrances. The hunters’ exits are stone gateways sufficiently wide for five men to walk abreast through them and 10 feet high. Stone passages (trapped by the Guard to enable collapse if necessary) 20 feet long lead back inside to large rooms that the hunters and gatherers use to store their equipment and hunting weapons.
The two great gates of Gethamane are carved from stone, a foot thick, gleaming with the distinctive hues of jade and orichalcum alloys (pale blue in the north, reddish in the south) and reinforced with heavy enchantments of warding and defense laid on them. Inside, large wheels move stout bars to lock or unseal the gates.
A tunnel 50 yards long, 10 yards high and 10-yards wide leads from each gate to a large antechamber, which has heavy orichalcum-infused adamant portcullises at each end. For security only one porcullius will be raised at any one time. Guards constantly man these posts. Any minor brawl or scuffle in the gate passages or antechambers will be dealt with brusquely and effectively.
The antechamber guards record the names and brief descriptions of every visitor to Gethamane. All who enter Gethamane have their names taken down, together with a brief physical description, usually no more than “black-haired woman” or “man with limp.” Noticeable characters, such as Solars traveling openly, are likely to have more details noted down.  None enters the city without registration, though.
Visitors must pay a silver dinar to enter. Slaves pay half a dinar (a concession to the Guild). Those short of cash can pay with goods or labor with the amount to be adjudicated by one of the Bethanites: Plenty of menial tasks always need doing, such as cleaning passages. Masters of slave caravans often arrange for their slaves to work off the fee in labor while staying in the city, rather than pay. Particularly dangerous but penniless adventurers may be asked to undertake an underways expedition, with promises of significant extra recompense if they succeed.
Each antechamber also holds the keys to a set of explosives and sorceries set into the 50-yard tunnel leading to it, which should (it has never been tested) collapse the tunnel when activated. This is a last-ditch defense to be used if the outer gate falls.
In Gethamane, social rank goes along with depth in the mountain. The closer a person is to ground level, where the sunken Gardens are, the higher-ranked she is. Gethamane consists of five layers:
* the [[Temple District]] at the top; large open rooms decorated with jewel-encrusted carvings of mountains and enormous flying creatures.
* the [[Upper Ring]] below that;
* the [[Guild District]]; where the Guild may stable and house its caravans, trade with the people of the city and maintain a permanent market.
* the [[Outer Ring]], by far the largest sector of the city;
* the [[Garden District]] at Ground Level, containing its food sources, its government, its records, the Courthouse the Dole distribution center, the Master’s quarters and the Guardhall.
Proximity to the source of the Dole makes the Garden District the most prestigious sector of Gethamane, while the Upper Ring’s distance renders it the least desirable place to live in the city.
Below the Garden District is the [[Underways]].
The passages of Gethamane are square shaped, their walls and ceilings dark gray and slightly rough. While smaller rooms are generally plain and of much the same structure as the passageways, the larger rooms and halls are covered in intricate and beautiful carvings. Some rooms have stone doors, while others have newer doors of timber or stretched hide. Timber and hide are also frequently used to erect partitions across rooms or passageways or to mark the limits of a family’s territory. The older or wealthier families have heavier, metalnailed bulwarks or elaborately painted screens, while poorer families must make do with roughly tanned leather, pieces of wood cannibalized from merchants’ carts and other temporary makeshifts.
The underways themselves are quite different in structure from the upper city. The stone from which the underways are carved is black, rounded and faintly slick to the touch. There are several dozen known entrances to the lower tunnels from the city, and the Guard watches them all and keeps records of all activity passing through the entrances in either direction.
It is a crime against the Second Law of Gethamane (trespass on another’s goods) to damage the structure of the city or to damage or break one of the glowing crystals that illuminate it. (It requires three levels of aggravated damage to weaken a crystal and reduce the light by half and six levels of aggravated damage to break one.) The usual penalty is a heavy fine in jade or goods and enforced service to the city in a menial capacity. The Masters of Gethamane have always wanted to discourage such behavior by example. There are wells sunk throughout the city, though far more on the lower levels than the upper ones.
Most Gethamanian tunnels are square or rectangular.
The floors and ceilings are the mountain’s own dark gray stone,
plain and slightly rough. Other forms of stone or concrete
sometimes cover the walls. Smaller rooms tend to be plain, but
intricate and beautiful geometric carvings adorn the walls of
larger passages and chambers. Some rooms have stone doors;
others have new makeshift doors of wood or leather.
Gethamane’s current population exceeds that of the
old City of the Mountain Gateway. Many Gethamanians
live in apartments formed by partitioning larger chambers
or passages. Wealthy families mark their compound with
screens of metal or elaborately painted wood. The poor make
do with makeshifts such as leather, cloth, paper or scraps of
wood salvaged from a merchant’s cart.
Gethamane consists of hundreds of twisting corridors that connect countless rooms. Its large halls are covered in intricate and beautiful carvings of unknown plants and beasts, strangely designed pictures that haunt the memories of visitors.
Large crystals of pale violet set in the walls and ceiling emit a clear white light. The crystals glow brightly during the
day outside (even brighter than most days) and dim when night falls. Still, the crystals stay bright enough for most people to continue working on all but the most demanding tasks. Guards can patrol, farmers to labor, Guards to patrol and merchants to bargain.  Gethamane is alive and busy all round the clock, with citizens working during the “day” or “night” depending on their personal preferences.
Gethamanians cover the crystals if they want darkness, but few people outside the visitors’ section ever do so. Most Gethamanians are used to constant light: True darkness frightens them. Damaging the crystals is a major offense. Gethamanians learned centuries ago that removing a crystal from its setting darkens it forever.
For water, Gethamane has at least four large public fountains on each level and citizens draw off water as needed. Additionally the Outer Ring has two working bathhouses whose large, tiled pools magically heat the water in them. Two others no longer function. These bathhouses were all declared to be city property in the early days of the city and remain such. Even the wealthiest families must either come to the public baths or heat basins of water in their own homes. As such they are considered social as well as hygienic locations, and were clearly used by the previous inhabitants, as the caves in which the springs are situated were laid out for bathing, with some small pools to one side for private use and other large pools for general use.
Gethamane's laws forbid anyone restricting the use of a well save "at the will of the City in time of trouble”. Any damage to a well is a crime against the Second Law, garnering similar penalties as damage to the light crystals.
Unfortunately, most of the city’s internal plumbing corroded to uselessness during the long vacancy. Gethamanians make do with chamber pots and rather stinky non-flushing commodes.
== FEAR ==
== FEAR ==
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The Guard seldom chooses to help owners find slaves who escape in Gethamane. An escaped slave adopted into a citizen family also leaves the Second Rule’s purview, as she becomes a citizen herself. As such, though not encouraged by the city government, Gethamane includes a few abolitionists who encourage slaves to escape and come to them for adoption.
The Guard seldom chooses to help owners find slaves who escape in Gethamane. An escaped slave adopted into a citizen family also leaves the Second Rule’s purview, as she becomes a citizen herself. As such, though not encouraged by the city government, Gethamane includes a few abolitionists who encourage slaves to escape and come to them for adoption.
*'''Commanding Officer:''' [[Golden Stag]]
*'''Secondary Officers:''' [[Gavne Wheelwright]], [[Mindros Yami]]
*'''Armor Color''': Red; target shield bears a white mountain on a red field
*'''Motto:''' ''“Let none of them survive!”''
*'''Numbers:''' 5,000 medium infantry functioning in 20-man platoons (250 platoons total)
*'''Armorment''': Lamellar armor and slotted helms, half carrying great axes and half with pickaxes and target shields
Gethamane has no army, only a Guard that keeps order and defends against creatures from the underways. At 5,000 well-trained troops, the Guard is quite a formidable force for a small city but has no experience operating in groups larger than the 20-man platoons (in most of Gethamane, it just isn’t possible to gather more soldiers in one place). Guards wear red lamellar armor and carry target shields blazoned with a white mountain on a red field. They favor heavy weapons that can hack, pierce and crush eldritch horrors.
Gethamane’s lack of a standing army or the ability to fund and furnish one means that the city pursues a generally pacifist line and has no inclination to invade other city-states or take over their resources.
The Guard wants to recruit thaumaturges for the enchantments, talismans and alchemical medicines they can provide. The city has few skilled thaumaturges, though. Thaumaturgically proficient outsiders who want to join the Guard can easily wangle adoption into a family with strong traditions of Guard membership.
When riots erupt in Gethamane, half the responding Guards carry leather-padded clubs, but the Guard never operates without the threat of lethal force and big damage.
Despite the high death rate from incursions below, the organization never lacks for recruits. A career in the Guard is considered very prestigious, and a Guard gets a high ration of the Dole. Less nobly, (and the main temptation that lures children into training) Guards receive greater opportunities to meet outsiders and 'collect' small gifts from them in return for assistance 'beyond the call of duty' (such as explaning the local geography and laws). Large bribes, however, or attempts to subvert a Guard into serious breaches of the law, constitute “injury to the city” and result in the Guard’s arrest if he is caught.
don’t count as bribes but are considered tokens of gratitude for assistance beyond the call of duty.
The Captain of the Guard, [[Golden Stag]], is aware of this and takes care that his seconds, [[Gavne Wheelwright]] and [[Mindros Yami]], rotate their soldiers between duties regularly so everyone gets a fair share. These three officers command various district and shift lieutenants, and Guard posts are spread throughout the city.
The Guard’s overall commander occupies a Guardhall in the Garden District. Here the Guard trains, gathers to organize hunts for invading monsters, and imprisons lawbreakers. A few 100 Guards bunk in the Guardhouse at all times, ready to go wherever needed.
Unlike the subdued tones of the rest of Gethamane, bright red pennants mark all entrances to the Guardhall. Doors in this complex are always high-quality iron.
Each Guard post has a large drum mounted on the wall. In any disturbance, one soldier beats a signal on the drum to alert other posts of the nature and location of the trouble, and to call for backup if this seems prudent. In the case of major disturbances such as monsters from the underways, riots or rampaging Exalts, a runner is additionally sent to the Guardhall with a report and a request for full mobilization.
In the event of serious trouble, a runner is always on duty to contact the Guardhall, and more Guards can be mobilized at a moment’s notice. The Guard tends toward firmness and severity. The constant awareness of the horrors lurking in Gethamane’s underways leaves the Guard on edge.
Guards quickly move in to capture anyone who makes a ruckus, while drumbeats signal for reinforcements and a runner races to the Guard’s headquarters.
=== Riots in the Guild District ===
As the busiest district in Gethamane, riots are a somewhat common occurance in the Guild District.
There are many possible causes for riots: arguments over space, accusations of theft, claustrophobia, culture shock from the surroundings, etc. It’s very easy for a crowded group of people to become a screaming mob. When this happens, any important merchants present barricade themselves in, and the Guildmasters themselves retreat to Tribunal Cave, while sending in mercenaries to crack heads and disperse the crowd.
Gethamane don’t care if foreigners in the Guild District kill each other. There will always be more outsiders coming to trade or to explore the underways. However, locals flee the Guild District themselves if they know a riot’s starting and are (from experience) quite good at spotting the tell-tale signs of rising aggression. This generally alerts the Guard, who either moves to break things up in the early stages, or just close off the Guild District and wait for things to die down. Any surviving rioters are liable to be tried on charges of breaking all three of the Rules and are likely to be fined for everything they possess.
=== Incursion Procedure ===
There is a specific Guard alarm, given by drumbeat (or thumped out on the side of the wall or on the floor) — which everyone in Gethamane knows from childhood — that signals an incursion from the underways. Any Gethamane citizens who hears the signal retires to the nearest defensible spot, taking all non-combatants with them, and arms themselves for battle. Any Guard who hears the drumbeat will immediately head for the area, forming into squads there and preparing for battle.
Guards who carry drums will repeat the drumbeat, adding the signifier, which makes it clear which underways’ entrance the alarm refers to. The Guardhall goes on full alert, the Gardens and Council are shut off, wards are raised and any outsider combatants in the vicinity who owe service to Gethamane (particularly thaumaturges or Exalted) are asked to lend their assistance.
This is never treated as a drill or taken lightly; the people of Gethamane are terrified of the things that live beneath.
Once the incursion has been dealt with, the all clear is given (again by drum signal). Monster corpses are taken to the Courthouse for investigation, dead humans are taken to the temples for immediate funeral rites to prevent them rising as undead, while wounded Guards and civilians alike are taken to the Guardhall for treatment and observation (there have been cases where citizens wounded by the underway creatures turned out to be under their mental control and tried to sabotage areas of the city, assault Guards watching the entrances, or just go on killing sprees.)
The Guard on that particular entrance is doubled for the next half-month, in case of more incursions. The procedures have been honed by practice, and both Guards and citizens alike know what they are expected to do.
Though many desire the city, Gethamane has few outright enemies. None can conquer Gethamane, and Gethamane cannot threaten anyone else. Most states have nothing Gethamane especially needs, and Gethamane feels safe remaining neutral. Given the insularity of the city and the safety of its underground location, many citizens fear the enemies from below rather than those outside. Only the [[Guild]] and the [[Bull of the North]] particularly trouble Gethamane.
Though many desire the city, Gethamane has few outright enemies. Most states have nothing Gethamane especially needs, and Gethamane feels safe remaining neutral. Given the insularity of the city and the safety of its underground location, many citizens fear the enemies from below rather than those outside. Only the [[Guild]] and the [[Bull of the North]] particularly trouble Gethamane.
Currently Gethamane is pursuing a policy of cautious but proactive friendship with almost everyone.  
Currently Gethamane is pursuing a policy of cautious but proactive friendship with almost everyone.  

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