From Thikipedia
If you have ever lost your wallet or purse with your credit cards inside you know that feeling of fear that sets in. We have all heard so a lot about identity theft that losing credit cards is adequate to strike the worry of God into anybody. If you lose your credit cards you dont have any time to waste when it comes to reporting them. You will want to get in touch with the credit cards firm correct away, ass quickly as you notice the loss. The sooner you report the loss of these credit cards the less you will have to pay. If you are lucky sufficient to report the loss of the credit cards ahead of they get employed by an identity thief you will not have to spend something at all no matter how significantly they charge to your credit cards account after the fact.
You should keep all of the data that you will need when you lose your credit cards handy. Perhaps you could start off a file or use a certain cupboard for this details. You should have your credit cards account numbers as properly as the number of each credit cards business. You could also have to have your Social Safety Number handy to prove that you are who you say that you are when canceling your credit cards.
As soon as your credit cards have been stolen you will also require to begin watching your credit card statements carefully. This is a single of the ways that you can make certain that your credit card organization has cancelled your credit cards as they really should have. By obtaining a copy of your credit report as well you will be able to see if your credit report has been wiped of any fraudulent transactions. You do not want the loss of your credit cards to ruin your credit.