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Today the Internet is changing the way people interact and it is having an impact on committed relationships. People are chatting, flirting, and even cheating online. The internet permits many to live out their fantasies. They can do and say what they cannot in real face-to-face encounters. This sort of behavior can destroy relationships.


Most women would agree. The consensus being that over the course of time a connection may develop between the online cheaters. Even if they never meet in person, they are sharing intimacies and sexual fantasies that should only be shared with their partner.


Besides, many feel that as their men become more entangled in the online affair, the possibilities for offline cheating increases.


When confronted about the possibilities of developing emotional attachments, many men indicated that more often than not, emotions are faked. Let’s face it, just because someone puts up a smiley face doesn’t mean they are really smiling.


It seems that when it comes to cyber cheating, it may come down to a person’s point of view. Partners will have to agree on what is appropriate and what is not appropriate Internet behavior. Where as one partner might consider online flirting as harmless fun. Others might consider this behavior just as harmful as a midnight romp in a hotel.


Interestingly, studies indicate that one might critic their partner’s online amorous advances more severely than their own. When I do, it is okay, but when you do, it is not. Anyway you chop it up, Internet flirting is a real issue. To address this, couples should discuss what they think is and isn’t online cheating. Although cyber cheating may seem more innocent to some, it can still ruin a relationship.


The bottom line, if you are flirting with someone online behind your partner’s back, you are being deceptive. If you are honest about your online hanky-panky, and your partner is uncomfortable, insecure or outright hurt by it, maybe you should stop. That is, if you cherish your relationship.




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