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The first generation of Roomba is known as the Wise Floorvac. As expected by IRobot Corporation the nation was taken by the introduction by storm. It had been considered to function as the 1st successful commercial domestic robot to hit the U.S market. ...

iRobot Corporation is the brain behind the Roomba Vacuums. Robotics lovers from MIT started the company in early 90's. Being an smart fully automatic robotic vacuum cleaner the company first introduced Roomba in 2002.


By Leslie Cunningham

When we discover that we’re off track, we have a tendency to opt for the quick-fix approach; in a moment of optimism and hope we’ll attempt a new, half-hazard attempt of marketing our business and connecting with prospects, or force ourselves to sit down, pull out our checkbook, create an unrealistic budget and promise ourselves we’ll be better from now on. Or we’ll make a stern resignation not to yell at our partner when talking about money.

By Leslie Cunningham
The official guide to Women and Money See all Articles by Leslie CunninghamSee Leslie Cunningham's Expert PageGet Updates on Women and MoneyGet Updates on Leslie Cunningham Average: 0 Your rating: None Tweet

Address the Underlying Reasons

The problem with these quick-fix approaches is they often lead us right back to where we started because they don’t address the deeper issues causing our behavior.

After you’ve explored your gift, identify one baby step you can take (something that feels both manageable and motivating) to get you back on track. Perhaps you’ve always paid late fees on your credit cards, so your baby step is to pay all your credit card bills on time next month,abercrombie france.

And remember,hollister, one great thing about money is that it gives us constant opportunity for improvement, and our money successes (and failures!) can easily be measured. We know when we’re accruing debt, when we’re arguing with our partners,hollister france, and when we’re spending more than we earn. Money reflects to us externally what may be going on internally.

I’ve noticed from my own and my clients experiences that money has a way of showing us where and when we’re on or off track in our lives.

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Get on Track Action Step

Maybe you don’t check your checking account balances consistently so you’re constantly acquiring over draft fees, so your baby step is to check your account balances for just 3 minutes each day,air jordan. These small baby steps are small successes that will build our self-esteem and inspire you to take on bigger financial challenges.

Do you often argue with your partner about money? Are you earning too little to take care of yourself in the ways that you should? Are you investing money in your business so that you can grow it to the next level,supra shoes?

Unfortunately,louboutin pas cher, these tools don’t address the underlying reasons why we don’t make healthier financial choices for ourselves. What leads us to the root of the problem is beginning to look at our money behaviors with curiosity, and see them as opportunities to learn more about ourselves.

3. Then identify one baby step you can take that is both manageable and motivating to get yourself back on track.

Identify the gift in your money challenge,air jordan pas cher.
If we’re being to tight with our money so that we’re literally financially starving our business, perhaps our gift is to invest in our business in ways that allow us to learn new marketing and mindset techniques that support us in making more money in our business so we become more powerful and effective money creators.

In other words, are you so frugal that you’re practically starving yourself (of important necessities and healthy pleasures) just to watch your savings account grow as much as possible?

To understand where you’re off track ask yourself these questions: “What are my primary operating beliefs about money,air jordan?”
And, “What are my consistent money actions or behaviors?”

Before you read any further, take a quick minute to think of one area around money where you’ve gotten off track. Try not to be critical of yourself when you do this; all of us, regardless of where we are in life,abercrombie deutschland, have room for improvement.

If we take the time to hear our money messages and use them as an opportunity for deeper understanding, we’ll discover our own unique path that will motivate us to stay the course.

2. Ask yourself, “What can I learn about myself from this challenge?”

1. Identify one area where you’ve gotten off-track with money,hollister online shop.

When you have this one area in mind ask yourself, “What is the gift in this challenge that I’m currently experiencing around money,hollister france?” Or,hollister, “What can I learn about myself from this challenge?” Take some time to reflect on this “gift.” Often we beat the messenger into submission before we’ve had the chance to receive the message.

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These glitches are best prevented by extremely controlled event and reception planning and it all begins with the budget. If you identify your budget and really stick to it, then most likely everything else should go as planned.

it can paralyze people into non-action.

I don't know about you but I get a lot of emails. Sometimes over 200 a day. So,air jordan, when I saw a good story - it made me stop and think. How did they do it? I've found that there are 3 absolutely unbreakable rules for telling marketing stories in email.

3. Provide a single action to take

Why should anyone pay attention to you?

If you want your busy clients to read your story, work on your subject line! Many experts in writing advise spending 90% of your time on the headline. The same kind of targeted focus on subject lines is a smart practice.

By Milly Sonneman
See all Articles by Milly SonnemanSee Milly Sonneman's Expert PageGet Updates on Internet MarketingGet Updates on Milly Sonneman Average: 0 Your rating: None Tweet

Let's look at the 3 Unbreakable Rules right now.

1. Create a compelling subject line

Yes, it's tempting. Maybe you've got several actions you want your busy client to take. Do not be swayed. Stick to ONE single action.

How are you telling your business story? Most often email marketing is a core part of how you are presenting your brand and business to customers and prospects.

Even without knowing you or your clients, there are a lot of business,hollister france, family,hollister france, personal and social demands for attention. And you can bet there are a lot of things on almost everyone's mind.

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Information is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, it can be used to share valuable insights with people across boundaries, across economic barriers, and across time. On the other hand, it can paralyze people into non-action.

This is very similar to headlines,hollister online shop, magazine covers, and book covers. Sure,louboutin, you must have something interesting to say inside. But the headline is what pulls people in,jordan.

Hint: a single story is simple and short. Keep your emails short and you're in for a pleasant surprise. People are much more likely to respond!

Rule 3: Focus on A Single Action

Rule 1: Grab Attention In The Headline

So, the big question in storytelling for email marketing is this:

I know it seems a bit harsh. But you must answer this question...if you want to tell a compelling story and make your email stand out.

2. Tell a simple story

This week, I got a remarkable email,supra shoes. Sounds funny, right? The reason it was remarkable was this: it was a story that got me to take action.

Tell a single story,abercrombie, and make sure it's one that matters to your reader. Do this and you're going to get a better response...even in an overloaded brain.

Nine times out of ten: tell a single story. Don't go wandering off in the woods and swamps of your lifetime full of experience. Stick to your story,air jordan. Avoid adding fancy frills and twists. Stick to your story.

Even if you have a terrific story - you have to get people to open your email,abercrombie. The subject line is the single most important part of your presentation when it comes to email.

Rule 2: Stick To A Single Story

If you give people several actions to take, what will happen? A big nothing. Too many choices may be your worst enemy.

Instead, keep things simple. One. What could be simpler than that?

The nuts and bolts of storytelling are simple enough - but it's necessary to understand the mind-set of your customers and clients. Are they strapped to a desk - bored out of their minds? Are they inundated with tons of emails in a cluttered in-box? Are they distracted by personal obligations and family problems pulling on their attention,jordan?

Develop your storytelling skills and win results. Tell persuasive stories in email marketing and in face-to-face presenting. Discover how to reach more customers, stand out in a crowd, and grow your business.

But now you know. You know how to focus your emails and inspire people to take decisive action,air jordan pas cher.

Not too rough, eh?

Let's just recap:

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These glitches are best prevented by extremely controlled event and reception planning and it all begins with the budget. If you identify your budget and really stick to it, then most likely everything else should go as planned.

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ask yourself “should I be doing this at all

4,abercrombie. Delegate as much as possible. If there are things that you don’t do well then it makes sense to have someone better qualified to do it. Think about it, which costs you more; you spending numerous frustrating hours trying to create a website for your business when you have no IT skills instead of actively marketing your business and getting more paying clients and doing what you do best, or paying someone to create a professional looking site that will be up and running and bringing you more business in a fraction of the time? Do what you do best and get help with the rest.

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"If you want to make good use of your time, you’ve got to know what’s most important and then give it all you’ve got". - Lee Iacocca

5. Reduce stress. You may think it unusual to find this in a list of time management tips but when faced with more than they can get done, most people choose to work harder and longer with the obvious end result, work quality,louboutin, energy and enthusiasm decrease while stress levels increase. You need to take time out in order to renew your energy levels by taking a short walk or a 10 minute cat nap for example. You will be able to think much clearer and get through so much more afterwards.

3. Be effective with your use of time. In other words, do well what is really important,air jordan pas cher. Don’t get bogged down worrying that there isn’t enough time to do everything well. Effective people make choices and focus on what really needs doing and then do it well. So instead of getting stressed by thinking “I’ve really go to get this done”, ask yourself “should I be doing this at all?” The answer does not have to be working harder or longer but in radically restructuring your priorities so that you can achieve more of what you really want. This also means making your working space time effective by de-cluttering and introducing good systems that make it easier to find things because everything that consumes time, space,hollister, energy or resources unproductively detracts from your effectiveness.

By Anne Galloway
See all Articles by Anne GallowaySee Anne Galloway's Expert PageGet Updates on Business Start-upGet Updates on Anne Galloway Average: 0 Your rating: None Tweet

Why is it that those 24 hours in every day are never quite enough? Time is finite and you cannot increase the number of hours in a day. However, you can make dramatic changes to the way that you use that time. Here are my top 7 tips that will enable you to work smarter rather than harder.

7. Your health, family and friends are important too,supra shoes. The busier you are,jordan, the more important it is for you to schedule time to maintain your health and fitness as this will give you more energy. At the end of the day, being overworked and stressed is only going to hamper your health so take care of this and spend time with family and friends too,hollister. We all need support from family and friends so make time for them – you don’t want to finish your career and find yourself alone!

2,air jordan pas cher. Review how you use your time. A good way to do this is to keep a log for a couple of weeks of exactly what you are doing during the day and for how long. Then compare this with your goals and objectives. It can be very enlightening to see just where you are spending your time and you may also be surprised to see just how much of your time is spent on areas not related to the goals and objectives you have prioritised. Having done this, you will be able to reallocate your time in relation to your goals and objectives.

1. You will find that you really will work differently when you have goals to work towards so the first step is to establish a baseline of goals,jordan, objectives and tasks. Goals and objectives pertain to end results whereas tasks define the steps you need to take in order to achieve those results. Once you have set goals for yourself or your business,abercrombie, prioritise them. You want to find clarity as to what is really important in your daily activities before you break your goals and objectives down into bite size tasks that are easier to focus on.

6,hollister. Value your time so that you can get the most out of your day,cheap supra shoes. Are you a morning person or an evening person? Think about what part of the day you are more creative and when you can get the most done and make better use of these times to tackle important tasks. At different times during the day ask yourself “Am I making the best use of my time?” If not, stop what you are doing and work on another task that will allow you to make better use of your time.

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These glitches are best prevented by extremely controlled event and reception planning and it all begins with the budget. If you identify your budget and really stick to it, then most likely everything else should go as planned.


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Chinese network, Binhai New in the Hedong District Wang Chuanchang No.1 road and Jinggangshan road junction to lady home recently suffered a burglary."Some people dawn breaking into my house, the hall greatly small packages are searched, a total of 6000 yuan in cash stolen,abercrombie."On a miss up to now still feel scared.Later, Ms. Yu found, community monitoring, building access control, elevator access, elevator cameras multi lines out of control,abercrombie and fitch, has not yet been locked the suspect.

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yesterday morning, the reporter to interview in the home.This month 13 days, Ms. Yu planned to travel to Beidaihe.The night before, she returned to their parents home with a two-year-old son.This is a set of two rooms one hall is located in the 4 floor.Two bedrooms side by side opposite the living room, housing units at the sofa area.In the evening, the lady herself in a bedroom, the mother took the baby to live another.Two bedroom door didn't close.His father slept on the sofa in the living room, about two meters away from the hall.

"the day we sleep already twelve thirty.&quot,abercrombie uk;At dawn, the baby to drink milk, waken up by the cry of his grandpa, I found the unit the door open, then climbed up close, went back to sleep.

for women and his mother heard the sound.13 day at five thirty in the morning,moncler, the mother asked her daughter to get up and say: "last night you pack, who last sleep, forget to close the door?"

MS first reaction was: "the home into the."She clearly remembers the night before closing."I got up and went on the hall table at 3000 yuan, the trip was gone, my bag is not.And then found, parents packet is opened, the inside of the money was stolen, even my son usually carrying bag was opened."Ms. Yu said, she opened the door to find unit, found his bag was lost in the door on the ground, there is no money."The whole family a total of 6000 yuan was stolen."

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in the women said, after the incident, they promptly to the nearby police station to report a case.Found them in the process of looking for clues to the property company in the area,, camera and had no record of too many clues."Night, district are everywhere in the dark, the camera is no night vision, nothing records.Just before dawn, the camera to a tall man, low head hurriedly go out, looks not like the people in the village."

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elevator,ralph lauren, but "look, in fact the camera does not work, the area where some camera also is such."Ms. yu think, these flaws also provides the opportunity for the thief."We are required to pay property costs, area would also have these facilities, can be a critical moment does not play a role, it is the decoration?"

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the district has 3 buildings, all senior.Ms. Yu home 3 Building 1 floor door is broken.

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next year in September to be in October this year to their parenting classes, and then to the baby, baby class, at the age of three in the class, so that there are beds, otherwise you will see how to decide whether to recruit personnel.

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From starring in the Harry Potter films to modeling for Burberry to gracing the cover of Vogue to becoming the new face of Lanc Emma Watson has seamlessly (and stunningly) made the transition from child actor to style icon. The actress, with her ever-evolving pixie cut and perfectly-tamed brows, also has the the gamine beauty look down pat. We sat down with Watson to discuss her very exciting (and soon to launch) new Lanc campaign (we tell you more about it soon), as well her part in the new film Week With Marilyn, the ultimate makeup for short hair and her secret to those amazing brows.

How has your makeup routine evolved since you cut your hair?

I think it made me more bold, there no way to hide when you have short hair. You really have to go for it and also, because I think it quite boyish, you can kind of take it a bit further the other way. Be a bit sexier because it kind of not too much, so that was cool. I definitely been more experimental with color and just a bit bolder.

This is kind of like perfect timing [working with Lancome] because I just kind of come into a place now where I interested in wearing lipstick whereas when I was younger, maybe I would go for a more natural lip. But now it fun to play around with different colors. Because I have short hair I big into doing like, a Twiggy mascara. So I do bottom lashes and top lashes. Lanc just came out with a mascara called Dollface, which is made specifically to get that look. And because I so pale I English I have to wear blush or some kind of bronzer. I big into a cream blush.

Do you usually do a strong eye or strong lip?

I think for the Midnight Rose campaign,burberry outlet, we did a strong eye and strong lip, but I think it different in a photo shoot than in everyday life. It like, too much to do both, you have to pick one or the other. />

What it like having such short hair?

It definitely low maintenance, which is great for me because I hate spending too long on that kind of stuff.

Who are your personal beauty icons?

Mia Farrow was a big inspiration for the haircut. In terms of beauty, I think Kate Bosworth always has really great beauty. Diane Kruger, she always does her own makeup, and always looks great. And then if I going to look back, I love the freshness and the naturalness of Jane Birkin and Francoise Hardy. I love Charlotte Rampling all of those French actresses who don really look like they wearing anything or like they tried very hard is definitely the coolest.

What was it like working on Week With Marilyn />

Well I mean, I wasn playing her, I was playing a different part,burberry, but I think I was inspired by who she was as a person, which is someone who like incredibly alive. I mean, she all of her photographs, all of her images, she just so alive and in the moment and spontaneous. I mean, she had an awful amount of pain, but when she smiled, when she laughed, her whole face lit up. It came from a real place.

Do you have any favorite, go-to places here in New York?

I love La Esquina. I obsessed with Mexican. We don have Mexican food in England, we just kill it. That one of the first things I do when I come here.

After audiences had their final visit to the Dursley home, they made their very first visit to Hermione's home - a scene written especially for the film.

"I was charmed that Steve Kloves wrote that," says Watson. "I think it really shows the magnitude of the sacrifice that Hermione and Ron make for Harry, for their friendship, and for what he's doing. I think the audience will connect with Hermione and her personal story through this scene, seeing her so vulnerable like that at the beginning of the film."

"She has a very difficult decision to make. She knows that by siding with Harry, she's putting people around her in danger. She knows she has to protect them, and the only way she can do this is by cutting them off from her. She makes her parents lose every memory of her, and that's tragic. But she's very brace and very loyal, and she knows that she must do the right thing."

Emma Watson also knew enough about Hermione to give Stephenie McMillan some advice on her bedroom's decor. "I remember walking into Hermione's room, and it just looked too girly. I've been playing her for so long now, I feel I intuitively know what she's like and what she'd want. Hermione is a voracious reader. 'What are there not more books?' I asked. There needed to be books everywhere.

Emma Watson loves dressing up her outfits with big earrings.

The British actress wasn't allowed to pierce her ears during the filming of Harry Potter as the movie's producers felt her bookish character Hermione Granger shouldn't wear earrings.

Emma was thrilled to get them done once filming had wrapped.

"I had my ears pierced. While I was working on Harry Potter I wasn't allowed to do, so I had to spare that wonderful accessory!" she told the German edition of OK! magazine.

The beauty has admitted that she is making up for lost time by wearing "big,burberry bags, gold" earrings now.

However, she also confessed that the rest of her everyday wardrobe isn't so opulent. The star is well-known for her glamorous outfits on the red carpet, but prefers to be more relaxed at home.

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All that said, I urge you NOT to forget the authentic and compelling marketing, systems for everything, a team, different sources of income,air jordan pas cher, leverage, etc. When you market authentically and consistently, using ONLY what works, your goals become big-time easy. When you set up systems for everything in your business and a team to support you, you have more time to devote to implementing the big opportunities. When you set up additional sources of 1ncome, both passive and leveraged, you make a whole lot more, working half the time.

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And you are given ideas like these ALL THE TIME! It is the Universe’s way of guiding you on a daily basis, literally pulling you by the hand and pointing you in the direction that will help you accomplish your dreams, but the question is… are you listening,hollister? Are you going to do something about it?

Nothing, nada, zip. I never did ANYTHING about it. I let the opportunity get stale and covered with dust, and it’s because of several different obstacles:

1. Make a decision
2. Do what it takes

Get clear on the opportunities that are right under your nose. Take a sheet of paper and at the top, write down your big goal. Don’t be shy, no one’s watching. In big, bold letters, write what you want in your business. Then, either knowing (or pretending) that you could not fail, list all the opportunities that you already have right in front of you to make those happen. I know they’re there. I can always spot them for people and that’s the power of a mastermind. Having people see the opportunities that are right in front of you,hollister online shop. But list them all. And then begin to take action on each and every one of them with courage and fearlessness. Your 1ncome will never be the same.

The answer I gave her was that, despite the lofty goal,hollister, her BEHAVIOR hadn’t changed very much. Despite progress in other areas, she kept stopping herself, and kept doing the same things, worrying about the same things (”not knowing how”,supra shoes, “not enough mo-ney”, “not enough time”, you know the drill…)

In fact, there was a time in my own business,louboutin, not too long ago, where I could never have imagined making this much in one year. But the opportunities to do so were already there. In fact, one idea that I implemented last year was an idea that I’d had 4 years prior. 4 years!!! And that idea was one that would have brought in a ton of mo-ney back then. Sure,hollister deutschland, I researched it, did a little bit of due diligence, even asked my ezine subscribers if they had resources and got tons of them. I went as far as investing in the resources I needed to take advantage of that opportunity.

Believe it or not, that’s where most people fail in this process. They throw out a lofty goal, but when it comes to actually DOING what it takes, they let their mindset and their fears get in the way. The ideas and opportunities to reach that big goal are right there, smack in front of them, but they don’t take action on them. I saw this happen recently with a client. She asked me, “Fabienne, I set this huge goal for myself, and the year’s almost over, but I’m not even halfway to reaching it. What happened,cheap supra shoes? What am I doing wrong?”

Until you are ready to see what’s already right under your nose, without discounting it as “not feasible”, you aren’t going to grow,hollister uk. Remember that the idea you got in the shower, or the idea your mastermind members brainstormed with you didn’t actually come from them or you. It was divinely given THROUGH them.

I’ve been hearing this one question a lot recently: “Fabienne, what did you actually DO to multiply your 1ncome so quickly? How did you get to a million and can I do it too?” Well, the answer is “Yes, you can do it too” and it’s important to realize that it comes down to several different things: Authentic and compelling marketing, systems for everything, a team, different sources of 1ncome, leverage, etc.

QUOTE: “Most people confuse wishing and wanting with pursuing. You must place your trust in ACTION.” – Price Pritchett

And please don’t let the simplicity of what I’m telling you undermine the importance of the message. This ‘arrogance’ of thinking, “Oh, I already know that!” is another form of self-sabotage and it’s keeping you from making a whole lot more in your business,air jordan pas cher. Here’s an example: Someone told me last year that some of this is “basic” stuff. That they’d already knew this.

If you’re not where you want to be financially in your business, one of the major reasons is your non-action. If you’re still at the same place you were before, it’s because you’re unwilling to take advantage of the opportunity that is right in front of you, and has been for a long time,abercrombie deutschland.

Frankly, I felt bad for this person. I almost wanted to say, “OK then, if you already “know” this, what’s YOUR 1ncome this year?” You see, your 1ncome will be your gauge to see how much you “know” this stuff. If it’s not where you want it to be, then you don’t “know” it yet, you’ve just “heard” of it. In fact, you don’t “know” anything until you live it, breathe it and take action on it day in and day out. Makes sense?

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We’d given her all the different ways to make her goal happen quickly and two-fold, but she never implemented the ideas. The HOW was right in front of her, but she got in her own way, and essentially sabotaged her potential 1ncome by not taking action on the idea. And that’s one thing that I’ve gotten really clear about recently. The “how” is always right there, right under your nose, ready for the picking.

Here’s the thing: you must realize that the ideas that are given to you are not just silly ideas. They are divinely brought to you. My mentor always says, “If you are given an idea, then too you are given the way to achieve it. You wouldn’t be able to have the idea without also receiving the ‘way’ to accomplish it too. It’s universal law.” And that’s really important for you to remember.

By Fabienne Fredrickson
See all Articles by Fabienne FredricksonSee Fabienne Fredrickson's Expert PageGet Updates on Business OpportunitiesGet Updates on Fabienne Fredrickson Average: 3 Your rating: None Average: 3 (1 vote) Tweet

Then, guess what happened?

1. My excuse of “not having enough time” to implement it
2. My fear of failure
3. Essentially, my belief that I wasn’t “good enough” to succeed with it

But, believe it or not, those are actually the easy part, because you can be shown exactly how to do this (I show you how in my Workshop-in-a-box). The difficult part is actually a two step process, two steps that seem very simple on the outside, but that few people actually DO anything about. In fact, this process is so deceptively simple that most people ignore its importance and look for something way more complex. But it comes down to:

I know, it might seem like child’s play, but most people never actually get clear about WHAT they want in the first place, and then they don’t make a commitment to getting it. So the first thing to do is to decide that you are going to reach a big goal. Then, you must be OK with doing whatever it takes to get it, as if your life depended on it.

And I know you’re probably tired of hearing, “To get different results, you need to do things differently”, but in my experience (especially last year) it is absolutely true. To get a quantum leap in your business, you must be willing to DO what you haven’t done before, to be courageous, to walk into the opportunity and even to walk into the fear you have associated with it.

And so, I never achieved the 1ncome potential that this opportunity had in store for me. I’m kicking myself now, but at least,air jordan, I took action 4 years later.

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These glitches are best prevented by extremely controlled event and reception planning and it all begins with the budget. If you identify your budget and really stick to it, then most likely everything else should go as planned.

you may want to consider the following

• Cut down on alcohol – that glass of wine every night adds up to a reduction in your libido, cut down as much as you can and alongside the new exercise regime you should feel better in no time.

The truth is that a woman in perfect health should have a perfectly healthy libido too. It’s often a mistake to sweep the loss of libido under the carpet and put it down to lack of time, tiredness or even assuming a generally accepted physiological difference between male and female sex drive.

• Fluctuations in Hormones – We’re complicated animals,moncler pas cher, and every woman has times when their energy levels are lower – sometimes we just don’t feel like sex.

There are also some excellent herbal supplements to improve libido in women on the market, take a look and choose any that have l-arginine and ginseng in them.

• Pregnancy and childbirth – this is a traumatic experience,jordan, lots of us just don’t feel sexy for quite some time afterwards.

Loss of libido (sex drive) in women can be a minor issue, often stemming from general tiredness or lack of fitness, it can often go unnoticed or even just be dismissed in the often-quoted phrase,air jordan, ‘my partner has a higher sex-drive than me’,hollister online shop.

• Medication side-effects – More of us than ever are using some form of medication,hollister deutschland. The most damaging to libido and sex drive being antidepressants
Fortunately there are steps we can take to address loss of libido,hollister france, if you’re feeling that your loss of libido is causing issues in your relationships or personal life, you may want to consider the following:

• Tiredness – we’re working longer hours,abercrombie france, harder jobs and living more frantic lives than ever before. This takes and inevitable toll on our sex lives.

The truth is though that a loss of libido in women can significantly damage a relationship,hollister; inequality in sex-drives is cited as a reason for breakdown of over 50% of UK relationships – a worrying prospect for those with a low libido or sex drive.

• De-stress – find ways that you can reduce stress in your life,louboutin pas cher. Stress is a real killer for your libido so address this as soon as you can. One of the best ways to de-stress is to do some exercise,hollister uk, so get down to your local gym and sign up,abercrombie, or just go for a brisk walk a few times a week.

By Pink Venus
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• Sleep – get to bed early, a good eight hours of deep sleep will really help you feel more alert and more sexual in daylight hours.

Never fear though, the answers are out there,jordan. The most common reasons for loss of libido in women are:

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Beetroot juice – Due to high amounts of nitrate, beetroot juice can help lower systolic blood pressure, dilate blood vessels and increase blood flow, reducing the amount of oxygen needed for exercise.

"I should check whether DNA emits sound or not."

The ancient Greeks were well aware of this potent energy, calling it "aether" and understanding that it is directly responsible for universal manifestation. In the 1950s Russian scientist Nicolai Kozyrev conclusively proved the existence of this life-giving subspace energy, demonstrating that, like time, it flows in a sacred geometric spiral that has been called phi, the Golden Mean, and the Fibonacci sequence. In the face of overwhelming evidence of its existence, modern scientists are returning to the notion of aether using such phrases as "zero point energy" and "vacuum potential." Recently, physicists Richard Feynman and John Wheeler went so far as to calculate that the amount of torsion energy contained inside a light bulb could literally bring the world's oceans to a boil!

Chishima, Kikuo, Revolution of Biology and Medicine (Neo-Haematological Society Press, 1972)

But what if on some level we are made of sound? What if in the beginning was the Word? What if the music of the spheres is no myth? What if we ourselves are a harmonic convergence? What if the holographic grid of our being is a linguistic and musical interface between higher-dimensional light, which might be considered a form of divine thought or intention, and sound in higher-dimensional octaves? After all, String theory posits the existence of many different, theoretically accessible dimensions that appear notationally linked much like strings on a guitar.

"According to shamans of the entire world," writes Dr. Narby, communication with healing spirits is established "via music. For [shamans] it is almost inconceivable to enter the world of spirits and remain silent. Angelica Gebhart Sayer discusses the visual music projected by the spirits in front of the shaman's eyes. It is made up of three-dimensional images that coalesce into sound, and that the shaman imitates by emitting corresponding melodies." In a provocative footnote to himself, Narby adds, "I should check whether DNA emits sound or not."

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According to the Russian findings,hollister, notes author Wynn Free, "this spiraling 'torsion' energy could actually be the substance of our human souls, and is therefore the precursor to the DNA molecule ... It already exists in the fabric of space and time before any physical life emerges." Elsewhere, Free remarks of transposons that these tiny segments of DNA can travel along the genome activating different parts of it when prompted by consciousness. In keeping with Dr. Gariaev's "Wave-based Genome" theory, Free concludes that DNA functions "somewhat like a computer chip, with different sections that can either be 'on' or 'off.'" Thus we can easily imagine how the torsion waves of human consciousness could program, or reprogram, DNA's binary code.

In addition, it appears that a previously undetected form of intelligent light or intention energy (emanating from higher dimensions and distinguishable from both gravity and electromagnetic radiation) which Dr. Eli Cartan first termed "torsion" in 1913 after its twisting movement through the fabric of space-time, gives rise to DNA. Many decades later,hollister deutschland, the concept of torsion energy was still alive and well enough to inspire an entire generation of Russian scientists, who authored thousands of papers on the subject in the 1990s alone. "A unified subliminal field of potentially universal consciousness apparently exists," writes Horowitz on the subject of the Russian studies, "and may be explained as emerging from a previously overlooked physical vacuum."

Braden, Gregg, The God Code: The Secret of Our Past, the Promise of Our Future (Hay House, Inc., 2004)

By Sol Luckman
See all Articles by Sol LuckmanSee Sol Luckman's Expert PageGet Updates on Energy Healing and Energy MedicineGet Updates on Sol Luckman Average: 4.333335 Your rating: None Average: 4.3 (3 votes) Tweet

Decades of research by Dr. Kikuo Chishima, a Japanese scientist,air jordan pas cher, suggest that red blood cells are formed not in bone marrow, as is commonly believed, but in the intestinal villi. Red blood cells appear to be 1) guided by systemic frequency oscillations manifesting in the bioenergy blueprint and 2) capable of synthesizing DNA in order to differentiate into specific types of cells, which then migrate via the 90,000-mile-long capillary system to wherever they are needed. Writes Lindsteadt, "This open-ended system that connects to the lymphatic system, the meridian system and the connective tissue provides communication pathways for the flow of information and cellular instructions from the electromagnetic energy matrix."

According to Iona Miller and Richard Miller, “Life is fundamentally electromagnetic rather than chemical, the DNA blueprint functioning as a biohologram which serves as a guiding matrix for organizing physical form.” Arguably the most far-reaching implication of the research cited in this article is that DNA can be activated through conscious linguistic expression (somewhat like an antenna) to reset the bioenergy fields, which in turn (like orbiting communication satellites) can transmit radio and light signals to restore the proper cellular structure and functioning of the human body,air jordan.

Miller, Iona and Miller, Richard A., "From Helix to Hologram: An Ode on the Human Genome" (Nexus, September-October 2003; reprinted in DNA Monthly, October 2005)

At the genetic level, sound gives rise to light,abercrombie deutschland. In a paper entitled "A Holographic Concept of Reality" appearing in PSYCHOENERGETIC SYSTEMS in 1975, a team of researchers headlined by Richard Alan Miller first outlined a compelling model of "ener-genetic" expression resulting in "precipitated reality": "Superposed coherent waves of different types in the cells interact to form diffraction patterns,cheap supra shoes, firstly in the acoustic [sound] domain, secondly in the electromagnetic [light] domain." This leads to the manifestation of physical form as a "quantum hologram--a translation between acoustical and optical holograms." Significantly, this sound-light translation mechanism that creates the somatic experience of reality functions in the genome.

This breakthrough research in the temporal physics of subspace establishes that torsion energy permeates the entire multidimensional galaxy and not only is responsive to but may actually be consciousness creatively experiencing itself in time. "To put it as bluntly as possible," writes renowned psychic and gifted scientific researcher David Wilcock, "you cannot separate consciousness and torsion waves--they are the same thing. When we use our minds to think, we are creating movements of electrical impulses in the brain, and when any electrical energy moves, torsion waves are also created."

Recalling Edgar Cayce's prediction that "sound would be the medicine of the future," Jonathan Goldman in HEALING SOUNDS: THE POWER OF HARMONICS coined the following inspirational formula: sound + intention = healing. If we define intention as a form of conscious light energy roughly equivalent to thought, an idea consistent with many shamanic traditions such as that of the Toltecs of Mesoamerica, we can translate Goldman's formula as:

Russian scientists Peter Gariaev and Vladimir Poponin have also explored DNA's extraordinary electromagnetic properties. Their research shows that DNA has a special ability to attract photons, causing the latter to spiral along the helix-shaped DNA molecule instead of proceeding along a linear path. In other words, DNA has the amazing ability--unlike any other molecule known to exist--to bend or weave light around itself.


One school of thought insists that humans are actually made of sound and that DNA itself may be a form of sound. Drawing on meticulously documented research, Harvard-trained Leonard Horowitz explains that DNA emits and receives both phonons and photons, or electromagnetic waves of sound and light. In the 1990s, according to Dr. Horowitz, "three Nobel laureates in medicine advanced research that revealed the primary function of DNA lies not in protein synthesis ... but in the realm of bioacoustic and bioelectric signaling." In recent years a new artistic field called DNA music has even begun to flourish. It therefore seems appropriate, at the very least, to compare DNA to a keyboard with a number of keys that produce the music of life.

Horowitz, Leonard G., DNA: Pirates of the Sacred Spiral (Tetrahedron, LLC, 2004)

Fritz Albert Popp’s Nobel prize-winning research establishes that every cell in the body receives, stores and emits coherent light in the form of biophotons. In tandem with biophonons, biophotons maintain electromagnetic frequency patterns in all living organisms. In the words of Dr. Stephen Lindsteadt, this matrix that is produced and sustained by frequency oscillations "provides the energetic switchboarding behind every cellular function, including DNA/RNA messengering. Cell membranes scan and convert signals into electromagnetic events as proteins in the cell's bi-layer change shape to vibrations of specific resonant frequencies." Emphasizing that every "biochemical reaction is preceded by an electromagnetic signal," Lindsteadt concludes, "Cells communicate both electromagnetically and chemically and create biochemical pathways that interconnect all functions of the body."

Goldman,jordan, Jonathan, Healing Sounds: The Power of Harmonics (Healing Arts Press, 1992)

Lindsteadt, Stephen,hollister, "Frequency Fields at the Cellular Level" (DNA Monthly, November 2005)

Narby, Jeremy, The Cosmic Serpent: DNA and the Origins of Knowledge (Jeremy P. Tarcher/Putnam, 1998)

Free, Wynn with Wilcock, D., The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce?: Interdimensional Communication and Global Transformation (Frog, Ltd., 2004)

Copyright (c) 2007 by Sol Luckman. All Rights Reserved.

When my partner Leigh and I began developing a method of DNA activation called Regenetics, we discovered through kinesiology (muscle testing) that each of the body's auric or electromagnetic fields corresponds not just to a chakra but to a third-dimensional sound octave. Energetically, our research indicates that humans are built of a vertical series of light-processing chakras interfacing with concentric electromagnetic fields (which are sonic in nature) to form the three-dimensional holographic matrix that produces our physical body.

Miller, Richard A. with Webb, B. and Dickson, D., "A Holographic Concept of Reality" (Psychoenergetic Systems, Vol. 1, 1975)


Fosar, Grazyna and Bludorf, Franz, Vernetzte Intelligenz ("Networked Intelligence") (Currently unavailable in English. Visit the authors' website at

Recently, the ability of sound and light to heal DNA was scientifically documented by a Russian research team of geneticists and linguists,jordan. Russian linguists discovered that the genetic code, especially in the so-called junk portion, follows regular grammar and usage rules virtually identical to those of human languages. This invalidates many modern linguistic theories by proving that language did not appear randomly but reflects humanity's shared genetics,hollister. In THE GOD CODE bestselling author Gregg Braden further demonstrates that the ancient four-letter Hebrew name for God (YHVH) is actually code for DNA based on the latter's chemical composition of nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen, and carbon. This assertion, with its vast implications relative to DNA's universal role as a divine language spoken through the body, has been peer-reviewed and accepted by many scholars of Hebrew.

Baerbel, DNA (Summary of the German book Vernetzte Intelligenz by Grazyna Fosar and Franz Bludorf) (

In an intriguing section of a fascinating book entitled THE COSMIC SERPENT: DNA AND THE ORIGINS OF KNOWLEDGE, French anthropologist Jeremy Narby includes snippets from his personal journals from his time spent studying the healing practices of Amazonian medicine men. One entry is of particular interest on the popular subject of genetic healing.

Similarly, the Gariaev group demonstrated that chromosomes function much like (re)programmable holographic biocomputers employing DNA's own electromagnetic radiation. Their research strongly suggests that human DNA is literally a genetic "text"; that chromosomes both produce and receive the information contained in these texts in order to encode and decode them, respectively; and that chromosomes assemble themselves into a holographic grating or lattice designed to generate and interpret highly stable spiral standing waves of sound and light that direct all biological functions. In other words, explain longtime genetics researchers Iona Miller and Richard Alan Miller in a superb article based partly on Gariaev's findings entitled "From Helix to Hologram,abercrombie," DNA's "code is transformed into physical matter, guided by light and sound signals."

Narby repeatedly makes the point that shamans use sound because this allows them to transform some aspect of the genetic code. If DNA is indeed a text, a keyboard, a musical score; if it is true that this score can be rewritten so that it plays a new type of music; and if we live not just in a holographic but in a harmonic universe, then it seems plausible that our bioenergy fields are at least in part composed of higher-dimensional sound.

This is not the place to provide a full treatment of the science of quantum bioholography. Rather, I wish to emphasize that according to this model that is attracting many proponents as more and more of its precepts are confirmed, it is becoming apparent that DNA directs cellular metabolism and replication not just biochemically but electromagnetically through a chromosomal mechanism that translates sound into light waves, and vice versa. Sound and light, or phonons and photons, establish a sophisticated communication network throughout the physical organism that extends into the bioenergy fields and back to the cellular and subcellular levels.

Wilcock, David, The Divine Cosmos (

One revolutionary corollary (of many) of this research is that, to activate DNA and stimulate healing on the cellular level, one can simply use our species' supreme expression of creative consciousness: words. While Western researchers clumsily cut and splice genes, Gariaev&#8217,hollister uk;s team developed sophisticated devices capable of influencing cellular metabolism through sound and light waves keyed to human language frequencies. Using this method, Gariaev proved that chromosomes damaged by X-rays, for instance, can be repaired. Moreover, this was accomplished noninvasively by simply applying vibration and language, or sound combined with intention, or words, to DNA.

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Again we must clarify our terminology. When I speak of the spiritual I intend to address those realms or dimensions where awareness can visit without the body, where time future and past are all in the now, and where form and space are mental constructs.

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"You are part of the whole

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What is the proof that you need to understand that you are not alone? Consider the statement, "You are part of the whole, and not separate," a quote from a spiritual adviser named Charles Crooks. From this perspective, if you are part of the whole, then you could never be alone,hollister, for the whole encompasses everything.

Could that something be our spiritual essence? The answer may lie in a key line from the movie, "If we are alone, it sure would be a lot of wasted space." Moreover,air jordan, do you really think that God would waste space?

Throughout the film, you get a sense that Ellie has felt all alone her entire life and you understand that she does not believe in God. Many people try to convince her otherwise, including her love interest, Father Palmer Joss, who is a renowned spiritual advisor. Ellie explains to Father Joss her belief in the scientific probability of other life in the universe. In response,air jordan pas cher, he states the same line that she once received from her own father, "If there wasn't, it would be an awful waste of space."

From a spiritual standpoint, most of you may believe that God is always with you,abercrombie deutschland. However, there are skeptics out there, including the main character of the movie, Ellie Arroway,cheap supra shoes. Her mother died when Ellie was just an infant,hollister france. She is a highly intelligent child, excelling in science and technology. Her father shows her how to operate a ham radio at a very early age and she works tirelessly to speak with others, beginning with this simple form of radio communication.

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This article was written by Cindy L. Herb and may be reproduced on any related website provided the text is not changed in any form and this copyright statement is displayed unedited in its entirety at the foot of the article and you use the exact same HTML code to ensure a clickable link back to the author's site. Further articles are also available. Contact the author for more information. Copyright 2009 Cindy L. Herb, All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

By the end of the film,abercrombie, as an undeterred scientist, she does discover a signal from life outside our world,hollister. Following that discovery, a series of circumstances change Ellie's perspective about being alone. She has an experience that forced her to change her mind; she knew she was not alone and that we are all part of something bigger. However,louboutin, she had no proof for her belief. She told others that even though, scientifically, she could not explain her encounter; her wish was for others to know that 'We are not alone.'

Later in the movie, the audience learns that there was 'proof' of Ellie's scientific experiment that led to her spiritual experience, but officials in the government hid it from the public,hollister. The movie ultimately shows that God and science do not have to act independently from each other. Both science and spirituality have the same goal: discover truth. Science can prove that we are not alone and are part of something bigger.

By Cindy L,jordan. Herb
See all Articles by Cindy L. HerbSee Cindy L. Herb's Expert PageGet Updates on Friendship & LonelinessGet Updates on Cindy L. Herb Average: 4 Your rating: None Average: 4 (2 votes) Tweet

Have you ever seen the movie, Contact? It is one of my favorite movies, because not only has it a great, talented cast and fantastic visual effects, but also because it is a highly spiritual movie, demonstrating that we are not alone in the universe.

She yearns to connect somehow with her mother. This is evident by a question she posed to her father, given as a small child, "Dad, can we talk to mom?" In addition, she asks him, "Hey Dad, do you think there are people on other planets?" His response is, "I don't know, Sparks, but I'd guess I'd say if it was just us, it seems like an awful waste of space." Shortly thereafter, her father dies, setting up a more fervent desire in her to look for intelligent life outside the human realm.

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Again we must clarify our terminology. When I speak of the spiritual I intend to address those realms or dimensions where awareness can visit without the body, where time future and past are all in the now, and where form and space are mental constructs.

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3) Be strong – God will never leave you. Whenever you are moving to a higher place in your life,cheap supra shoes, you will have times when you’re discouraged and want to give up,supra shoes. Remember that God will never leave you. Even if you can’t see any progress, He is still there with you.

2) Walk! God told Joshua that every place his foot landed,hollister online shop, God was going to give him. In other words, you have to MOVE forward. Take that next step. If you don’t know what the next step is, ask God to show you. He WILL do it!

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7) Commit to knowing God’s Word. Meditate on it,hollister france. Devour it. It is the first, middle, and last step for any true,abercrombie, eternal, God defined Success Story,hollister uk! You can start by meditating on Joshua 1:1-9.

5) Realize that your success isn’t all about you. You will influence and help other people be successful. Don’t think that reaching your goal, finding your destiny and living your destiny is all about you. It isn’t. God always wants increase,air jordan! There are people He wants you to influence, teach, and show the way to their own success.

1) Realize that “Moses is dead”. First, you have to let go of the past. The way things “used to be”. The “comfort zones” of your life. If you continue to look back and try to hang on to your former life as it was, you cannot move to the next level God has for you. Don’t look back,hollister deutschland!

6) Remember the principles of your mentor or coach – imitate what she did in order to create her own success story,hollister. And if you don’t have a mentor or coach, get one! Find someone who is succeeding in the same way you want to succeed and follow her.

There is nothing more fulfilling than knowing you are walking in the kind of success that is defined and inspired by the God who writes your life story. Incorporating these success principles into your business and life will position you to succeed beyond your wildest dreams,jordan, not only in this life, but for all eternity.

4) Be courageous – God will never forsake you. Again,hollister, remember that God is always with you. Being strong means pushing through barriers, being courageous means being willing to step into the “unknown”.

Do you want a successful life,abercrombie deutschland? A life that glorifies God and fulfills your deepest desires? Then come with me on a journey through the first few verses of the book of Joshua, Chapter 1 and allow me to show you 7 keys to Biblical success.

By Ginny Edwards
See all Articles by Ginny EdwardsSee Ginny Edwards's Expert PageGet Updates on ReligionGet Updates on Ginny Edwards Average: 4 Your rating: None Average: 4 (2 votes) Tweet Related articles:

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Again we must clarify our terminology. When I speak of the spiritual I intend to address those realms or dimensions where awareness can visit without the body, where time future and past are all in the now, and where form and space are mental constructs.

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The CPC Central Committee is due to meet from Tuesday to Thursday. General Secretary Xi Jinping and other Communist Party leaders are reportedly discussing plans to streamline the government.

The goal is to create "super ministries" that consolidate various existing agencies with overlapping duties in broad fields such as transportation, media, energy, finance and health. Reformers say the change is urgently needed to keep the world’s second-largest economy growing. China has undergone previous rounds of government restructuring to keep pace with the changing economy. The number of ministries was reduced from 100 in 1980s to just 27 in 2008. At the 18th CPC congress last November, the idea of building "Super Ministries" was raised again. But the meeting of the CPC Central Committee Political Bureau last Saturday said the new round of government reforms should be carried out step by step. It added that any reforms should "highlight function changes and improve administrative efficiency."

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In 2000 October, Mei is company of Meilong town enterprise office agreed to corporate restructuring, and entrusted assets assessment companies involved in all of the assets and liabilities of assessment.
2000 September to 2001 February, que Jingde, Zhang Zhiqin took advantage of his position to facilitate the plum,abercrombie, company restructuring process,hollister, the occult, deception and other means, the plum company 4246 yuan assets are not counted in the replacement of assets price,abercrombie uk.
In 2001 February, Mei company with net assets of more than 1000 yuan price replacement to que Jingde, Zhang Zhiqin and other natural 24.In 2001 April, Mei company restructuring completed registration, Zhang Zhiqin of the accused person shares accounted for more than 64%,louboutin, and served as the legal representative, chairman, general manager; the defendant que Jingde shares accounted for 15%, and has served on the board of.
Que Jingde, Zhang Zhiqin actually invaded plum company assets worth over 3370 yuan.The court thinks,air jordan pas cher, que Jingde, although Zhang Zhiqin is not included in national office staff, but should still be considered as national staff, in line with the subject of the crime of embezzlement identity.
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China says negotiation is the only way to address Iran’s nuclear issue and has urged all relevant parties to step up diplomatic efforts at the nuclear talks in Kazakhstan. China’s assistant foreign minister and the head of China’s delegation to the talks, Ma Zhaoxu says that the Iranian nuclear issue is complicated and sensitive. China hopes all parties not only boost confidence in peacefully solving the issue through talks, but also take an objective and practical attitude.

Ma Zhaoxu, China's Assistant FForeign Minister, said:"So far, the talks and negotiations have been helpful. We hope these talks make more efforts on what we have previously done. The talks are difficult, involving the interests of all parties. No matter what, China will continue to play its due role in resolving Iran’s nuclear issues through the talks.

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