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The Greek PM has warned the nation of a collapse in living standards if MPs fail to pass an unpopular austerity bill demanded in return for a 130bn-euro ($170bn; �110bn) bailout.

In a TV address, Lucas Papademos said Greece was "just a breath away from Ground Zero".

The cabinet has approved the measures but five government ministers resigned.

Unions are holding a 48-hour strike, and thousands of protesters rallied in central Athens against the measures.

Riot police were on standby after clashes on Friday, but the demonstrations were mostly peaceful.

The austerity measures are being demanded by the eurozone and IMF - they must now be passed by the Greek parliament and approved by European finance ministers.

Some MPs from the governing parties are expected to vote against the bill, the BBC's Mark Lowen in Athens reports.

But analysts say the package should still have enough support in parliament, because Pasok, the largest party, and its coalition ally New Democracy account for more than 230 deputies out of a total of 300. Catastrophe fear

Mr Papademos said the measures would "decide the country's future" and enable it to stay inside the euro. Continue reading the main story What went wrong in Greece?

An old drachma note and a euro note

   Greece's economic reforms, which led to it abandoning the drachma as its currency in favour of the euro in 2002, made it easier for the country to borrow money.

The opening ceremony at the Athens Olympics

   Greece went on a big, debt-funded spending spree, including paying for high-profile projects such as the 2004 Athens Olympics, which went well over its budget.

A defunct restaurant for sale in central Athens

   The country was hit by the downturn, which meant it had to spend more on benefits and received less in taxes. There were also doubts about the accuracy of its economic statistics.

A man with a bag of coins walks past the headquarters of the Bank of Greece

   Greece's economic problems meant lenders started charging higher interest rates to lend it money. Widespread tax evasion also hit the government's coffers.

Workers in a rally led by the PAME union in Athens on 22 April 2010

   There have been demonstrations against the government's austerity measures to deal with its debt, such as cuts to public sector pay and pensions, reduced benefits and increased taxes. 

Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou at an EU summit in Brussels on 26 March 2010

   The EU, IMF and European Central Bank agreed 229bn euros ($300bn; �190bn) of rescue loans for Greece. Prime Minister George Papandreou quit in November 2011 after trying to call a referendum.

Greece's problems have made investors nervous, which has made it more expensive for other European countries such as Portugal to borrow money.

   Eurozone leaders are worried that if Greece were to default, and even leave the euro, it would cause a major financial crisis that could spread to much bigger economies such as Italy and Spain.

Lucas Papademos

   Under Prime Minister Lucas Papademos, Greece is trying to negotiate a big write-off of private debts and secure a second bail-out of 130bn euros ($170bn, �80bn) before a 20 March deadline. 

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"The social cost of this programme is limited in comparison with the economic and social catastrophe that would follow if we didn't adopt it," he said.

Savings would be lost, the government would be unable to pay wages or salaries, and imports of fuel, medicine and machinery would be disrupted, he added.

Earlier, Greek conservative leader Antonis Samaras said all his party's MPs must vote in favour of the bailout law.

Mr Samaras, whose New Democracy party is a member of the governing coalition, said any rebels would face being dropped as parliamentary candidates.

Deputy Foreign Minister Mariliza Xenogiannakopoulou, who quit on Friday afternoon, is the most senior defection so far.

Her Pasok party, the largest in the coalition, also suffered the loss of a deputy labour minister on Thursday.

The austerity cuts include:

   * 15,000 public-sector job cuts
   * liberalisation of labour laws
   * lowering the minimum wage by 20% from 751 euros a month to 600 euros
   * negotiating a debt write-off with banks.

These were presented to a eurozone ministers in Brussels on Thursday evening.

But they want a further 325m euros in savings for this year and also insist that Greek leaders give "strong political assurances" on the implementation of the packages.


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Alcohol and Energy Drinks A Dangerous Combination

The popularity of mixed cocktails containing alcohol and energy drinks has exploded in the United States in the last several years. Cocktails such as the now-famous Vodka and Red Bull are being served at bars and nightclubs all across the country. Even traditionally “beer and wine” type of establishments now offer these beverages to cater to the younger crowd that generally orders them. And while the overall age of those who consume alcohol and energy drinks was initially between 19 and 22,abercrombie, this surging trend is quickly making its way into older demographics. But regardless of age, there seems to be a great deal of ignorance about the risks and dangers associated with alcohol and energy drinks. This must be corrected through a campaign of education because there are very real and potentially life-threatening consequences when these substances are mixed.

Energy drinks are questionable enough without adding alcohol to them. This is because energy drinks like Monster and Red Bull are not regulated like normal food items. Instead,abercrombie france, they are considered nutritional supplements are so are not bound by the same rules. To demonstrate why this is dangerous, the FDA allows for a maximum of 71mg of caffeine in any food item,hollister. Most sodas have far less than this,franklin marshal. However, energy drinks have no upper limit and therefore some contain as much as 400mg of caffeine.

As if the extremely high amount of caffeine wasn’t enough to deter anyone from drinking these beverages, they also contain a great deal of additional stimulants such as ginseng,abercrombie, guarana and taurine,hollister france. These stimulants have been shown to cause severe complications of the liver, lungs,abercrombie uk, heart and kidneys,air jordan. When combined with large doses of caffeine and sugar, it’s easy to see why energy drinks can be threatening to human health,casque beats.

From a psychoactive standpoint alcohol is the opposite of the stimulants found in energy drinks. Alcohol is a depressant that, contrary to popular belief, does not balance or “cancel out” the stimulant effects of energy drinks. The general theory offered by most people is that the combination of these two substances will permit a person to become intoxicated on alcohol while retaining all of their wits via the energy drink,loubouttin. However, it just doesn’t work like this,beats by dre. Instead, people who combine these substances remain very drunk but only think that they are not.

This misconception and the very nature of stimulants can cause people to engage in unusually risky behavior,hollister outlet. The consumption of alcohol and energy drinks is associated with increased incidences of assault and violent crime, drunk driving, risky or promiscuous sex, and generally dangerous behavior. This is further exacerbated by the fact that people between the ages of 19 and 22 are already more prone to these risks than older people.

Several states have already taken action be enacting emergency legislation to ban the sale of alcohol and energy drinks. This is due in large part to the addictive nature of both alcohol and high doses of caffeine. If you or someone you care about is having difficulties because of alcohol and energy drinks, you can get help right now simply by picking up the phone.

Click here to get confidential, professional help right now, day or night:

Click here for information about inpatient treatment- one of the best options available to defeat addiction or alcoholism.

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When you have bad credit, it can be very tempting to jump at any lender willing to give you the time of day,cheap foamposites. You want to move into your own home so bad that you don’t worry about promotional interest rates that can jump in a year or two, or other fees that your agent may not tell you about. Those fees and jumping rates are there, however, in the fine print that most people don’t read. They don’t realize their interest rates may jump until it happens and they find that they can no longer afford their monthly payments. It’s only until they’re foreclosed upon that they kick themselves for not doing more homework when it came to their bad credit home mortgage loan.

The reason for the fees and jumping rates is that having bad credit makes you a high risk for any lender. Bad Credit Home Mortgage Loans want to make sure they make their money when they provide you with a home loan. Bad Credit Home Mortgage Loans offer lower interest rates to tempt you into signing the mortgage papers and then they jump the interest rate up a few points,cheap foamposites, or sometimes double it, to ensure they’re paid everything they are owed and more.

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Now, not every bad credit home mortgage loans has jumping rates and added fees,nike shox. It’s just that there are some people out there who want to take advantage of those with bad credit, people who otherwise could never own their own home. These people offer low interest rate loans to people other lenders shun right away and the potential home owners jump at the chance,coach outlet. These types of bad credit home mortgage loans lenders are the reasons why there are so many foreclosures. So, be careful when signing any paperwork to ensure you are getting exactly what you expect to get,cheap gucci belts.

When homeowners or their legal advocates are performing research on a mortgage, there are numerous documents that may help inform their case against a mortgage company. These can include mortgage documents, information available in the public record, and other information found through fighting a lawsuit in the courts. Thus, borrowers should be aware of these various categories of documents and how they can help in defending a home.

The original mortgage documents are the most important in defending against a bank's foreclosure attempt. If there are any mistakes or fraudulent aspects discovered in these, the entire loan may be invalidated or a court-ordered loan modification plan may be put into place. Signs of abusive lending or clauses that may provide remedies to foreclosure should be searched for by the borrowers.

There are five documents that homeowners may wish to consider the most important when they are searching for the original paperwork. These are the following:

- HUD-1 Settlement Statement
- Truth in Lending disclosure and Rescission Notice
- Note for the loan
- Deed of Trust or Mortgage
- Appraisal

If a mortgage servicing company is involved in the collection of the payments on a monthly basis and responsible for the foreclosure process, homeowners should begin collecting documents related to the servicing,foamposites for sale. Servicer abuse is rampant, as the entire industry was set up from the beginning to prey upon homeowners and reward corrupt or fraudulent companies for pushing people into foreclosure.

There are several documents that homeowners should attempt to obtain from servicers and compare with their own copies of documents and calculations.

- Payoff Statement
- Complete payment history
- Contact history and notes on the account
- Disclosure of current owner of underlying loan
- Servicing transfer notice(s)
- Pooling and Servicing Agreement (PSA)

After obtaining the documents from the original lending transaction and relevant information from the servicing company, homeowners should begin to look into public records,louboutin pas cher. The bank, its attorneys, and any potential bidders will examine public records to find out as much as possible about the owners and the property. Borrowers should do the same to research the lender, servicer, and owner of the loan.

Searching public records can present endless sources of information for homeowners in researching mortgage companies. Just a few ideas are listed here:

- Land records from the county recorder
- Securities and Exchange Commission documents
- Complaints against companies with regulatory agencies
- Record of company through Better Business Bureau and other advocacy groups
- Records of other lawsuits the bank has been involved in
- General internet searches
- Corporate documents and accounting statements

Before going into court,louboutin, these documents can help homeowners begin to build a decent case for why a foreclosure should not allowed to go through. There are also numerous other documents that can be obtained in the discovery process in court, which will be covered in a later article. The types of documents and the purposes for each in the defense of the home present vast potential for homeowners trying to stop foreclosure.

Just like lenders examine borrowers' records to determine if they will qualify for a loan, homeowners should go through the exact same series of steps to determine if a bank has a legitimate right to foreclose or not. In many cases, they may uncover enough irregularities in the loan to force the bank into a mortgage modification or, if that is not offered or appropriate, have the entire foreclosure lawsuit dismissed out of court.

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its momentum magnificent well preserved their body an ordinary rural area This reporter recently visited the The church was built with &ldquo ;the &rdquo Hospital ;April 2nd the reporters came to the high church of Licun was found hiding in a small village in the original church group three the village road building demolished there is still only two large The church building is located in Gao Li in the early church group in the south of the first The existing building for the Chinese a small yard From east to west yard on the north side of the 5 rooms at first glance not much higher than ordinary houses look carefully but there is much fineness in &mdash ;&mdash ,hollister deutschland;walls doors and windows with arched square covers a large area and the wall almost out of proportion A knowledgeable person this building is borrowed from Chinese buildings made of a church is a church in the earliest Gao Li group built a church built about time in 1890 In the southeast the reporter 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middle school hospital food garrison also served as a Boxing county Party committee county government and the local town government offices The present church floor tiles is still in the left In the back of the church there is a row of houses architecture the priests room now uninhabited The priest is to the east of the living room kitchen garage mills The west is not far from the convent has a four four square yard of bricks and in Figure ten &ldquo ;&rdquo ;tunnel The convent of North East West three have more than 10 house house brick paving the convent remained intact The church is covered the red date is very neat tile on the surface of the seal is shown when they are in the Ji after the firing of the Xiaoqing River transport for church use Once the face removed &ldquo ;in a remote rural areas the existence of such a large piece of the church must have its deep background but because the extant text data is not much do not know which specific hidden story &rdquo ;Boxing County Heritage Management Institute County Museum curator Zhang Shumin said to the reporter on April 2nd Gao Li church group previously has not been listed as cultural relics The present church group the village because of the extension of Village Road and other reasons the church was demolished in the face For this the County Heritage Management has put the world more than 100 years church area declared the key cultural relics protection units According to the Shandong Provincial Institute of cultural relics and Archaeology of Boxing County Gao Mingkui Gao Li church group is being carried out in Shandong Province the third national cultural relics census work found by the departments of cultural relics and registered a more important on heritage buildings He suggested that the local cultural relics department to apply for the key security unit and then gradually returns for as a provincial-level key heritage conservation units &ldquo ;Gao Li church relates to some in the modern church history well-known missionary to Shandong area study of missionary history and the modern history of Shandong dating back some almost forgotten event in history with a very high research value &rdquo ;Gao Mingkui said Related links Gao Li church &ldquo ;Gao Li after the completion of the church first under the Diocese of Ji later under the Diocese of Zhoucun successively by the German priest horse Tiya company D Yang Enlai and American priest Fu Dehui Mei Fangyuan presided over the senate Later by the Chinese Zhang Xiuqing Wang Kegong Zhao Ling Hong Zong Huaide Sixteen years Guangxu ( 1890) and in Licun Gao the church built between the 5 American priest Fu Dehui entered the new Cathedral 12 dormitory 9 staff quarters 9 garage 3 mill 3 and men and women two campus consists of building 50 &hellip ;&hellip ;&rdquo ;&ldquo ;at this time the Catholic Church as the zenith of Gao Li period its jurisdiction the original Pu County and Binzhou County and part of the parishes in the senate
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          The Fine Print on Life Insurance – 5 Things You Should Know

          Are you tired of the endless options, confusing decisions, and high rates associated with life insurance? Life insurance is extremely important but may also seem unnecessarily convoluted and confusing. Well, today we’ll simplify your life by telling you a few secrets that your insurer may not voluntarily reveal.

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          If you think that your health condition is the only criteria used to determine your life insurance rates,jordan, you’re in for an unpleasant surprise,mulberry outlet. While insurance companies do focus on your health, they also look at a vast number of other lifestyle choices when deciding what your premiums will be. You credit history counts because it gives them a fair idea of whether you’ll pay your premiums or not and how likely you’ll be allow your insurance policy to lapse before they make a tidy sum on it. Traffic violations indicate that you’re a dangerous driver, and more likely to get into a fatal accident than someone with a clean driving record so they look at your driving history as well. Travelling overseas a lot, especially to places generally with high incidences of crime, illness-related fatalities and especially war, will send your premiums higher,hollister, so watch out for how many frequent-flier miles you accrue. Being fit may not be the best thing for your life insurance rates if you test your endurance and strength by hiking,franklin marshal, mountain climbing,hollister uk, and other hazardous adventure sports. And you might like the adrenaline rush of sky-diving and bungee-jumping, but your insurance provider will not necessarily feel the same way- they’ll raise your rates for engaging in these activities.

          Term trumps all

          While your insurance agent may push universal/whole policies upon you and extol the benefits of ‘tax-free investments’ or a ‘fixed premium’, please understand that term life insurance policies work best for most people. While universal policies include an investment component, they are much more expensive that term insurance and most people do not require the benefits offered by whole life insurance policies,loubouttin pas cher. Since whole life insurance offers a fixed premium, most insurance policies make allowances for old age,air jordan, sickness, etc,hollister sale., they fix a premium that is high enough to cover the same.

          Medical tests

          Many people do not even attempt to get life insurance coverage because they presume that thanks to their nicotine addiction, chronic illness, obesity, or fear of needles, they will fail the required medical test and hence won’t be eligible for life insurance. However, this is a misconception. You can get life insurance without taking a medical test. While this would mean that insurance becomes a quick, painless process, one that would allow you to get life insurance no matter what your medical condition is, please remember that no-test insurance will cost a lot more, and will give you less coverage.

          They won’t make an effort to find your beneficiary

          The National Association of Insurance Commissioners is currently leading an investigation on about 12 life insurance companies that have failed to pay out over a billion dollars worth of returns to rightful beneficiaries because they did not put any extra effort into locating beneficiaries who didn’t aggressively seek their pay-out. The insured parties had all diligently paid their premiums for decades to no avail,hollister france, because their heirs never received their rightful due. To avoid this from happening, you should inform all beneficiaries that they will receive a pay-out in the event of your death, and tell them that they should actively seek it.

          The early bird

          The people who get insurance only in their 40s are making a mistake. Ideally, you should get purchase a life insurance policy when you are young, healthy, and have recently undergone a lifestyle change that increases the number of people dependent on you financially. Not only will you get great rates as a healthy, young individual, but this is also the time when you need insurance the most. After all, most middle-aged people have enough savings and assets to take care of their spouses, and have children who are already financially stable and independent,loubouttin, which means that even if they were uninsured, their assets would support their spouse in some way. However, in your 30s, you don’t have the assets to protect your family’s interests, which is why you should definitely get adequate insurance,ralph lauren.

          So now that you’ve been exposed to the secrets of life insurance, evaluate your needs, and purchase life insurance accordingly. After all, your family’s future could depend on it,hollister uk.

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            Yangtze daily news Wuhan City senior high school entrance examination yesterday by the end of this paper, what are the characteristics of difficult degree, how? Yesterday, Wuhan City Keyuan Department experts this year to Wuhan City senior high school entrance examination papers subjects for the comments.Relevant experts believe that this examination questions focus on the social hot spots, pay close attention to reality, pay close attention to encourage students to learn in order to practise, Wuhan, pay attention to the life; examination questions is the social atmosphere, pay attention to the time, paying attention to students'development; test flat and simple and full of smart ideas, give full play to the senior high school entrance examination the selection test function.

            close to the times attention growth


            language examination questions filled with a strong flavor of the times and Chinese flavour, embodies the unity of tool and humanity, level detection and the teaching leads unified, education and social function.

            1, the paper has the distinct features of the times.Language is inseparable from the vivid life, set of examination paper the choice of material, thick atmosphere of times, regional characteristics.Now one of four options for the material selected is the latest incident, Shenzhou nine, big climbers Mount Everest content into the examination paper.

            Composition of

            material from the network writing about, guides the student to present the writing situation of thinking, to remind the students should have strict respectful attitude towards writing.

            2, the paper reflects the language discipline social value.Second problem with vivid language, 4 describes the characteristics of life and life attitude.The modern article reading and classical Chinese from the character of culture and attitude aspects of material selection, to cultivate students'correct outlook on life, values are of positive significance.Modern article reading in two, the author expressed the social impetuous utilitarian reading attitude worries, advocate people to love books, reading.This text to guide students to study meditation has a positive meaning.

            examination paper on proposition reflects the validity,hollister france, gradient and depth.Test design reflects the reasonable depth of examination questions.Each question will pay attention to the excellent students with an optimal space.In the standard formulation, setting reasonable elevation, thereby ensuring the excellent students in these problems can get full marks.

            leads students to return to teaching


            mathematical base the teaching material, in accordance with the test specifications, in reference to the April sample basis, were an innovation.Features are:

            1, paying attention to the process, respect for learning, scientific design, difficulty of weight distribution.According to the section of teaching time, the set of weights.Among them, " number and Algebra" 43 points (about 36%); " the formation; of geometry" points (about 33%) 39; " probability and statistics" 16 (about 13%); points; &quot,abercrombie; comprehensive and practice" 22 points (about 18%).Test on low starting point, desalination complex geometric reasoning at the same time, strengthen the learning quality detection, " for there is; don't feel" design is wrong, not only conducive to the selection, and to reduce the psychological burden of students.

            2, follow the curriculum.Questions also pay special attention to students'mathematical quality and thinking quality, a comprehensive examination of the junior high school students mathematics thinking method to master the situation and ability level.

            3, based on the teaching material, leading the junior middle school mathematics teaching return to teaching.In accordance with standard according to the questions, to guide teachers to textbooks play a role, in the daily teaching and textbook reviewing and preparing example effect.The vast majority of questions from the textbooks, background is not known, examination form and conception of Wuhan City, with full respect for learning, teaching, in order to give the feeling of deja vu and find everything fresh and new.For example, sixteenth horizontal integration of trigonometric function and round core knowledge, its material source in nine teaching material P103 fourteenth question, nine teaching materials under the P89 ninth problems; twenty-third longitudinal connecting function and equation, derived from nine 3, P16 P25 inquiry teaching problems (4); twenty-fourth questions will be dominant operation. Practice and implicit deductive reasoning without integration.

            4, dispersion difficulty, improve selection efficiency test.Item difficulty is relatively dispersed, in the whole volume increase gradually, such as the twelfth question is a simple parallelogram, but contains the student standard map, rigorous scholarship and good number sense test; fifteenth questions on test to check the number shape union thought; sixteenth inscribes the paper focuses on the use of circular sets definition; twenty-third to examine the students'ability of analyzing and solving problems, twenty-fourth prominent method and strategy selection.Twenty-fifth inscribes distinguish students in geometric intuition and computing ability difference.

            Outstanding communication by using


            examination paper to carry out the " stability and change, steady innovation" as the guiding ideology, the scientific sex, foundation sex and oriented sex.Examination paper of reasonable structure, scientific and rigorous life system.Its moderate, moderate difficulty; test coverage, key distribution, reasonable selection of proportion; rich is appropriate.Questions on the basic, content knowledge of language testing, highlight to the students to use the knowledge of communication ability test.

            1, pay attention to the basic knowledge, outstanding communication and application.The questions were set in specific scenarios, students examine the context to solve the question ability.Such as listening test section 5 problem scenarios reflecting, second small talk are textbooks requires knowledge of the function of topic, such as telephone, doctor.

            2, based on the teaching material content, outstanding ability conception.English examination questions strictly on the basis of the teaching content, such as the difficulty of cloze test set, not beyond the vocabulary; reading comprehension questions and options, also did not exceed.The short lyrics not only examine whether the students can grasp the overall discourse content, at the same time to examine the students'mastery of grammatical, lexical change and spelling ability.

            3, selection of authentic language, contains the humanities breath.Examination questions fully reflects the English subjects in the uniformity of tool and humanity.Total volume of reading materials, the selected language materials original, combine knowledge, ideological, cultural integration, to the English people, education, incentive people infected people, calligraphy emotions, reason.Such as cloze article clamping the clamp on inspiring students'life, in the face of setbacks and difficulties, to unremittingly spirit courageous to meet the challenge of life.

            4, pay attention to social life, manifest characteristics of the times.Item selection to life, reflecting the characteristics of the times, guides the student to pay attention to the society, concern for life,abercrombie milano.For example the English listening test, last call for blood donation, advocate love.

            choice of 40 questions taken from Wuhan just organized the " soup especially Cup" badminton, written content is to guide students to " old use" consciousness.

            attention to Wuhan

            thought morality

            moral attention hot spots of society, actively explore why the use of regional resources, highlight the characteristics of vernacular, Wuhan, financial times,hollister, education in one, is a fashion color and have a distinctive flavour cultural feast.

            1, pay attention to spiritual growth.Examination questions in itself is a vivid teaching material, filled with the glory of human nature,hollister france.The most beautiful woman teacher Zhang Lili risk one's life for another touching behaviors such as shining to really noble sentiments, also caused the examinee to the life awareness and thinking.

            2, grasp the pulse of the times, focus the development of hometown.Covering economic, political, cultural, scientific and technological fields, examining the student to focus event perception and comprehension ability.Examination questions closely related to Wuhan Economic and social development reality, such as the first question is to man of the first " Mount Everest" as the background, trains the student to the Wuhan's sense of belonging and sense of pride.Thirty-fourth problems in party generation can put forward " construction of National Central City, revival of Wuhan" struggling target material for construction, arouse students'hometown of simple feelings.

            3, osmotic opening consciousness, cultivation of global vision.Questions in leading the students writing age picture at the same time, everywhere permeated with open awareness, to develop students'international perspectives to lay the foundation.As of third problems in Sino-US diplomatic ties 33 years as the carrier, to examine the topic of competition and cooperation.

            4, creating activities, guide the students to independent research.Multiple-choice questions through the creation of be lively and vivid research theme, create essential air real scenarios and charm.

            pays attention to the student to develop

            history and society

            1, explain profound theories in simple language, common strange.Embodied in the academic support stability, high performance considerations; usually focus on livestock, highlighting the main discipline knowledge; novelty is reflected in the specific historical problems on civilization history of examination.

            pays attention to the student to develop, reflected the concept of curriculum model, decrease negative synergism.Is mainly reflected in three aspects, one is to examine one is a historical knowledge.Two is to decrease the test level requirement.For this many entity representations directly from the textbooks or in problem doing direct tips.Third main questions of objective, reduce the amount of writing.

            2, purposive, microscopic examination.Paper buckle masterstroke closely, through " to explore the road of the powerful nation (31 questions) " and " feeling of peace and development (32 questions) " two problems, show the progress of human civilization and history.31 question reality, based on the trunk, purposive " powerful nation".The " most populous nation" the city of, " Wuhan new look" and implied " Wuhan Construction of National Central city" comprehensive information appear, put a monotone, stress history answer became rich, lively examination.

            3, hidden heat, reflect comprehensive.The paper comprehensively in three aspects, one is the historical knowledge synthesis, two is the history and reality of three is comprehensive, learning method and learning requirements of the comprehensive,hollister.

            4, an innovation, seek development.History and social entity innovation is a form of innovation, reflected in four aspects: one is to set up the innovation way of problem solving, from direct examination to indirectly reflect.Two to open the degree of adjustment, the excessive pursuit of open to moderate openness.Three is to adjust the individual problems, reduce the difficulty of judging, from two to increase difficulty, a choice.Four of the test questions difficulty arrangement adjustment, from the selection problem degree of difficulty big, subjective difficulty small into subjective difficulty than multiple-choice question,air jordan.

            focus on scientific inquiry investigation


            item selection item stem fresh, simple, straightforward language, the problem is pointed to clear, full volume without complex, difficult, society, body out of the senior high school entrance examination questions of science, quality characteristics of wuhan.

            1, scientific, rigorous, reflects the curriculum standards and test specifications.Test test structure, knowledge distribution, capacity requirements in line with examination requirements.

            2, the terminology standard, concise, give full consideration to the actual level of junior middle school students.Test simple, reasonable, simple, specification language, question is pointed to clear, full thinking test.Seventh questions, 8 questions, 32 questions, 33 questions for students thinking of a full test.

            3, pay attention to the ability of scientific research and experimental skills test.Scientific inquiry is curriculum reform advocated by the way of learning, it is the important content of the chemistry course in junior middle school.The papers on scientific inquiry investigation including experimental skills and research elements in two dimensions.

            4, highlight the practical application, pay attention to chemistry and technology, social contact.Questions to the students familiar with the material such as charcoal, coal use and laboratory use in cigarette smoke, formaldehyde, glucose, tail gas treatment and other scenarios for the material, reflect the rational use of chemicals on human action, promote students to new materials, new energy, resource conservation, environmental protection and other social issues of the attention.

            proper attention of cohesion


            1, physics proposition according to curriculum standards, follow the examination instructions." Motion and interaction of" about " energy" accounted 45%, for about 40%, " material" is occupied about 1%, which relates to test students'scientific inquiry ability is the content about 35%.

            2, examination questions originates from the life, production and science and technology, closely related to society.In life such as sprinkler, remote control model helicopter, glasses, spray cooling, and chemical patents (electric chair), astronomical phenomena (eclipse), the development of the society (nuclear),hollister, the progress of science and Technology (Xiangyanghong 09 expedition ship and the Dragon submersible this paper focuses on), the students'applied physics knowledge solution life, practical problems in production capacity, guide the students to care about production, physics in daily life, to guide teaching practice, reflect the characteristics of Wuhan, reflect " from life to physics, from physics to society" concept of curriculum.


            3, examination questions with respect to the experimental facts, a comprehensive assessment of scientific research.Test question examination of scientific inquiry ability, comprehensive test laboratory equipment, principle, process, method, data analysis and processing.

            4, examination questions focus on ability test, the appropriate attention of articulation.Questions not only from the ability of angle to middle and high cohesion, but also from the knowledge that the students have the proper angle to junior high and high school.As of tenth, 14 problem, problem 15 questions, 19 questions, 22 questions, which are the further study physics knowledge necessary.

            reporter Ke Meijie

            reporter Zou Yongning Intern Feng Qingquan

            examination paper


            Wuhan senior high school entrance examination ends, especially cup soup, " managing model society" and other hot into the problem

            manages the heddle very simple English individual question is a little tricky

            newspaper news (reporter Zhang Yukun Intern Mo Yujin Chen Jing Wu Ke yesterday Wuhan City Senior), high school entrance examination to test the very next day, test subjects for Physical Chemistry (in volume), english.After the end of the examination, the examinee is mirrorred generally, physical and chemical examination there is ample time, examination questions is very simple; English reading and cloze is a bit tricky.

            Physical chemistry examination questions is simple:

            in the livery stable Mountain Center, around 11:10 a.m., candidates been out of each flower, smiley." I think the problem is; quite interesting, physical countdown second big problems have a circuit diagram, graph on a chair, there are three resistors, one problem: chair circuit maximum time is how much Coke Question two: what is? A mid-range when coke? This topic will not move the pen, to have a look to see, feel the two door of the test are quite close to the life, I minutes ahead of time all 40 done, is relatively simple." Hongshan middle school students said zhao.

            " feeling this exam with the usual practice is almost, even a little bit more simple." Kobayashi said " no rare not, start problem, time is enough, especially chemical, computation is not the usual practice, so did rather enjoyable." The two China division one of the other students to.

            " chemistry problem is pretty simple, just two calculation problem in the final results seem to have... " Many examinees are reflected, chemical problem was not difficult, but slightly too easily be wrong, so that the most cost-effective,abercrombie paris.Many students also said, physical examination is closely related to life, such as a solar eclipse, the use of nuclear energy and so the problem.

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            Guanshan secondary point out long have " lined up to meet" candidates.This reporter Yuan Liyang video

            yesterday, candidates out of the examination room with a smile.Intern reporter Xu Chuyun by

            students are discussing questions.This reporter Yuan Liyang video

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