Pass the Pigs
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The name of several English traditions dating back to pre-Norman times.
1) The fairest milkmaid of the village, dressed as stoat, would eat up to thirty pork sausages at a feast typically held on St Swithin's Eve. One day later, the populace of the village would gather to examine the Milkmaid's Stools and see whether she had indeed 'passed the pigs'.
2) The fairest milkmaid of the village, dressed as a vole, would be thrown into a valley containing a number of vicious wild pigs. If the maiden 'passed the pigs' by reaching a maypole on the other side of the animals, a great feast would be held.
3) The fairest milkmaid of the village, dressed as a ring-tailed lemur and carrying a maypole, would attempt to understand the speech of a number of pigs. If the maiden 'parsed the pigs', the village would enjoy a good harvest that year.
The tradition was outlawed in 1543, as too many pigs were being harmed in savage revenge attacks by milkmaids.