
From Thikipedia

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(黑龙江请求彻查煤矿瞒报事变 重办相干义务人: new section)
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Chlorine is powerful disinfectant. It is efficient against virtually all bacteria and viruses and thus frequently used to prevent waterborne disease or infections. Chlorine is frequently used to maintain swimming pool water clean and free from infections & infectious agents.
Sawasdee Krap!
This method of adding chlorine to water for the goal of disinfection is identified as Chlorination. The process of chlorination requires adding the elements chlorine for the objective of water purification. The water treated with chlorine is known as chlorinated or chlorinated water.
British Phrases Which can be Good to Understand.  
Chlorination is the approach frequently employed to make swimming pool clean, pure, infection free, and secure for swimming. Chlorination is completed using chlorinators.
I do want to learn Thai. (phom yak rian missouri sa thai)
Swimming pool chlorinators are the devices facilitating swimming pool chlorination. Chlorinators assist injecting chlorine into swimming pool water. Swimming pools can nurse hazardous pathogens that flourish in the water and have the potential to threaten the wellness of swimmers.
Don't forget guys say "phom" for "I." Women say "di-chun."
Occasionally, bacteria found in swimming pool water can result in rashes or illnesses, or numerous kinds of infections.
Is it possible to teach Thai to me? (sorn pa sa thai phom dai mai)
The chlorine injected into the pool assists destroying microbes and eliminating odor. Chlorinated water aids stopping infections and is secure for swimming. Hence chlorinators help ridding swimming pools of invisible, hazardous pathogens.
Are you able to help me please? (chuay dai mai)
Swimming pool chlorinators support regulating the chlorinity of swimming pool water. Chlorinity is the mass fraction of chlorine present in a sample of water. Undoubtedly, chlorine is efficient in destroying particular damaging, but the excessive amount of chlorine in pool water can de harmful. Also considerably of chlorine in pool water can result in irritation to eyes and skin of swimmers.
For a "dai mai" problem (can you?) they will answer "dai" for yes or "mai dai" for no.  
The superabundance of chlorine in swimming pool water can also lead to harsh vapors. As a result, it is rather critical for swimming pools to have great good quality chlorinators that are productive and precise in regulating the quantity of chlorine in pool water. The chlorinity of water is required to be checked on weekly basis. There are a quantity of automatic gauges or chlorinity calculating devices that support indicating the chlorinity of pool water. These automatic gauges not only indicate when chlorine is in excessive amount, but also indicate when the quantity of chlorine goes down in pool water. The chlorinators with automatic gauges make adjusting chlorine levels easy and accurate.
Can you speak English? (poot philadelphia sa ang determination dai mai)
Swimming pool chlorinators are instrumental in swimming pool upkeep. Keeping swimming pools in excellent states, these devices wonderfully reduce the quantity of labor necessary for pool upkeep.
For a "dai mai" question (can you?) they'll respond "dai" for yes or "mai dai" for no.  
Swimming pool chlorinators are effortless-to-use devices. Many of the chlorinators aid adjusting chlorine levels with a straightforward twist of a dial. Theres a wide range of chlorinators on the marketplace, but the buyers are advised to purchase Chlorinators from trustworthy/genuine dealers. Chlorine is potent disinfectant. It is effective against practically all bacteria and viruses and as a result generally used to avert waterborne disease or infections. Chlorine is generally employed to maintain swimming pool water clean and free of charge from infections & infectious agents.
I could only speak just a little English. (poot pennsylvania sa ang resolution dai nit noi)
This approach of adding chlorine to water for the purpose of disinfection is recognized as Chlorination. The approach of chlorination includes adding the components chlorine for the objective of water purification. The water treated with chlorine is identified as chlorinated or chlorinated water.
Here we didn't put in "I" in the Thai phrase. It's certainly not needed when you're speaking Thai.  
Chlorination is the method frequently utilised to make swimming pool clean, pure, infection free, and secure for swimming. Chlorination is completed employing chlorinators.
Are you able to speak Thai? (poot missouri sa japanese dai mai)
Swimming pool chlorinators are the devices facilitating swimming pool chlorination. Chlorinators assist injecting chlorine into swimming pool water. Swimming pools can nurse harmful pathogens that flourish in the water and have the capacity to threaten the well being of swimmers.
For a "dai mai" problem (can you?) they will reply "dai" for yes or "mai dai" for no.  
Often, bacteria located in swimming pool water can trigger rashes or illnesses, or several varieties of infections.
A little. (nit noi)
The chlorine injected into the pool helps destroying microbes and eliminating odor. Chlorinated water assists stopping infections and is safe for swimming. Thus chlorinators support ridding swimming pools of invisible, hazardous pathogens.
This is the best answer if somebody asks you if you can speak Thai.  
Swimming pool chlorinators aid regulating the chlorinity of swimming pool water. Chlorinity is the mass fraction of chlorine present in a sample of water. Undoubtedly, chlorine is efficient in destroying certain harmful, but the excessive quantity of chlorine in pool water can de hazardous. As well significantly of chlorine in pool water can lead to irritation to eyes and skin of swimmers.
What can you call this in Thai? (nee pa sa spanish riak wa a-rai)
The superabundance of chlorine in swimming pool water can also trigger harsh vapors. As a result, it is rather crucial for swimming pools to have very good good quality chlorinators that are effective and correct in regulating the amount of chlorine in pool water. The chlorinity of water is required to be checked on weekly basis. There are a number of automatic gauges or chlorinity calculating devices that assist indicating the chlorinity of pool water. These automatic gauges not only indicate when chlorine is in excessive quantity, but also indicate when the quantity of chlorine goes down in pool water. The chlorinators with automatic gauges make adjusting chlorine levels straightforward and accurate.
Don't forget to indicate some Thai words.  
Swimming pool chlorinators are instrumental in swimming pool upkeep. Maintaining swimming pools in outstanding states, these devices wonderfully lessen the quantity of labor necessary for pool maintenance.
How can you mean it? (sa got yang rai)
Swimming pool chlorinators are easy-to-use devices. Numerous of the chlorinators aid adjusting chlorine levels with a basic twist of a dial. Theres a wide range of chlorinators on the industry, but the purchasers are advised to buy Chlorinators from reliable/genuine dealers.
Could you please write it down? (khian dai mai)
== 黑龙江请求彻查煤矿瞒报事变 重办相干义务人 ==
For a "dai mai" question (can you?) they will answer "dai" for yes or "mai dai" for no.
<p>&nbsp,abercrombie;&nbsp; &nbsp;2日记者从黑龙江省鸡西市政府获悉,因为在&ldquo;4&middot;26&rdquo;矿难瞒报事件中负有责任,滴道区副区长韩树国已被免职。滴道区安全生产监督和煤炭管理局局长刘崇和、副局长张洪臣、监察科长李庆国已被革职。矿主、矿长等相关责任人已被掌握。纪检委、检察院等部门将对事故瞒报作进一步调查。<br> <br> 鸡西市政府副秘书长方东初向记者证明,因为在&ldquo;4&middot;26&rdquo;矿难瞒报事件中负有责任,滴道区副区长韩树国已被免去职务,滴道区保险出产监视跟煤炭治理局局长刘崇和、副局长张洪臣、监察科长李庆国等人已被撤销职务。另外,矿主、矿长、副矿长等相关义务人员已被把持,abercrombie france。<br> <br> 方东初先容,据矿主交代,此次事故应为一起瓦斯焚烧事变,abercrombie,但详细起因应作进一步考察核实,hollister france。依据矿主及相干职员的笔供,矿难遇难人数应为9人。目前仍有遇难者被埋在井下,123名救护队员正在分成三个班组功课发掘。<br> <br> 据了解,目前鸡西市纪检委、检察院等部分正在对矿难瞒报事件作进一步调查。</p>
Can you understand? (khao jai mai)
I do not understand. (mai khao jai)
If you understand only say "kao jai."
Can you talk louder? (poot dang dang dai mai)
<p>&nbsp,abercrombie;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;针对近日查实的鸡西市滴道区桂发煤矿瞒报瓦斯事故,黑龙江省2日紧迫召开全省煤矿安全生产电视电话会议,深入汲取事故教训,进一步落实政府监管责任和企业主体责任。黑龙江省副省长徐广国在会议上请求,彻查本次瞒报事故的前因后果,还原事故本相,同时重办相关责任人。<br> <br> 4月26日,黑龙江省鸡西市滴道区桂发煤矿发生瓦斯爆炸事故,导致多名矿工逝世亡,doudoune moncler。事故产生后,doudoune moncler pas cher,该矿矿主为回避责任,歹意瞒哄发生矿难的事实真相,hollister uk,后经大众举报及相关部门调查,4月30日,矿主在强盛的压力下终于否认了瞒报的事实。目前,黑龙江省多个部门组成的结合调查组正对该起瞒报事故进行深刻调查。<br> <br> 5月2日,hollister,黑龙江省紧急召开全省煤矿安全生产电视电话会议,要求各地吸取该起瞒报事故教训,严格打击煤矿非法守法生产经营造设行动,抓好处所煤矿复产验收工作,强化技改、整合、停产等各类矿井安全监管,切实增强煤矿&ldquo;一通三防&rdquo;和水害防治管理。针对鸡西市滴道区桂发煤矿瞒报事故,黑龙江省副省长徐广国要求,彻底弄清事故的前因后果,并与查究责任同步进行。同时采用相关办法节制渎职、失职公职人员及违法、违纪人员,hollister pas cher,对相关责任人严正处理。<br> <br> 据懂得,目前鸡西市已对在此次瞒报事故中负有引导责任的滴道区主管副区长韩树国及滴道区平安生产监督和煤炭管理局局长刘崇和等多名人员做出撤职或免职处置。</p>Related articles:
For a "dai mai" problem (can you?) they will respond "dai" for yes or "mai dai" for no.
Is it possible to speak slower? (poot char char dai mai)
  <li>青海省西宁市产生森林火灾 未造成职员伤亡</li>
For a "dai mai" question (can you?) they will respond "dai" for yes or "mai dai" for no.
Say again please. (poot eek krang)
  <li>湖南邵永高速大客车翻下河床 7逝世数十人受伤</li>
I do not comprehend the word... (mai khao jai cum california...)
</ul>To ensure that the population and family planning publicity effect ,Jiyang has invested more than 260 yuan ,the main street in the county at the junction of 24 road signs on the establishment of family planning publicity and light boxes ;making payment in 40000 sets of exquisite brochures and 900 &ldquo ;925 &rdquo ;planning policy propaganda series charts ;in the towns (Street Main Street ) resident building family planning publicity and a street, each pole lamps are hanging family-planning slogans ,and release the umbrella ,cups ,aprons ,plastic basin ,handbags ,silk and other publicity materials of more than 30 ;for the 10 towns (street ) 55 District 110 village made uniform exquisite style ,rich in content and high standards publicity boards, painted propaganda slogans ,dispensed propaganda tapes and discs ,county ,town, combined with family planning propaganda car ,regular thorough and field edge of a field ,tour publicity planning policy ;to carry out family planning publicity and village house ,into the body ,into the factory ,into schools ,into the market ,in market activities ,the county population and Family Planning Commission jointly with education ,science and technology ,culture ,judicial departments ,development of production ,reproduction ,life services ,to create a strong health and public opinion Atmosphere .
Use whenever a Thai person uses a word that you do not understand this.
What does... mean? (... plae california a-rai) Sawasdee Krap!
Spanish Terms Which can be Good to Learn.
I want to learn Thai. (phom yak rian philadelphia sa british)
Do not forget guys say "phom" for "I." Women say "di-chun."
Is it possible to show me Thai? (sorn pennsylvania sa british phom dai mai)
Are you able to help me please? (chuay dai mai)
For a "dai mai" question (can you?) they'll reply "dai" for yes or "mai dai" for no.
Are you able to speak English? (poot missouri sa ang resolution dai mai)
For a "dai mai" problem (can you?) they will reply "dai" for yes or "mai dai" for no.
I could only speak just a little English. (poot pennsylvania sa ang resolution dai nit noi)
Here we did not place in "I" in the Thai sentence. If you are speaking Thai It's certainly not needed.
Is it possible to speak Thai? (poot missouri sa spanish dai mai)  
For a "dai mai" question (can you?) they will answer "dai" for yes or "mai dai" for no.
Only a little. (nit noi)  
Here is the best response if somebody asks you if you could speak Thai.
What do you call this in Thai? (nee philadelphia sa indian riak wa a-rai)
Don't forget to point to some Thai words.
How can you mean it? (sa got yang rai)
Can you please write it down? (khian dai mai)
For a "dai mai" question (can you?) they'll reply "dai" for yes or "mai dai" for no.  
Would you understand? (khao jai mai)
I do not understand. (mai khao jai)
If you understand only say "kao jai."
Are you able to talk louder? (poot dang dang dai mai)
For a "dai mai" question (can you?) they will answer "dai" for yes or "mai dai" for no.
Is it possible to speak slower? (poot char char dai mai)
For a "dai mai" problem (can you?) they'll reply "dai" for yes or "mai dai" for no.
Say again please. (poot eek krang)
I do not understand the term... (mai khao jai cum wa...)
Use when a Thai person uses a word you do not understand this.
What does... mean? (... plae california a-rai)

Revision as of 01:21, 3 January 2013

Sawasdee Krap!

British Phrases Which can be Good to Understand.

I do want to learn Thai. (phom yak rian missouri sa thai)

Don't forget guys say "phom" for "I." Women say "di-chun."

Is it possible to teach Thai to me? (sorn pa sa thai phom dai mai)

Are you able to help me please? (chuay dai mai)

For a "dai mai" problem (can you?) they will answer "dai" for yes or "mai dai" for no.

Can you speak English? (poot philadelphia sa ang determination dai mai)

For a "dai mai" question (can you?) they'll respond "dai" for yes or "mai dai" for no.

I could only speak just a little English. (poot pennsylvania sa ang resolution dai nit noi)

Here we didn't put in "I" in the Thai phrase. It's certainly not needed when you're speaking Thai.

Are you able to speak Thai? (poot missouri sa japanese dai mai)

For a "dai mai" problem (can you?) they will reply "dai" for yes or "mai dai" for no.

A little. (nit noi)

This is the best answer if somebody asks you if you can speak Thai.

What can you call this in Thai? (nee pa sa spanish riak wa a-rai)

Don't forget to indicate some Thai words.

How can you mean it? (sa got yang rai)

Could you please write it down? (khian dai mai)

For a "dai mai" question (can you?) they will answer "dai" for yes or "mai dai" for no.

Can you understand? (khao jai mai)

I do not understand. (mai khao jai)

If you understand only say "kao jai."

Can you talk louder? (poot dang dang dai mai)

For a "dai mai" problem (can you?) they will respond "dai" for yes or "mai dai" for no.

Is it possible to speak slower? (poot char char dai mai)

For a "dai mai" question (can you?) they will respond "dai" for yes or "mai dai" for no.

Say again please. (poot eek krang)

I do not comprehend the word... (mai khao jai cum california...)

Use whenever a Thai person uses a word that you do not understand this.

What does... mean? (... plae california a-rai) Sawasdee Krap!

Spanish Terms Which can be Good to Learn.

I want to learn Thai. (phom yak rian philadelphia sa british)

Do not forget guys say "phom" for "I." Women say "di-chun."

Is it possible to show me Thai? (sorn pennsylvania sa british phom dai mai)

Are you able to help me please? (chuay dai mai)

For a "dai mai" question (can you?) they'll reply "dai" for yes or "mai dai" for no.

Are you able to speak English? (poot missouri sa ang resolution dai mai)

For a "dai mai" problem (can you?) they will reply "dai" for yes or "mai dai" for no.

I could only speak just a little English. (poot pennsylvania sa ang resolution dai nit noi)

Here we did not place in "I" in the Thai sentence. If you are speaking Thai It's certainly not needed.

Is it possible to speak Thai? (poot missouri sa spanish dai mai)

For a "dai mai" question (can you?) they will answer "dai" for yes or "mai dai" for no.

Only a little. (nit noi)

Here is the best response if somebody asks you if you could speak Thai.

What do you call this in Thai? (nee philadelphia sa indian riak wa a-rai)

Don't forget to point to some Thai words.

How can you mean it? (sa got yang rai)

Can you please write it down? (khian dai mai)

For a "dai mai" question (can you?) they'll reply "dai" for yes or "mai dai" for no.

Would you understand? (khao jai mai)

I do not understand. (mai khao jai)

If you understand only say "kao jai."

Are you able to talk louder? (poot dang dang dai mai)

For a "dai mai" question (can you?) they will answer "dai" for yes or "mai dai" for no.

Is it possible to speak slower? (poot char char dai mai)

For a "dai mai" problem (can you?) they'll reply "dai" for yes or "mai dai" for no.

Say again please. (poot eek krang)

I do not understand the term... (mai khao jai cum wa...)

Use when a Thai person uses a word you do not understand this.

What does... mean? (... plae california a-rai)

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