Louis Armstrong

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Louis Armstrong is the eldest of the three Armstrong brothers - Louis, Neil and Stretch.
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He was one of the first astronauts, a flight-crew member of NASA's Apollo space program. He is most famous for having been the first human to have set foot on the moon.
Since returning from the moon with supplies of cheese piled high, Louis became a passionate campaigner for the end of trade poverty around the globe. Louis Armstrong's efforts in this field reached a peak when he released a cover of his brother Neil's famous protest song, "We Have All The Thyme In The World".
Louis Armstrong's brothers are also famous in their own fields, though Neil Armstrong's superb musical talent is often overshadowed by his horrible facial disfigurement, which gave rise to his long-time nickname of 'Satchel-mouth', or 'Satchmo'.

Current revision as of 05:31, 21 August 2009

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