The Order

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"He has the potential to be a great Jedi of The Order."
Zree Koon

Kirth Mawin was a male human from the planet of Tanaab who became a Jedi Knight of The Order. An apprentice to Jedi Master Zree Koon, Kirth Mawin was one of his best apprentices and a key figure within The Order. Kirth went on to become a member of the Jedi council and train his own Padawan, Xiahou Kun. Shortly after he resigned from The Order. He returned back to The Order as a Jedi Knight.


Early Life

Kirth Mawin was the human son of father, Croh Mawin and mother, Maima Mawin. He was born shortly before the Battle of Tanaab, and during this battle, he was discovered by The Order. He was discovered, still an infant, and identified as a

The Order
Orgonizational information
Governing body Jedi High Council
Other positions
  • Jedi Praxeum, Yavin IV
  • Jedi Praxeum, Hoth
Official language Galactic Basic Standard
Affiliated organizations/goverments
  • New Republic
  • Galactic Federation of Free Alliances
  • Galactic Alliance Core Forces
Holy text(s) Jedi Code
Deities Light side of the Force
Notable locations/temples
  • Yavin 4 Jedi Praxeum
  • Byss Jedi Academy
  • Hoth Jedi Praxeum
  • Coruscant Jedi Temple
  • Bobo Baa's holocron
  • Arca Jeth's holocron
  • Asli Krimsan's holocron
Historical information
Date of founding 11 ABY [September 2003]
Planet of founding Yavin IV
Founders TwinHits, Phoenix
Other information
Members 33
Era(s) New Jedi Order era
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