Exodus 14

From Theologica

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The Defeat of Egypt (14:1 - 14:31)

Pharaoh pursues (14:1 - 14:12)

Observation 14:1 - The Lord spoke to Moses concerning what would happen to Pharaoh

  • 14:2 - God tells Moses to tell Israel to turn back and camp before Pi-Hahiroth, between Migdol and the sea
    • Israel is to camp in front of Baal-zephon, oposite it, by the sea
    • Pi-hahiroth
    • Migdol - from wikipedia "Migdol, or migdal, is a Hebrew word (מגדּלה מגדּל , מגדּל מגדּול) which means either a tower (from its size or height), an elevated stage (a rostrum or pulpit), or a raised bed (within a river). Physically, it can mean fortified land, i.e. a walled city or castle; or elevated land, as in a raised bed, like a platform, possibly a lookout. Figuratively, it has connotations of proud authority."
    • Baal-zephon
  • 14:3 - By Israel doing this, it will entice Pharaoh to say they are wandering aimlessly and that they are trapped.
  • 14:4 - God will harden Pharaoh's heart.
    • Pharaoh will then chase after Israel
    • God will be honored in some as yet unspecified way through Pharaoh and his army.
    • All Egyptians will know that the Lord is God.
    • Israel obeyed.
  • 14:5 - Upon hearing that Israel had fled Egypt, Pharaoh and his servants have a change in heart.
    • Forgetting all they had just gone through they ask themselves, "What is this we have done."
    • They realize they have no one to serve them
  • 14:6 - Pharaoh prepares his chariot and takes his people with him after Israel
  • 14:7 - Pharaoh takes six hundred "select" chariots with him after Israel
    • He takes all the other chariots of Egypt with officers over them all.
  • 14:8 - Pharaoh's heart is hardened by God
    • This causes him to chase after Israel
    • Israel at the time was going out boldly
  • 14:9 - The Egyptians chased after Israel with all the horses and all the chariots of Pharaoh
    • Egypt overtakes Israel as they camp by the sea
  • 14:10 - Upon seeing Pharaoh and his army pursuing, they become frightened
    • This is a change from 14:8 when they went out boldly
    • Israel cries out to God
  • 14:11 - Speaking to Moses with sarcasm, they ask him why he brought them out of Egypt to die
    • They've already forgotten
    • They blame Moses.

Interpretation -

Application -

Parting the Sea (14:13 - 14:31) Observation -

Interpretation -

Application -

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