Armada del los Estados Confederados

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The Armada del los Estados Confederados is the maritime defence agency of the Estados Confederados de America Latina, it is a part of the Confederate States Armed Forces.

The Armada del los Estados Confederados' highest military leader is the Chief of the Naval Staff, Almirante Ernesto Hernandez . The AEC's highest official is the Secretary of the Navy.

AEC warship names are given the prefix NEC, which stands for Navio de los Estados Confederados, or Confederate States Ship.

The AEC is a large blue water navy that operates throughout the Pacific and Atlantic oceans, and operates on a limited basis in the Indian, and Southern Oceans.


The Fleet

The Armada del los Estados Confederados possesses over 250 warships, ranging from carriers, to patrol boats and minesweepers.

(see article AEC Ship Profiles for images)

Aircraft Carriers

  • 3 Independencia class Aircraft Carriers (CV)


  • 2 General Belgrano class cuisers (CL) (Brooklyn class Cruiser)
  • 2 Almirante Grau class cuisers (CLH) (Brooklyn class Helicopter Cruiser)


  • 2 Valeroso class Guided Missile Destroyers (DDG)
  • 2 Ardiente class Guided Missile Destroyers (DDG)
  • 1 Hercules-class (Batch 1) Guided Missile Destroyers (DDG) (Type 42 Destroyer)
  • 5 Hercules-class (Batch 2) Guided Missile Destroyers (DDG) (Type 42 Destroyer)
  • 8 Almirante Brown class Destroyers (DD) (MEKO 360)


  • 12 San Martin class Frigates (FF) (Lupo class Frigate)
  • 6 Almirante Williams class Frigates (FF) (Type 22 Frigate)
  • 2 Almirante Cochrane class Frigates (FF) (Type 23 Frigate)


  • 6 Scorpene class Patrol Submarines (SSG)
  • 12 Type 209/1400 Patrol Submarines (SSK)

Amphibious Forces

  • 2 Centaur class Landing Port, Helicopter {LPH) (converted Centaur class aircraft carrier)
  • 3 Ouragan class Landing Port, Dock (LPD)
  • 4 Newport class Landing Ship, Tank (LST)

Small Combatants

  • 10 Espora-class Patrol Corvettes
  • 21 Intrepida-class Fast Attack Craft
  • 20 Baradero-class Patrol Boats
  • 20 PCG-134 class Coastal Patrol Boats
  • 20 Lerici class Mine Countermeasures Vessels


  • 7 Patagonia class Replenishment Oilers (AOR)
  • NEC Libertad
    • A tall sail training ship.
  • NEC Almirante Irizar
    • Antarctic icebreaker

Regimientos de la Defensa Costera

The Armada has four Regimientos de la Defensa Costera (Coastal Defence Regiments). They operate the truck mounted MM40 Exocet missile. Each regiment consists of a targetting Battalion which operates the surveillance radars, a Command Battalion which coordinates the whole regiment, and three Missile Battalions. The Missile Battalions consist of three Missile Batteries with three launchers and a Battery Command Post each, and a Supply Company with extra missiles and reloading equipment.

Two Regiments are stationed in the Panama Canal area, one is stationed in Colombia, and the last is stationed in the Tierra del Fuego.

Comando de Aviacion Naval

The Armada del los Estados Confederados has a large aviation element, known as the Comando de Aviacion Naval. The COAN operates over 450 aircraft and helicopters in the following roles:

  • Fleet Air Defence
  • Strike
  • Ground Attack
  • Reconnaissance
  • Anti-Submarine Warfare
  • Anti-Surface Warfare
  • Replenishment-at-Sea
  • Support of amphibious operations
  • Search and rescue

The COAN is divided into four groups:

  • Grupo De Portaaviones (Aircraft Carrier Group)
    • 50 A-4AL Fightinghawk
    • 50 Super Etendard
    • 36 S-2T Turbo Tracker
    • 20 C-1T Turbo Tracer
    • 20 E-1T Turbo Tracer
    • 30 Agusta-Bell AB-212ASW
    • 15 Aerospatiale Alouette III
  • Grupo de Aeronaval Helicópteros Antisubmarina (ASW Helicopter Group)
    • 70 Agusta-Bell AB-212ASW
  • Grupo de Vigilancia Marítima (Maritime Patrol Group)
    • 30 Lockheed Electra
    • 16 P-3B Orion
    • 12 C-295 MPA
  • Grupo de Infanteria de Marina
    • 30 Aerospatiale SA-319 Alouette III
    • 50 Agusta-Bell AB.212
    • 40 Agusta-Sikorsky ASH-3A
    • 30 Boeing CH-47C Chinook
    • 10 Lockheed KC-130H Hercules
  • Grupo de Aeronaval Sostén Logístico (Logistics Support Group)
    • 4 Boeing 707
    • 6 Fokker F28 Fellowship
    • 30 Agusta ASH-3D Sea King (mostly converted to utility role)
  • Escuela de Aviación Naval (School of Naval Aviation)
    • 20 TA-4AL Fightinghawk
    • 8 Beech 200 King Air
    • 20 EMB-312 Tucano
    • 20 T-35 Pillan
    • 20 SA-315 Lama

The Carrier Group represents the Latin American Navy's main striking force. The Navy's three aircraft carriers, designed in Germany and built in Latin America carry a relatively powerful wing. The force of Super Etendards, and A-4 Fightinghawks armed with Exocets and Popeye Lite missiles provide an excellent strike force on land and at sea. Interestingly, the Fighinghawks are not only used as attack aircraft (as they are in the Air Force, they are also used as fighters. They carry Python and Derby missiles. The carriers carry the following aircraft:

  • 12 A-4AL Fightinghawks
  • 12 Super Etendards
  • 6 S-2T Turbo Trackers
  • 4 E-1T Turbo Tracers
  • 2 C-1T Turbo Traders
  • 6 AB-212ASW helicopters
  • 3 Aerospatiale Alouette III

Destroyers and Frigates embark one or two AB.212 helicopters. Destroyers sometimes embark a single Sea King. Today, virtually all Sea Kings have been stripped of their ASW equipment and operate as transports or rescue craft.

Agrupacion de Buzos Tacticos

The Tactical Divers Group (Spanish: Agrupacion de Buzos Tacticos, APBT) is the premier special operations force of the Latin American Navy. Its men are highly qualified combat divers, EOD/demolition technicians, and parachutists.

The APBT is trained to operate in diverse environments, such as jungle/riverine, maritime and extreme cold weather. All members are top niche combat swimmers and divers.

The APBT course is similar to the BUD/S training, and takes place mostly in the Mar del Plata area. Topics include HALO/HAHO parachuting, airborne, unconventional warfare, underwater demolition, and counter-terrorism. The course is open to line officers and NCOs, and is very selective, with a high attrition rate.

The unit is attached to the Submarine Forces Command, which comes under the Chief of Naval Operations.

Infanteria de Marina de los Estados Confederados

see main article: Infanteri­a de Marina de los Estados Confederados

Naval Weapon Systems

Surface Combatants


  • Mark 16/1 triple 6 in /47 Turret
  • Otobreda 127/54 Compact
  • Otobreda 76 mm
  • Bofors 57 mm Mk 1
  • Bofors 40mm L/70
  • Bofors 40mm L/60
  • DARDO twin 40mm L/70
  • Goalkeeper 30mm CIWS
  • Mk 96 25mm Mounting
  • Mk 15 Block 1B 20mm CIWS
  • Oerlikon 20 mm cannon
  • FN M2 QCHB 12.7mm Heavy Machine Gun
  • M134D 7.62mm Minigun
  • FN MAG 7.62mm General Purpose Machine Gun


  • MM-38 Exocet
  • MM-40 Exocet
  • Gabriel
  • Matra Mistral
  • Sea Cat
  • Sea Wolf
  • Aspide
  • RIM-66 SM-2MR
  • Ikara


  • Whitehead A244


  • SM-39 Exocet
  • Whitehead A184
  • Mk 60 CAPTOR Mine
  • Mk 57 Mine
  • Mk 67 Submarine-launched Mobile Mine



  • DEFA 552 30mm Cannon
  • Colt Mk 12 20mm Cannon
  • FN MAG General Purpose Machine Gun


  • Mk 81 250lb General Purpose Bomb
  • Mk 82 500lb General Purpose Bomb
  • Mk 83 1000lb General Purpose Bomb
  • Mk 84 2000lb General Purpose Bomb
  • BLU-107 Durandal
  • GBU-12 500lb Paveway
  • GBU-16 1000lb Paveway
  • GBU-24 2000lb Paveway
  • Mk 60 CAPTOR
  • Mk 62 500lb Quickstrike Mine
  • Mk 64 1000lb Quickstrike Mine
  • Mk 65 2000lb Quickstrike Mine
  • Mk 20 ROCKEYE


  • Rafael Python 3
  • Rafael Python 4
  • Rafael Python 5
  • Rafael Derby
  • Aerospatiale AS-12
  • Marte Mark 2
  • AM-39 Exocet
  • AGM-65 Maverick
  • Martel
  • Popeye Lite
  • SNEB Unguided Rocket
    • Matra Type 116M
    • Matra Type 155
    • Matra JL-100


  • Whitehead A244

Estados Confederados de America Latina naval ensign

This ensign is flown from all commissioned ships, and shore establishments of the AEC. Sailors march behind it, and it is used as a tail flash on Naval and Coast Guard aircraft.

ECAL Naval Ensign


Service Uniform

Officers and Petty Officers

Officers, and Petty Officers wear a Winter Iniform consisting of a navy blue double-breasted jacket, and trousers, black shoes, which is practically the standard navy winter uniform all the world over. Skirts are authorised for women. Rank insignia for officers consists of gold stripes worn around the sleeves. Petty Officers wear rank badges on the upper arm, and service stripes on the lower arm.

Summer uniform is standard across the Navy and Naval Infantry for officers and Petty Officers, Summer Uniform consists of a high stand-collared white tunic, with navy blue shoulder boards for officers and arm patches for Petty Officers, white trousers and shoes. Skirts are authorised for women.

The white combination cap is the prescribed headgear in all seasons for Officers and Petty Officers.


Ratings wear a version of the standard "sailor suit" in blue during winter, and white during summer. The cap is based on the Royal Navy cap, and carries the name of the ship, or simply "Armada". During wartime the Armada cap tally is work for security reasons. Trousers are of the straight leg variety, and when the jumper is not required, the sailor wears a conventional white short sleeve shirt.

Working Uniform

The working uniform for all ranks is a navy blue BDU-style uniform.


New Working Uniform

This uniform is replacing the navy blue uniforms.


Other working uniforms

Flying personnel wear green nomex flying suits (tan can be worn in desert areas). Personnel working on the flight decks of aircraft carriers, helicopter destroyers, and amphibious assault ships wear distinctive flightdeck jerseys in the following colours:

  • Purple - Aviation Fuel Handlers
  • Blue - Plane Handlers, Tractor Drivers, Elevator Operators
  • Yellow - Flight Deck Officers and Plane Directors
  • Green - Operations Personnel, Catapult and Arresting Gear Personnel, Ground Support Equipment Maintenance Personnel, Squadron Maintenance Personnel, Cargo handling personnel, Hook runners
  • White - Safety Observers, Squadron Trouble Shooters, Landing Signal Officers, Medics, LOX Handlers, Air Transfer Officers and visitors
  • Red - Ordnance Handlers, Explosive Ordnance Disposal Personnel, Crash and Salvage Crews
  • Brown - Plane Captains (Crew Chiefs and Mechanics)

Rank Insignia



Enlisted Men

On summer uniforms, rank badges for seamen consists of a white patch with blue embroidered insignia.


Confederate States of Latin America
General: Confederate States of Latin America, Economy of the ECAL, Justice and Law in the ECAL, President Michelle Bachelet, Presidency
Political: Partido Republicano Constitucional, Partido Laborista Socialista, Partido de la Democracia Cristiana
Military: Fuerzas Armadas, Armada, Ejercito, Fuerza Aerea, Infanteria de Marina, Guardia Nacional
Military Aircraft: FMA SAIAL 90, A-4AL Fightinghawk
Armoured Vehicles: TLAM Medium Tank, TLAP Main Battle Tank
Warships: Ship Profiles, Ardiente and Valeroso class destoyers
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