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The Peregrine is a Common Support Aircraft designed for the Armada del los Estados Confederados. It is manufactured by Indaer Peru. The Peregrine (known in service as the Peregrino) is the first military aircraft manufctured in Peru.

It is intended to replace the S-2T Turbo Tracket, ES-2T Turbo Tracker, E-2C Hawkeye, C-2 Greyhound, and E-1T Turbo Tracer. To that end, Indaer developed a design using a common nose, wings, and tail section which is combined with one of two fuselages. One is slightly smaller and is designed for the maritime reconnaissance and electronic intelligence roles (with different internal equipment), the other is designed for airborne early warning, carrier on board delivery, and in flight refuelling.

The maritime reconnaissance and ELINT versions use the so-called "A" fuselage, with internal undercarriage, and an internal weapons bay. The COD and AEW versions use the bulkier "B" fuselage.

The design as much as possible uses systems and equipment already in service. The engines and much of the avionics are common to the ERJ-145 series, which is in Air Force use as the Embraer Legacy, R-99, and C-99.


Common Features

The Peregrino is powered by two Rolls-Royce AE 3007 turbofans (which also equip the Air Force's Embraer R-99's, Legacys, and C-99's). The wings are fairly conventional swept wings, which fold outboard of the stores pylon. The aircraft is refuelled in flight by the probe-drogue method. The aircraft has a twin tail. The fins are canted inwards.

The cockpit is a modern glass cockpit seating two, which is NVG conpatible. Two ejector seats are provided. The ejector seats are made by Martin Baker, and are standard Navy items. The left side of the cockpit is the same in all versions. The right hand seat differs.The GAS version has a large integrated sensor display, which can be switched to display data from any specific sensor, plus two MFD's which can either display sensor data, or be used to control weapons. A weapon control sidestick is provided

The aircraft has a doubly redundant fly by wire flight control system, with a hydraulic backup.

The Peregrino has a highly capable self-protection suite including jammers, warning receivers, and chaff/flare dispensers. The system is common to that used in the F-90 Halcon

Peregrino GAS

The Peregrino GAS (for Guerra Anti-Submarina, or Anti Submarine Warfare) is the basic maritime reconnaissance version of the Peregrine, using the "A" fuselage. The Peregrino GAS will replace the S-2T Turbo Tracker. It has an internal weapons bay which can carry four torpedos, 4 500lb bombs/mines, 2 1000lb or 2000lb bombs/mines, or 2 Exocet missiles. There are also two underwing pylons for bombs, mines, torpedos, external tanks, rockets, and missiles. On the sides of each pylon are stations for self defence missiles, which are either Rafael Python, or Rafael Derby missiles. In the rear fuselage there is a sonobouy dispenser which has a capacity of 68 sonobouys. 68 sonobuoys are stored internally on rotating chain-linked belts powered by an electric motor. The sonobuoys are fed and launched through four launch tubes located underneath the magnetic anomaly detector (MAD) boom installation. Each launch tube corresponds to one of the four sonobuoy storage belts.

The agnetic anomaly detector (MAD) boom is carried in the upper rear fuselage, and is extended for use. While all other variants use a Primus 1000 colour weather nose radar, the Peregrino GAS has a Raytheon AN/APS-137 B(V)5 maritime surveillance radar which is also used on the Navy's P-3 Orion.

The Peregrino has a crew of two, a pilot and a air combat officer. The GAS version cockpit's right hand position has a large integrated sensor display, which can be switched to display data from any specific sensor, plus two MFD's which can either display sensor data, or be used to control weapons. A weapon control sidestick is provided.

Peregrino IE

The Peregrino IE (for Inteligencia Electromagnetica, or Electronic Intelligence) replaces the ES-2T Turbo Tracker ELINT variant. Its electronics fit is classified. The main external differences with Peregrino GAS are the lack of a MAD boom and sonobouy launchers, and the large number of antennas fitted to the aircraft.

The right hand cockpit seat contains a large display which can be used for navigation, or for displaying the relative locations of any emitters the electronic listening equipment is receiving. The display can also be used to help analyise the characteristics of an individual transmitter.

Peregrino EBP

The Peregrino EBP (for Entrega a Bordo para Portaaviones, or Carrier Onboard Delivery) replaces the C-2 Greyhound, and Buccaneer K.2 in the Carrier Onboard Delivery and inflight refueling roles. The aircraft uses the deeper and bulkier "B" Fuselage, with main undercarriage mounted in external fairings. The fuselage has a rear ramp for the quick loading and unloading of cargo. Up to 27 rear facing passenger seats can be carried in a 2-1 configuration. For the refueling role, plumbing is provided in the cargo cabin to enable offload fuel to be carried in bladders. In the latter role, one of the stores pylons carries an inflight refueling pod.

The right hand cockpit in this version serves as a copilot station.

The ramp can be opened in flight. The Peregrino EBP's high speed and comprehensive self protection suite lend this aircraft to the special operations support role.

Peregrino SIVA

The Peregrino SIVA (for Sistema Integrado de Vigilancia Aerea, or Airborne Early Warning and Control) is the AEW variant. It carries a flight crew of two, and a combat crew of five mission specialists. The Peregrino SIVA uses the "B" fuselage. Above the fuselage is a pylon and a circular radome. Unlike the E-2C's rotodome, the Peregrino SIVA's radome does not rotate. The radar is a derivative of the Ericsson ERIEYE radar used on the R-99A in the [[Air Force. It is a three panel version with the panels arranged in a equilateral triangle. The range against a fighter target is about 350km.

The five mission specialists stations in the cargo compartment are arranged along the side of the fuselage. Behind them are access bays for some of the avionics. The bay is exceptionally large for a carrierborne AEW aircraft, and this has been used to advantage, with four bunk beds, four passenger seats, a galley and lavatory being provided. This when combined with inflight refueling gives the Peregrino SIVA tremendous endurance.

The right hand cockpit serves as a copilot station.



Confederate States of Latin America
General: Confederate States of Latin America, Economy of the ECAL, Justice and Law in the ECAL, President Michelle Bachelet, Presidency
Political: Partido Republicano Constitucional, Partido Laborista Socialista, Partido de la Democracia Cristiana
Military: Fuerzas Armadas, Armada, Ejercito, Fuerza Aerea, Infanteria de Marina, Guardia Nacional
Military Aircraft: FMA SAIAL 90, A-4AL Fightinghawk
Armoured Vehicles: TLAM Medium Tank, TLAP Main Battle Tank
Warships: Ship Profiles, Ardiente and Valeroso class destoyers
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