TLAM Medium Tank

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TLAM (From Spanish:Tanque Latinoamericano Mediano or Latin American Medium Tank) is a medium tank designed by Thyssen-Henschel of Germany. More than 600 units, including VCTPs and other variants, were built in Argentina for the Latin American Marines. It was built in the Tanque Latinoamericano Mediano Sociedad del Estado military factory in Argentina. It is based on the German Marder infantry fighting vehicle.

It was developed to replace the AMX-30 with a lighter vehicle, tailor made for the Marines. The vehicle is also used extensively by the Army as an infantry fighting vehicle.


Technical Characteristics

The tank is in the 30 ton class and carries a moderate 105 mm gun on a highly mobile chassis with moderate armor protection. The rifled tank gun (with bore evacuator and thermal sleeve) can fire all the NATO standard 105 mm ammunition types: APFSDS-T, HEAT-T, HESH, HE, HEP-T, Canister, Smoke, and Illumination rounds. The tank has onboard stowage for 50 rounds.

The fire control system is of the coincidence rangefinder sight type and is operated by the commander. The gunner and loader also have their observation sight systems. A night driving capability is provided. Armour is thought to be conventional, however ERA is used extensively


Type Medium tank
Primary Contractor Tanque Latinoamericano Mediano Sociedad del Estado
User Latin American Marines, Latin American Army
Crew 4
Weight 30000kg
Length 6.71m
Height 2.71m (over turret hatch)
Width 3.92m
  • Main - 105mm L7A1 gun
  • Secondary - 2 FN MAG 7.62mm machine guns
Armour classified
Powerplant MTU MB Ka500 diesel, 720hp
Speed 46mph
Range 584mi

Vehiculo de Combate Transporte de Personal

The is an IFV development of the TLAM. It is very similar to the German Marder, and carries 9 infantry in addition to the 3 man crew. It is armed with an Rheinmetall Rh-202 20mm cannon, and a remotely controlled 7.62mm machine gun.


These variants are not listed above.

  • VCAT (Spanish: Vehiculo de Combate Antitanque) Anti tank vehicle using the Eureka turret to launch TOW missiles
  • VCLM (Spanish: VehÃ�­culo de Combate Lanza Misiles) Roland 2 fire unit
  • VCDA (Spanish: VehÃ�­culo de Combate de Defensa AÃ�©rea) armed air defence vehicle armed with two Oerlikon KBA 25mm cannon
  • VCA 155 (Spanish: Vehiculo Combate Artilleria) Self-propelled artillery [1]
  • VCLC-CAL (Spanish: VehÃ�­culo de Combate Lanzacohetes-Cohete de Artilleria Ligero) Multiple Rocket Launcher MAR-160 160mm rockets
  • VCLC-CAM (Spanish: VehÃ�­culo de Combate Lanzacohetes-Cohete de Artilleria Mediano) Multiple Rocket Launcher MAR-350 350mm rockets
  • VCTM (Spanish: Vehiculo Combate Transporte Mortero) Self-propelled morter
  • VCI (Spanish: Vehiculo de Combate de Ingenieros) Engineering vehicle
  • VCPC (Spanish: Vehiculo de Combate Puesto de Comando) Command Post vehicle
  • VCA (Spanish: VehÃ�­culo de Combate de Ambulancia) Ambulance
  • VCCDT (Spanish: VehÃ�­culo de Combate Control y Direccion de Tiro) Self-propelled artillery Fire direction & control
  • VCA (Spanish: Vehiculo de Combate de Amunicionador) Self-propelled artillery ammunition supply vehicle
  • VCRT (Spanish: Vehiculo de Combate Recuperador Tanques) Armoured recovery vehicle ARV






VCA 155








Confederate States of Latin America
General: Confederate States of Latin America, Economy of the ECAL, Justice and Law in the ECAL, President Michelle Bachelet, Presidency
Political: Partido Republicano Constitucional, Partido Laborista Socialista, Partido de la Democracia Cristiana
Military: Fuerzas Armadas, Armada, Ejercito, Fuerza Aerea, Infanteria de Marina, Guardia Nacional
Military Aircraft: FMA SAIAL 90, A-4AL Fightinghawk
Armoured Vehicles: TLAM Medium Tank, TLAP Main Battle Tank
Warships: Ship Profiles, Ardiente and Valeroso class destoyers
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