Military of Latin America

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*[[Ej%C3%A9rcito_del_los_Estados_Confederados|Ejército del los Estados Confederados]] (Confederate States Army)
*[[Ej%C3%A9rcito_del_los_Estados_Confederados|Ejército del los Estados Confederados]] (Confederate States Army)
*[[Armada_del_los_Estados_Confederados|Armada del los Estados Confederados]] (Confederate States Navy)
*[[Armada_del_los_Estados_Confederados|Armada del los Estados Confederados]] (Confederate States Navy)
**[[Armada_del_los_Estados_Confederados#Cuerpo_de_Marina_de_los_Estados_Confederados|Cuerpo de Marina de los Estados Confederados]] (Confederate States Marine Corps)
**[[Armada_del_los_Estados_Confederados#Infanteri­a de Marina de los Estados Confederados|Infanteri­a de Marina de los Estados Confederados]] (Confederate States Naval Infantry)
**[[Armada_del_los_Estados_Confederados#Guardacostas_de_los_Estados_Confederados|Guardacostas de los estados confederados]] (Confederate States Coast Guard)
**[[Armada_del_los_Estados_Confederados#Guardia_Costera_de_los_Estados_Confederados|Guardia Costera de los Estados Confederados]] (Confederate States Coast Guard)
*[[Fuerza_A%C3%A9rea_de_los_Estados_Confederados|Fuerza Aérea de los Estados Confederados]] (Confederate States Air Force)
*[[Fuerza_A%C3%A9rea_de_los_Estados_Confederados|Fuerza Aérea de los Estados Confederados]] (Confederate States Air Force)

Revision as of 12:50, 3 June 2008

The military agency of the Confederate States of Latin America is the Department of Defence. The military services of the ECAL are provided for under Article 2 of the Constitution, which allows Congress to fund and recruit for an Army, Navy, and Air Force.

The ECAL has 5 military services:

The Confederate States has approximately 2 million men and women under arms at this time, and the current Defence budget is $390,244,559,185.

The Latin American armed forces are regarded as among the best in the world, a combination of sound civics education, highly intense training, strong ethics, and the most advanced technology place the Latin American armed forces head and shoulders above the rest of the world.

Command and Control

The Commander-in-Chief of the Confederate States armed forces is President Michelle Bachelet.

She has the power to appoint, or remove any member of the armed forces (though promotions to General de Division, or Contralmirante require Senate confirmation). She has control over the country's nuclear arsenal, and over the day to day running of the armed forces. She does not have the power to declare war, nor can she commit forces to any operation without the authority of Congress. In addition, when the armed forces are engaged in operations, she must report to Congress every 60 days on the progress, and state of the armed forces thus engaged.

The day to day running of the armed forces is delegated to the Secretary of Defence, Ramon Diaz, who implements Congressional statutes, and cabinet decisions.

Under the Secretary of Defence, there is a Comité de los Jefes de las Fuerzas Militares (Committee of the Chiefs of the Military Forces).

This committee has the following members:

  • Chief of the Defence Staff: Capitán General Rolf Sternheim
  • Chief of Defence Operations: General de Fuerza Aérea Vincente Marcos
  • Chief of the General Staff: General de Ejército Pablo Takahashi
  • Chief of the Naval Staff: Almirante Ernesto Hernandez
  • Chief of the Air Staff: General de Fuerza Aérea Felipe Telez
  • Commandant of the Marine Corps: Teniente General Carlos Vélez

The service chiefs are responsible for proposing policy to the Secretary of Defence, as well as the training, and preparation of their service for operations. The Chief of Defence Operations is in commands combined forces in operations at home and abroad.

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