Armada del los Estados Confederados

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The Armada del los Estados Confederados' highest military leader is the Chief of the Naval Staff, '''Almirante Ernesto Hernandez '''. The AEC's highest official is the Secretary of the Navy.
The Armada del los Estados Confederados' highest military leader is the Chief of the Naval Staff, '''Almirante Ernesto Hernandez '''. The AEC's highest official is the Secretary of the Navy.
AEC warship names are given the prefix NEC, which stands for Navio de los Estados Confederados, or Confederate States Ship.
AEC warship names are given the prefix AEC, which stands for Armada de los Estados Confederados.
The AEC is a large blue water navy that operates throughout the Pacific and Atlantic oceans, and operates on a limited basis in the Indian, and Southern Oceans. Some of its ships are quite modern, while its cruisers are World War II veterans.
=The Fleet=
=The Fleet=
The Armada del los Estados Confederados possesses over 250 warships, ranging from super carriers, to patrol boats and minesweepers.
The Armada del los Estados Confederados possesses over 160 warships and auxiliaries, ranging from carriers, to patrol boats and minesweepers.
==Surface Combatants==
''(see article [[AEC_Ship_Profiles|AEC Ship Profiles]] for images)''
''(see article [[AEC_Ship_Profiles|AEC Ship Profiles]] for images)
==Aircraft Carriers==
*3 Independencia class Aircraft Carriers (CV)
**3 America-class Battleships (BBGN)
**2 Argentina (Vanguard)-class Battleships (BBG}
*2 General Belgrano class cuisers (CL) ''(Brooklyn class Cruiser)''
**4 Santiago de Chile class Nuclear Strike Cruisers (CGSN) (2 building, 3 more planned)
*2 Almirante Grau class cuisers (CLH) ''(Brooklyn class Helicopter Cruiser)''
**3 Ciudad de Panama (Improved Virginia)-class [] Nuclear Guided Missile Cruisers (CGN)
**2 Ciudad de Panama (Virginia)-class [] Nuclear Guided Missile Cruiser (CGN)
**1 Montevideo (Improved Long Beach)-class [] Nuclear Guided Missile Cruiser (CGN)
**1 O'Higgins-class Guided Missile Destroyer (DDG)
**8 Valeroso class Guided Missile Destroyers (DDG)
**4 Ardiente class Guided Missile Destroyers (DDG)
**8 Santa Fe class Helicopter Destroyers (DDH)
**4 Hercules-class (Batch 1) Guided Missile Destroyers (DDG)
**15 Hercules-class (Batch 2) Guided Missile Destroyers (DDG)
**15 Almirante Brown-class Destroyers (DD)
*2 [[Ardiente_and_Valeroso_class_destoyers|Valeroso class Guided Missile Destroyers (DDG)]]
**1 San Martin class Guided Missile Frigate (FFG)
*2 [[Ardiente_and_Valeroso_class_destoyers|Ardiente class Guided Missile Destroyers (DDG)]]
**49 Almirante Cochrane (Knox)-class Frigates (FFG)
*2 Hercules-class (Batch 1) Guided Missile Destroyers (DDG) ''(Type 42 Destroyer)''
*7 Hercules-class (Batch 2) Guided Missile Destroyers (DDG) ''(Type 42 Destroyer)''
*8 Almirante Brown class Destroyers (DD) ''(MEKO 360)''
==Aircraft Carriers==
*8 Nimitz-class Aircraft Carrier [] (CVN)
*10 Aguirre class Frigates (FF) ''(Lupo class Frigate)''
*8 9 de Julio-class Aircraft Carriers]] (CV)
*5 Esmeraldas class Patrol Corvettes (FSG)
*1 Kitty Hawk-class Training Aircraft Carrier (AVT)
*6 Espora-class Patrol Corvettes (FSG) ''(MEKO 140)''
*5 Almirante Williams class Frigates (FF) ''(Type 22 (Batch 3) Frigate)''
*2 Almirante Williams class Frigates (FF) ''(Type 22 (Batch 2) Frigate)''
*3 Almirante Cochrane class Frigates (FF) ''(Type 23 Frigate)''
*6 Ohio-class Fleet Ballistic Missile Submarines [] (SSBN)
*6 Scorpene class Patrol Submarines (SSG)
*6 Ohio-class Guided Missile Submarine (SSGN)
*12 Type 209/1400 Patrol Submarines (SSK)
*10 Virginia-class Nuclear Attack Submarines [] (SSN)
*25 Los Angeles (Improved)-class Attach Submarines (SSN)
*19 Scorpene class Patrol Submarines (SSG)
*31 Type 209 Patrol Submarines (SSK)
==Amphibious Forces==
==Amphibious Forces==
*12 Wasp-class Amphibious Assault Ship [] (LHD)
*2 Colossus class Landing Port, Helicopter {LPH)
*6 Iwo Jima-class Landing Port, Helicopter [] {LPH)
*3 Ouragan class Landing Port, Dock (LPD)
*4 Austin-class Landing Port, Dock [] (LPD)
*2 Newport class Landing Ship, Tank (LST)
*20 San Antonio-class Landing Port, Dock [] (LPD)
*4 DeSoto County class Landing Ship, Tank (LST)
*20 Newport-class Landing Ship, Tank [] (LST)
*4 BATRAL class Landing Ship, Tank (LST)
==Small Combatants==
==Small Combatants==
*9 Santillana-class Patrol Corvettes
*21 Intrepida-class Fast Attack Craft
*21 Intrepida-class Fast Attack Craft
*20 Baradero-class Patrol Boats
*20 Baradero-class Patrol Boats
*20 PCG-134 class Coastal Patrol Boats
*15 PCG-134 class Coastal Patrol Boats
*20 Lerici class Mine Countermeasures Vessels
*12 Supply-class Fast Conbat Support Ship [] (AOE)
*12 Wichita-class Replenishment Oiler [] (AOR)
*7 Patagonia class Replenishment Oilers (AOR)
*12 Henry Kaiser-class Oiler [] (AO)
*2 Austin-class Seaplane Oiler (AOV) (converted LPD)
*2 George Washington-class Submarine Seaplane Oiler [] (AOSSVN) (converted SSBN)
*4 DSRV's
*6 Bob Hope-class Large, Medium speed, RORO Ship [] {AKR}
*3 Gordon-class  Large, Medium speed, RORO Ship [] (AKR)
*10 Algol-class Fast Sealift Ship [] (AKR)
*Various tankers, and other support craft
*NEC Libertad
*NEC Libertad
**A tall sail training ship.
**A tall sail training ship.
*NEC Almirante Irizar
**Antarctic icebreaker
=Regimientos de la Defensa Costera=
The Armada del los Estados Confederados is organised into several operational fleets.
The Armada has four Regimientos de la Defensa Costera (Coastal Defence Regiments). They operate the truck mounted MM40 Exocet missile. Each regiment consists of a targetting Battalion which operates the surveillance radars, a Command Battalion which coordinates the whole regiment, and three Missile Battalions. The Missile Battalions consist of three Missile Batteries with three launchers and a Battery Command Post each, and a Supply Company with extra missiles and reloading equipment.  
*'''Flota Anfibia'''
Two Regiments are stationed in the State of Panama, one is stationed in Colombia, and the last is stationed in the Tierra del Fuego.
**Amphibious Fleet, which has permanently assigned amphibious vessels to transport Cuerpo Marina personnel, and Army personnel, as well as a small number of Frigates to act escorts, which are assigned to Flota Anfibia on a short term basis.
*'''Flota De la Batalla'''
**Battle Fleet, which has permanently assigned battleships and light carriers, plus the lion's share of the destroyers, and frigates assigned on a long term basis.
*'''Flota De la Aviacion'''
**Aviation Fleet, which has permanently assigned supercarriers, plus destroyers and frigates assigned on a long term basis.
*'''Flota Submarina'''
**Submarine Fleet, which controls the SSN's, SSK's, and SSGN's.
*'''Flota Disuasiva Estrategica'''
**Strategic Deterrent Fleet, which controls all the SSBN's for Comando Estrategico de los Estados Confederados (Confederate States Strategic Command, controlling the Latin American nuclear deterrent)
Ships are swapped between the fleets according to need.
=Comando de Aviacion Naval=
The Armada del los Estados Confederados has a large aviation element, known as the Comando de Aviacion Naval. The COAN operates over 650 aircraft and helicopters in the following roles:
==Aircraft Carriers==
Supercarriers are used as striking weapons, and to provide immediate air cover to other forces on deployment. Light carriers are used to provide air support to other task forces.
In the AEC, battleships are a multi-role sea command and control platform. They can conduct anti-air warfare, shore bombardment, precision land strike, and anti-surface warfare. They have a defensive anti-submarine capability with 8 ASROC missiles and the America-class Battleships have a full ASW capability with many more VL-ASROC missiles, and three Lynz helicopters. They are attached to amphibious taskforces, and are the centrepieces of Surface Warfare Groups.
Cruisers are the most powerful escort ships in the AEC. All have been nuclear powered since the 1960's. The AEC built 8 Long Beach class cruisers (Montevideo class), upgrading 4 in the 1980's. One is still in service, scheduled to retire in 2010. The Montevideo class were supposed to be replaced by 8 Virginia class cruisers (Ciudad de Panama class) in the late 1980's-early 1990's. The first two ships were built as normal Virginia class cruisers, the next 6 were to be built with 128 VLS cells, however the program was cancelled after 3 out of 6 ships were build. The new cruiser was based on the late 1970's CGSN proposal. The first followed the 1976 proposal, the subsequent 8 would be equipped with an unprecedented 192 call VLS system.
Destroyers are used mainly as escorts to aircraft carriers, and battleships. The ECAL requires its destroyers to be potent anti-air, anti-submarine, and anti-surface weapons. Latin America has, according to some observers, poor policy in the acquisition of destroyers in the past 30 years.
During 1974, the AEC embarked on an ambitious plan to build destroyers at home, and settled on a stretched version of the British Type 82 (or Bristol class) destroyer with American weapons, and a hangar for two Sea King helicopters. The destroyers would come in two versions, the ASW version equipped with an ASROC box launcher fore and a Mk.26 Mod 0 launcher aft with 24 SM-2MR missules was called the Valeroso class, and the AAW version with a Mk 20 Mod 1 launcher fore with 44 SM-2MR missiles, and a Mk.26 Mod 0 launcher aft with 24 SM-2MR missules was called the Ardiente class. In 1982, after 12 and 8 of the classes had been built respectively the program was abruptly terminated by the incoming [[Partido Laborista Socialista|PLS]] government, being replaced with a modified German MEKO 360 design for ASW (the Almirante Brown class), and a substantially modified British Type 42 (Hercules) for AAW. The ASW ships were altered with the addition of a 24 cell VLS for Sea Sparrow and VL-ASROC missiles. The AAW ships had their radars replaced with American equipment, Harpoon missiles added, and Sea Dart replaced with SM-2MR fired from a Mk 13 launcher with 40 missiles. The Hercules come in 2 variants, one is stretched to the length of the British Type 42 Batch 3 ships.
Frigates are general purpose escorts, designed to cover merchantmen, amphibious forces, and replenishment forces. They are also used for coastal defence.
===Nuclear Attack Submarines===
SSN's are used for surveillence, ASW, ASuW, Special Operations support, precision land strike, and aiding underwater rescue.
===Nuclear Fleet Ballistic Missile Submarines===
SSBN's are used as part of the nuclear deterrent.
===Nuclear Guided Missile Submarines===
SSGN's are used to special operations support, aiding underwater rescue, and precision land strike.
===Conventional Attack Submarines===
SSK's and SSG's are used for coastal defence, surveillence, ASW, and ASuW. Due to their unusual degree of quietness, they may also be used in the place of SSN's.
=Fuerza Aerea de la Flota=
The Armada del los Estados Confederados has a large aviation element, known as the Fuerza Aerea de la Flota. The FAF operates over 2465 aircraft and helicopters in the following roles:
*Fleet Air Defence
*Fleet Air Defence
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*Search and rescue
*Search and rescue
The FAF is divided into five groups:
The COAN is divided into four groups:
*Grupo De Portaaviones (Aircraft Carrier Group)
*Grupo De Portaaviones (Aircraft Carrier Group)
**200 F-14 Tomcat
**30 [[A-4AL_Fightinghawk|A-4AL Fightinghawk]]
**60 [[A-14_Voodoo_II|A-14 Voodoo II]]
**26 Super Etendard
**40 Buccaneer S.2
**36 S-2T Turbo Tracker
**460 F/A-18A+/B+ Hornet
**20 E-1T Turbo Tracer
**80 Buccaneer E.3
**15 Aerospatiale Alouette III
**36 E-2C Hawkeye
*Grupo de Aeronaval Helicópteros Antisubmarina (ASW Helicopter Group)
**80 S-2T Turbo Tracker
**70 Agusta-Bell AB-212ASW
**32 [[Peregrine|Peregrino GAS]] (Peregrine ASW)
**45 Agusta-Sikorsky ASH-3D Sea King
**20 ES-2T Turbo Tracker<sup>1</sup>
*Grupo de Vigilancia Marítima (Maritime Patrol Group)
**12 C-2 Greyhound
**30 Lockheed Electra
**70 Westland Lynx Mk.53<sup>2</sup>
**16 P-3B Orion
**30 Westland Sea King HAS.6
**12 C-295 MPA
**40 Westland Sea King HAR.5
*Grupo de Infanteria de Marina
**20 E-1T Turbo Tracer<sup>3</sup>
**30 Messerschmitt-Bölkow-Blohm Bo 105
*Grupo Combativo Superficial (Surface Combatant Group)
**50 Agusta-Bell AB.212
**120 Westland Lynx Mk.53<sup>2</sup>
**40 Agusta-Sikorsky ASH-3A Sea King
**100 Westland Sea King HAS.6
**30 Boeing CH-47C Chinook
**45 Westland Sea King HU.5
**10 Lockheed KC-130H Hercules
*Grupo Del Reconocimiento Mari­timo (Maritime Reconnaissance Group)
*Grupo de Aeronaval Sostén Logístico (Logistics Support Group)
**100 P-3C Orion
**4 Boeing 707
**80 Beriev/DA/AA A-40
**6 Fokker F28 Fellowship
*Grupo de Educacion (Training Group)
**30 Agusta ASH-3D Sea King (converted to utility role)
**120 TA-4J Skyhawk
*Escuela de Aviación Naval (School of Naval Aviation)
**8 EMB 121 Xingu
**20 [[A-4AL_Fightinghawk|TA-4AL Fightinghawk]]
**40 TAV-8B Harrier II
**8 Beech 200 King Air
**80 EMB-312 Tucano
**20 EMB-312 Tucano
**80 T-35 Pillan
**20 T-35 Pillan
**40 SA-315 Lama
**20 SA-315 Lama
**10 Westland Wessex
**Escuela Aerea De las Armas (Air Weapons School)
***20 F-14B Tomcat
***40 Kfir C.2
***40 F-5E Tiger II
***20 A-4E Skyhawk
*Grupo de Ayuda
**40 C-40
**Unidad Historica De la Fuerza Aerea De la Flota
***1 Avro Shackleton MR.3
***1 Shorts Sunderland
***2 F-4J Phantom II
***2 Super Etendards
***2 A-1E Skyraider
***1 R4D Dakota
**Las Garras Negras (The Black Talons) (Naval Flight Display Team)
***6 F/A-18A+/B+
<sup>1</sup>ELINT version of the S-2T Turbo Tracker<br>
<sup>2</sup>The Westland Lynx Mk.53 is a Latin American made Lynx HMA.8<br>
<sup>3</sup>Turboprop version of the E-1 Tracer with modern radar avionics
==Grupo De Portaaviones==
The Carrier Group represents the Latin American Navy's main striking force. The Navy's three aircraft carriers, designed in Spain and built in Latin America carry a relatively powerful wing. The force of Super Etendards, and A-4 Fightinghawks armed with Exocets and Popeye Lite missiles provide an excellent strike force on land and at sea. Interestingly, the Fighinghawks are not only used as attack aircraft (as they are in the [[Fuerza_Aérea_de_los_Estados_Confederados|Air Force]]), they are also used as fighters. They carry Python and Derby missiles. The carriers carry the following aircraft:
*8 A-4AL Fightinghawks fighter/attack aircraft
*6 Super Etendards attack aircraft
*6 S-2T Turbo Trackers anti-submarine warfare aircraft
*3 E-1T Turbo Tracers airborne early warning aircraft
*6 AB-212ASW/ASH-3D Sea King anti-submarine warfare helicopters
*3 Aerospatiale Alouette III rescue helicopters
The GPA operates 8 Carrier Wings (CVW), containing all the aircraft deployed to a Nimitz-class aircraft carrier, 8 Light Carrier Wings (CVLW), containing all the aircraft deployed to a 9 de Julio-class Light Aircraft Carrier, 1 Reserve CVW (CVWR), and 1 Reserve CVLW (CVLWR). 2 CVW's are based in the Atlantic Ocean, 2 CWLW's are based in the Pacific, two are based in Colombia to cover the Panama Canal, and the CVWR provides a surge capability, and supplements the [[Fuerza_A%C3%A9rea_de_los_Estados_Confederados|FAEC's]] forces. GPA also has training squadrons for all types.
Destroyers and Frigates embark one or two AB.212 helicopters. Destroyers sometimes embark a single Sea King. Today, virtually all Sea Kings have been stripped of their ASW equipment and operate as transports or rescue craft.
A CVW consists of the following aircraft:
=Agrupacion de Buzos Tacticos=
* 20 F-14 Tomcats in two squadrons (VFA: Fighter/Attack Squadron)
The Tactical Divers Group (Spanish: Agrupacion de Buzos Tacticos, APBT) is the premier special operations force of the Latin American Navy. Its men are highly qualified combat divers, EOD/demolition technicians, and parachutists.
* 10 [[A-14_Voodoo_II|A-14 Voodoo II's]] in one squadron (VA: Attack Squadron)
* 30 F/A-18's in three squadrons (VFA: Fighter/Attack Squadron)
* 10 Buccaneer E.3's in one squadron (VQ: Electronic Warfare Squadron)
* 4 E-2C Hawkeyes in one squadron (VW: AEW&C Squadron)
* 6 S-2T Turbo Tracker, and 2 ES-2T Turbo Tracker in one squadron (VSQ: Anti-submarine Warfare/Electronic Warfare Squadron)
* 1 C-2 Greyhound in one detachment (Part of VR-861)
* 4 Lynx in one squadron (HS: Anti-submarine Warfare Helicopter Squadron)
* 2 Sea Kings in one squadron (HH: Rescue Helicopter Squadron)
A CVLW consists of the following aircraft:
* 20 F/A-18 Hornets squadrons (VFA)
* 4 S-2T Turbo Tracker in one squadron (VS)
* 6 Lynx in one squadron (HS)
* 2 E-1T Turbo Tracer (VW)
* 2 Sea Kings in one Squadron (HH)
==Grupo Combativo Superficial==
GCS provides aircraft for the battleships, destroyers, frigates, and support ships of the AEC. GCS's inventory consists of helicopters.
To destroyers, and frigates, GCS provide 1 or 2 Westland Lynx for anti-submarine warfare. The Lynx also have secondary roles of rescue, and vertical replenishment. To support ships, SCG deploys two Sea Kings per ships for vertical replenishment.
SCG has 3 Cargo Helicopter Squadrons (HR), and 12 Anti-submarine Warfare Helicopter Squadrons (HS)
==Grupo Del Reconocimiento Mari­timo==
GMR operates in the anti-submarine, anti-surface, and maritime survillence roles. They police the vast seas controlled by the [[ECAL]]. MRG has eight flying squadrons, 4 uses the P-3C Orion, and 4 use the A-40 jet flying boat.
GMR is acquiring a version of the Beriev A-40 to replace the P6M. This version is produced by Argentina Aviation, and Australian Aerospace, and includes current Western avionics and weapons. The Navy wants to acquire 5 squadrons in total, including one to operate in Panama.
==Grupo de Educacion==
GE conducts flying training for the Fleet Air Arm. Basic and Advanced Training is done on the Embraer EMB-312 Tucano. Fast Jet, and Tactical Training are conducted on the TA-4J Skyhawk. Carrier Qualification Training is conducted on the T-45C Goshawk. Multi Engine Flying, and Navigation Training is conducted on the Embraer EMB 121 Xingu. The TAV-8B is used for STOVL training. Gazelles fulfill the Helicopter Flight Training role. Tactical training in helicopters is handled by the Surface Conbatant Group for ASW helicopters, and the Marine Corps for tactical transport and attack helicopters.
==Grupo de Ayuda==
Support Group provides general logistical support to the Navy, and other arms of the Federal Government. It also operates the Fleet Air Arm Historical Flight.
=Agrupacion de Comandos Anfibios=
The Navy has 8 Agrupacion de Comandos Anfibios (Amphibious Commando Group) teams. The Agrupacion de Comandos Anfibios are basically equivilant to US Navy SEALs. Their roles include amphibious reconnaissance, assault raids, and direct action operations. They are highly trained in diving, combat swimming, boat insertion, submarine insertion, and parachute insertion into water. The Virginia class submarines are designed to support them.
=Infanteri­a de Marina de los Estados Confederados=
The Confederate States Naval Infantry (IMEC) consists of two Naval Infantry Divisions (each made up of 9 Battalions), and one Naval Infantry Air Division. The mission of the IMEC is to conduct amphibious combat operations anywhere in the world to defend the Constitution, territory, people, allies, and intersts of the [[Confederate_States_of_Latin_America|Confederate States of Latin America]]. The current Commandant of the Marine Corps is '''Teniente General Carlos Valez'''.
The First Marine Division is based in Panama; the Second Marine Division is based in Argentina; the Marine Air Division is based in Argentina. The IMEC operates nearly 600 aircraft.
==Small Arms==
Many of these small arms are used by the Navy also.
*FN FAL 7.62mm Rifle
*Galil 5.56mm Rifle
*FN FALO 7.62mm Light Machine Gun
*HK21 7.62mm Light Machine Gun
*FN Minimi 5.56mm Light Machine Gun
*Fn MAG 7.62mm General-Purpose Machine Gun
*M2 QCHB 12.7mm Heavy Machine Gun
*M134D 7.62mm Minigun
*Mk. 19 mod. 3 40mm Automatic Grenade Launcher
*Milkor MGL-140 40mm Grenade Launcher
*Colt 9mm Sub-Machine Gun
*Uzi 9mm Sub-Machine Gun
*Remington 870 12ga. Shotgun
*FN High Power 9mm Pistol
*M-21 7.62mm Sniper Rifle
*Accuracy International: Arctic Warfare Folding 7.62mm Sniper Rifle
*AI: AS50 12.7mm Sniper Rifle
*RPG-7V/D 40mm Rocket Propelled Grenade Launcher
*Carl-Gustav M3 84mm Recoilless Rifle
*RBS56 BILL Anti-Tank Missile
*Spike-MR Anti-Tank Missile []
*Spike-LR Anti-Tank Missile
*Spike-SR Light Anti-Armour Missile
*Stinger Man-Portable SAM
*[[TLAM Medium Tank]] (Tanque Latinoamericano Mediano)
**[[Cobra-1_Surface-to-Air_Missile_System|VCDA (Vehiculo de Combate de Defensa Aerea) Air-defence variant]]
**VCRT (Vehiculo de Combate Recuperador Tanques) Armoured recovery vehicle ARV
**VCLI (Vehi­culo de Combate Para la Ingenieri­a) Combat Engineering Vehicle
**VCLP (Vehi­culo de Combate Lanza el Puente) Armoured Vehicle Launched Bridge
*AMX 30 Main Battle Tank
**AMX 30 EBG armoured engineering vehicle
**AMX-30 Bridge bridgelaying engineer vehicle
**AMX 30 ROLAND Roland ground-air missile system
**AMX 30 D repair tank
*AAVP-95 (Latin American designed amphibious APC, designed to swim ashore from over the horizon, carrying up to 13 troops, and armed with a 25mm cannon, or an M2 QCHB Machine Gun. It can be air-dropped from a C-130. [] )
*AAVG-95 (Latin American designed amphibious mobile gun system, designed to swim ashore from over the horizon and is armed with a 90mm gun, an AMOS variant also in production, the LVTM-95. 6 troops can be carried also, but the space is normally used for ammunition. It can be air-dropped from a C-130. [])
*Rascal 155mm Self-Propelled Gun
*BvS 206
*BvS 210
*M192 Towed HAWK Launcher
*Towed HAWK-AMRAAM System
*M167 Vulcan Towed 20mm AA Gun
**Wiesel 1 [TOW]
**Wiesel MK20 Cannon Carrier
**Wiesel 2 [Command]
**Wiesel 2 [120mm Mortar]
**Ozelot SRAD
**Ozelot Radar/Command Post
*120 AV-8B Harrier II Plus in twelve squadrons (VMFA)
*120 AH-1W Supercobras in twelve squadrons (HMA)
*200 Westland Commandos in twenty four squadrons (HMR)
*80 CH-47D Chinook in eight squadrons (HMR)
*30 KC-136J Tradewind Flying Boats in three squadrons (VMR)
*40 Westland Lynx Mk.55<sup>2</sup> in four squadrons (HMU)
*40 FMA IA-58 Pucaras in four squadrons (VMO)
<sup>2</sup>The Westland Lynx Mk.55 is a marinised Latin American made Battlefield Lynx. Modifications include full corrosion treatment, use of the Harpoon deck locking system, 360<sup>0</sup> steering wheels, and 2 floatation bags.
Uniforms are different to those of the Navy. During Winter, all ranks wear a navy blue uniform with a single-breasted Army-style jacket (as opposed to the double-breasted Naval style). Summer uniforms for officers and Petty Officers remain the same, however Ratings wear their winter trousers with a white short-sleeved shirt. Ranks are the same in all branches, however rating titles of course differ (with "Rifleman" being the most common rating). For headdress, ratings wear a black Army style peaked cap.
=Guardia Costera de los Estados Confederados=
The Guardia Costera de los Estados Confederados is Latin America's maritime law enforcement agency. It is part of the AEC, though in peacetime, it is controlled by the Attorney General's Department. In wartime, the GCEC is controlled by the Department of Defence. Guardia Costera ships are named for law enforcement officers who have died in the line of duty, while smaller patrol boats are numbered. All craft are painted in distinctive national colours, with a red bow, blue hull, and white elsewhere. This gives the ships an attractive, highly visible, and distinctive appearance. Aircraft are white with red for high visibility. Some helicopters are red all over, with blue in places to provide contrast. The missions of the GCEC include:
*Maritime Rescue
*Customs Enforcement
*Counter Piracy
*Supporting other Federal, and State agencies
*8 Sanchez class Ocean Patrol Ships
The APBT is trained to operate in diverse environments, such as jungle/riverine, maritime and extreme cold weather. All members are top niche combat swimmers and divers.
*6 Camarena class Offshore Patrol Vessels
*20 Alivar class Offshore Patrol Vessels
*38 PFC-159 class Patrol Boats
*26 PCG-134 class Coastal Patrol Boats
The APBT course is similar to the BUD/S training, and takes place mostly in the Mar del Plata area. Topics include HALO/HAHO parachuting, airborne, unconventional warfare, underwater demolition, and counter-terrorism. The course is open to line officers and NCOs, and is very selective, with a high attrition rate.
*12 HC-130H Hercules
The unit is attached to the Submarine Forces Command, which comes under the Chief of Naval Operations.
*12 CASA C-295 MPA
*15 Embraer Legacy (SAR spotting aircraft)
*25 Embraer EMB 110P1 SAR Bandeirante
*80 Westland Sea King
*12 Westland Lynx Mk.54<sup>3</sup>
<sup>3</sup>The Lynx Mk.54 is a SAR version of the Lynx Mk.53
=Infanteria de Marina de los Estados Confederados=
The Guardia Costera wear the same rank insignia as the Armada (see below), except that there are no ranks above Vice-Admiral.
''see main article: [[Infanteri%C2%ADa_de_Marina_de_los_Estados_Confederados|Infanteri­a de Marina de los Estados Confederados]]''
=Naval Weapon Systems=
=Naval Weapon Systems=
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*Mk 8 406mm Mounting
*Mark 16/1 triple 6in L/47 Turret
*BL 15 inch Mark I Double Mounting
*8 inch/55 caliber Mark 71 Major Caliber Light Weight naval gun
*Otobreda 127/54 Compact
*Otobreda 127/54 Compact
*Bofors 57 mm Mk 2
*Otobreda 76mm
*Emerlec-30 30mm Twin Mounting
*Bofors 57mm Mk 1
*Typhoon Weapon System 25mm Mounting
*Bofors 40mm L/70
*Bofors 40mm L/60
*DARDO twin 40mm L/70
*Goalkeeper 30mm CIWS
*Mk 96 25mm Mounting
*Mk 96 25mm Mounting
*Mk 15 Block 1B 20mm CIWS
*Mk 15 Block 1B 20mm CIWS
*Oerlikon 20mm cannon
*FN M2 QCHB 12.7mm Heavy Machine Gun
*FN M2 QCHB 12.7mm Heavy Machine Gun
*M134D 7.62mm Minigun
*M134D 7.62mm Minigun
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*[[Llama_Cruise_Missile|Llama Cruise Missile]]
*MM-38 Exocet
*RGM-84 Harpoon
*MM-40 Exocet
*FIM-92 Stinger
*RIM-7 Sea Sparrow
*Matra Mistral
*RIM-162 Evolved Sea Sparrow Missile
*Sea Cat
*RIM-116 RAM
*Sea Wolf
*RIM-66 SM-2MR
*RIM-66 SM-2MR
*RIM-67 SM-2ER
*RIM-156 SM-2ER Block IV
*RIM-161 SM-3
*Mk 46 Lightweight Torpedo
*Whitehead A244
*Sting Ray torpedo
*[[Llama_Cruise_Missile|Llama Cruise Missile]]
*SM-39 Exocet
*UGM-84 Sub-Harpoon
*Whitehead A184
*Mk 48 ADCAP Torpedo
*Mk 60 CAPTOR Mine
*Mk 60 CAPTOR Mine
*Mk 57 Mine
*Mk 57 Mine
*Mk 67 Submarine-launched Mobile Mine
*Mk 67 Submarine-launched Mobile Mine
*[[Broadhurst_Missile_Series|Broadhurst 5A Submarine Launched Ballistic Missile]]
Line 424: Line 191:
*M61 Vulcan 20mm Cannon
*DEFA 552 30mm Cannon
*GAU-12 25mm Cannon
*Colt Mk 12 20mm Cannon
*ADEN 30mm Cannon
*FN-Herstal M3M 12.7mm Machine Gun
*M2 QCHB Heavy Machine Gun
**HMP-250 gun pod
*FN MAG General Purpose Machine Gun
*FN MAG General Purpose Machine Gun
**ETNA TMP-5 gun pod
*Mk 81 250lb General Purpose Bomb
*Mk 82 500lb General Purpose Bomb
*Mk 82 500lb General Purpose Bomb
*Mk 83 1000lb General Purpose Bomb
*Mk 83 1000lb General Purpose Bomb
*Mk 84 2000lb General Purpose Bomb
*Mk 84 2000lb General Purpose Bomb
*BLU-107 Durandal
*BLU-107 Durandal
*BLU-109 Penetrator
*GBU-15 Glide Bomb
*GBU-28 "Bunker Buster"
*GBU-30 500lb JDAM
*GBU-32 1000lb JDAM
*GBU-31 2000lb JDAM
*GBU-37 4700lb JDAM
*GBU-38 500lb JDAM
*GBU-39 Small Diameter Bomb
*GBU-12 500lb Paveway
*GBU-12 500lb Paveway
*GBU-16 1000lb Paveway
*GBU-16 1000lb Paveway
*GBU-24 2000lb Paveway
*GBU-24 2000lb Paveway
*Mk 36 500lb Destructor Mine
*Mk 40 1000lb Destructor Mine
*Mk 41 2000lb Destructor Mine
*Mk 62 500lb Quickstrike Mine
*Mk 62 500lb Quickstrike Mine
*Mk 64 1000lb Quickstrike Mine
*Mk 64 1000lb Quickstrike Mine
*Mk 65 2000lb Quickstrike Mine
*Mk 65 2000lb Quickstrike Mine
*Cluster Bombs
**CBU-87 CEM
**CBU-89 Gator
**CBU-93 SFW
*[[Latin_America_and_Weapons_of_Mass_Destruction|Type 3 Bomb]]
*[[Latin_America_and_Weapons_of_Mass_Destruction|Type 5 Bomb]]
*[[Latin_America_and_Weapons_of_Mass_Destruction|Type 6 Bomb]]
*AIM-9 Sidewinder
*Rafael Python 3
*Rafael Python 4
*Rafael Python 5
*[[Condor_BVRAAM|Condor BVRAAM]]
*Rafael Derby
*Aerospatiale AS-12
*Marte Mark 2
*AM-39 Exocet
*AGM-65 Maverick
*AGM-65 Maverick
*AGM-84 Harpoon
*AGM-124 Wasp []
*Popeye Lite
*SNEB 68mm Unguided Rocket
*AGM-142 Popeye
**Matra Type 116M
**Matra Type 155
**Matra JL-100
*[[AGM-172_Shadow|AGM-172 Shadow]]
*Hydra 70 70mm Unguided Rocket
*CRV7 Unguided Rocket
*[[Llama_Cruise_Missile|Llama Cruise Missile]]
*Mk 46
*Whitehead A244
*MU90 Impact
=Estados Confederados de America Latina naval ensign=
=Estados Confederados de America Latina naval ensign=
This ensign is flown from all commissioned ships, and shore establishments of the AEC. Sailors march behind it, and it is used as a tail flash on Naval and Coast Guard aircraft.
This ensign is flown from all commissioned ships, and shore establishments of the AEC. Sailors march behind it, and it is used as a tail flash on Naval and Coast Guard aircraft. The hoist always faces forward (which means that on the starboard side of an aircraft or ship, the flag appears to be reversed. The black border is used here for clarification purposes. The actual ensign is unbordered.
[[Image:ECAL_Armada_Ensign.PNG|frame|left|800-px|ECAL Naval Ensign]]
Line 513: Line 263:
==Working Uniform==
==Working Uniform==
The working uniform for all ranks is a variation of the Tigerstripe combat uniform. The Navy Working Uniform (Uniforme del Funcionamiento del Armada) is a grey and black Tigerstripe camouflage uniform. It is authorised for wear on ships, shore establishments, and by shore parties. Naval Infantry, and Clearance Divers wear ordinary camouflage uniforms.
The working uniform for all ranks is a navy blue BDU-style uniform.
==Other working uniforms==
==Other working uniforms==

Current revision as of 00:19, 14 March 2010

The Armada del los Estados Confederados is the maritime defence agency of the Estados Confederados de America Latina, it is a part of the Confederate States Armed Forces.

The Armada del los Estados Confederados' highest military leader is the Chief of the Naval Staff, Almirante Ernesto Hernandez . The AEC's highest official is the Secretary of the Navy.

AEC warship names are given the prefix AEC, which stands for Armada de los Estados Confederados.

The AEC is a large blue water navy that operates throughout the Pacific and Atlantic oceans, and operates on a limited basis in the Indian, and Southern Oceans. Some of its ships are quite modern, while its cruisers are World War II veterans.


The Fleet

The Armada del los Estados Confederados possesses over 160 warships and auxiliaries, ranging from carriers, to patrol boats and minesweepers.

(see article AEC Ship Profiles for images)

Aircraft Carriers

  • 3 Independencia class Aircraft Carriers (CV)


  • 2 General Belgrano class cuisers (CL) (Brooklyn class Cruiser)
  • 2 Almirante Grau class cuisers (CLH) (Brooklyn class Helicopter Cruiser)



  • 10 Aguirre class Frigates (FF) (Lupo class Frigate)
  • 5 Esmeraldas class Patrol Corvettes (FSG)
  • 6 Espora-class Patrol Corvettes (FSG) (MEKO 140)
  • 5 Almirante Williams class Frigates (FF) (Type 22 (Batch 3) Frigate)
  • 2 Almirante Williams class Frigates (FF) (Type 22 (Batch 2) Frigate)
  • 3 Almirante Cochrane class Frigates (FF) (Type 23 Frigate)


  • 6 Scorpene class Patrol Submarines (SSG)
  • 12 Type 209/1400 Patrol Submarines (SSK)

Amphibious Forces

  • 2 Colossus class Landing Port, Helicopter {LPH)
  • 3 Ouragan class Landing Port, Dock (LPD)
  • 2 Newport class Landing Ship, Tank (LST)
  • 4 DeSoto County class Landing Ship, Tank (LST)
  • 4 BATRAL class Landing Ship, Tank (LST)

Small Combatants

  • 21 Intrepida-class Fast Attack Craft
  • 20 Baradero-class Patrol Boats
  • 15 PCG-134 class Coastal Patrol Boats
  • 20 Lerici class Mine Countermeasures Vessels


  • 7 Patagonia class Replenishment Oilers (AOR)
  • NEC Libertad
    • A tall sail training ship.
  • NEC Almirante Irizar
    • Antarctic icebreaker

Regimientos de la Defensa Costera

The Armada has four Regimientos de la Defensa Costera (Coastal Defence Regiments). They operate the truck mounted MM40 Exocet missile. Each regiment consists of a targetting Battalion which operates the surveillance radars, a Command Battalion which coordinates the whole regiment, and three Missile Battalions. The Missile Battalions consist of three Missile Batteries with three launchers and a Battery Command Post each, and a Supply Company with extra missiles and reloading equipment.

Two Regiments are stationed in the State of Panama, one is stationed in Colombia, and the last is stationed in the Tierra del Fuego.

Comando de Aviacion Naval

The Armada del los Estados Confederados has a large aviation element, known as the Comando de Aviacion Naval. The COAN operates over 650 aircraft and helicopters in the following roles:

  • Fleet Air Defence
  • Strike
  • Ground Attack
  • Reconnaissance
  • Anti-Submarine Warfare
  • Anti-Surface Warfare
  • Replenishment-at-Sea
  • Support of amphibious operations
  • Search and rescue

The COAN is divided into four groups:

  • Grupo De Portaaviones (Aircraft Carrier Group)
    • 30 A-4AL Fightinghawk
    • 26 Super Etendard
    • 36 S-2T Turbo Tracker
    • 20 E-1T Turbo Tracer
    • 15 Aerospatiale Alouette III
  • Grupo de Aeronaval Helicópteros Antisubmarina (ASW Helicopter Group)
    • 70 Agusta-Bell AB-212ASW
    • 45 Agusta-Sikorsky ASH-3D Sea King
  • Grupo de Vigilancia Marítima (Maritime Patrol Group)
    • 30 Lockheed Electra
    • 16 P-3B Orion
    • 12 C-295 MPA
  • Grupo de Infanteria de Marina
    • 30 Messerschmitt-Bölkow-Blohm Bo 105
    • 50 Agusta-Bell AB.212
    • 40 Agusta-Sikorsky ASH-3A Sea King
    • 30 Boeing CH-47C Chinook
    • 10 Lockheed KC-130H Hercules
  • Grupo de Aeronaval Sostén Logístico (Logistics Support Group)
    • 4 Boeing 707
    • 6 Fokker F28 Fellowship
    • 30 Agusta ASH-3D Sea King (converted to utility role)
  • Escuela de Aviación Naval (School of Naval Aviation)

The Carrier Group represents the Latin American Navy's main striking force. The Navy's three aircraft carriers, designed in Spain and built in Latin America carry a relatively powerful wing. The force of Super Etendards, and A-4 Fightinghawks armed with Exocets and Popeye Lite missiles provide an excellent strike force on land and at sea. Interestingly, the Fighinghawks are not only used as attack aircraft (as they are in the Air Force), they are also used as fighters. They carry Python and Derby missiles. The carriers carry the following aircraft:

  • 8 A-4AL Fightinghawks fighter/attack aircraft
  • 6 Super Etendards attack aircraft
  • 6 S-2T Turbo Trackers anti-submarine warfare aircraft
  • 3 E-1T Turbo Tracers airborne early warning aircraft
  • 6 AB-212ASW/ASH-3D Sea King anti-submarine warfare helicopters
  • 3 Aerospatiale Alouette III rescue helicopters

Destroyers and Frigates embark one or two AB.212 helicopters. Destroyers sometimes embark a single Sea King. Today, virtually all Sea Kings have been stripped of their ASW equipment and operate as transports or rescue craft.

Agrupacion de Buzos Tacticos

The Tactical Divers Group (Spanish: Agrupacion de Buzos Tacticos, APBT) is the premier special operations force of the Latin American Navy. Its men are highly qualified combat divers, EOD/demolition technicians, and parachutists.

The APBT is trained to operate in diverse environments, such as jungle/riverine, maritime and extreme cold weather. All members are top niche combat swimmers and divers.

The APBT course is similar to the BUD/S training, and takes place mostly in the Mar del Plata area. Topics include HALO/HAHO parachuting, airborne, unconventional warfare, underwater demolition, and counter-terrorism. The course is open to line officers and NCOs, and is very selective, with a high attrition rate.

The unit is attached to the Submarine Forces Command, which comes under the Chief of Naval Operations.

Infanteria de Marina de los Estados Confederados

see main article: Infanteri­a de Marina de los Estados Confederados

Naval Weapon Systems

Surface Combatants


  • Mark 16/1 triple 6in L/47 Turret
  • Otobreda 127/54 Compact
  • Otobreda 76mm
  • Bofors 57mm Mk 1
  • Bofors 40mm L/70
  • Bofors 40mm L/60
  • DARDO twin 40mm L/70
  • Goalkeeper 30mm CIWS
  • Mk 96 25mm Mounting
  • Mk 15 Block 1B 20mm CIWS
  • Oerlikon 20mm cannon
  • FN M2 QCHB 12.7mm Heavy Machine Gun
  • M134D 7.62mm Minigun
  • FN MAG 7.62mm General Purpose Machine Gun


  • MM-38 Exocet
  • MM-40 Exocet
  • Gabriel
  • Matra Mistral
  • Sea Cat
  • Sea Wolf
  • Aspide
  • RIM-66 SM-2MR
  • Ikara


  • Whitehead A244


  • SM-39 Exocet
  • Whitehead A184
  • Mk 60 CAPTOR Mine
  • Mk 57 Mine
  • Mk 67 Submarine-launched Mobile Mine



  • DEFA 552 30mm Cannon
  • Colt Mk 12 20mm Cannon
  • FN-Herstal M3M 12.7mm Machine Gun
    • HMP-250 gun pod
  • FN MAG General Purpose Machine Gun
    • ETNA TMP-5 gun pod


  • Mk 81 250lb General Purpose Bomb
  • Mk 82 500lb General Purpose Bomb
  • Mk 83 1000lb General Purpose Bomb
  • Mk 84 2000lb General Purpose Bomb
  • BLU-107 Durandal
  • GBU-12 500lb Paveway
  • GBU-16 1000lb Paveway
  • GBU-24 2000lb Paveway
  • Mk 60 CAPTOR
  • Mk 62 500lb Quickstrike Mine
  • Mk 64 1000lb Quickstrike Mine
  • Mk 65 2000lb Quickstrike Mine
  • Mk 20 ROCKEYE


  • Rafael Python 3
  • Rafael Python 4
  • Rafael Python 5
  • Rafael Derby
  • Aerospatiale AS-12
  • Marte Mark 2
  • AM-39 Exocet
  • AGM-65 Maverick
  • BGM-71 TOW
  • Martel
  • Popeye Lite
  • SNEB 68mm Unguided Rocket
    • Matra Type 116M
    • Matra Type 155
    • Matra JL-100
  • Hydra 70 70mm Unguided Rocket
    • LAU-130/A
    • LAU-131/A


  • Whitehead A244

Estados Confederados de America Latina naval ensign

This ensign is flown from all commissioned ships, and shore establishments of the AEC. Sailors march behind it, and it is used as a tail flash on Naval and Coast Guard aircraft. The hoist always faces forward (which means that on the starboard side of an aircraft or ship, the flag appears to be reversed. The black border is used here for clarification purposes. The actual ensign is unbordered.



Service Uniform

Officers and Petty Officers

Officers, and Petty Officers wear a Winter Iniform consisting of a navy blue double-breasted jacket, and trousers, black shoes, which is practically the standard navy winter uniform all the world over. Skirts are authorised for women. Rank insignia for officers consists of gold stripes worn around the sleeves. Petty Officers wear rank badges on the upper arm, and service stripes on the lower arm.

Summer uniform is standard across the Navy and Naval Infantry for officers and Petty Officers, Summer Uniform consists of a high stand-collared white tunic, with navy blue shoulder boards for officers and arm patches for Petty Officers, white trousers and shoes. Skirts are authorised for women.

The white combination cap is the prescribed headgear in all seasons for Officers and Petty Officers.


Ratings wear a version of the standard "sailor suit" in blue during winter, and white during summer. The cap is based on the Royal Navy cap, and carries the name of the ship, or simply "Armada". During wartime the Armada cap tally is work for security reasons. Trousers are of the straight leg variety, and when the jumper is not required, the sailor wears a conventional white short sleeve shirt.

Working Uniform

The working uniform for all ranks is a navy blue BDU-style uniform.


Other working uniforms

Flying personnel wear green nomex flying suits (tan can be worn in desert areas). Personnel working on the flight decks of aircraft carriers, helicopter destroyers, and amphibious assault ships wear distinctive flightdeck jerseys in the following colours:

  • Purple - Aviation Fuel Handlers
  • Blue - Plane Handlers, Tractor Drivers, Elevator Operators
  • Yellow - Flight Deck Officers and Plane Directors
  • Green - Operations Personnel, Catapult and Arresting Gear Personnel, Ground Support Equipment Maintenance Personnel, Squadron Maintenance Personnel, Cargo handling personnel, Hook runners
  • White - Safety Observers, Squadron Trouble Shooters, Landing Signal Officers, Medics, LOX Handlers, Air Transfer Officers and visitors
  • Red - Ordnance Handlers, Explosive Ordnance Disposal Personnel, Crash and Salvage Crews
  • Brown - Plane Captains (Crew Chiefs and Mechanics)

Rank Insignia



Enlisted Men

On summer uniforms, rank badges for seamen consists of a white patch with blue embroidered insignia.


Confederate States of Latin America
General: Confederate States of Latin America, Economy of the ECAL, Justice and Law in the ECAL, President Michelle Bachelet, Presidency
Political: Partido Republicano Constitucional, Partido Laborista Socialista, Partido de la Democracia Cristiana
Military: Fuerzas Armadas, Armada, Ejercito, Fuerza Aerea, Infanteria de Marina, Guardia Nacional
Military Aircraft: FMA SAIAL 90, A-4AL Fightinghawk
Armoured Vehicles: TLAM Medium Tank, TLAP Main Battle Tank
Warships: Ship Profiles, Ardiente and Valeroso class destoyers
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