Wikihood/Ep 10

From The Wikihood


COUNT X: The WikiTrix will have us.

{The screen burns, rendering YOUR view.}

THE 386: This is bad! We'll die!

CX: After you.

{the flames wear out}

THE 386: {looks at the screen} Get this thing started already!

PALPATINE: Execute order X6.

CX: It will be done my lord.

ERIC: {Enters onscreen} Oww... My head hurts... Where am I? And how did I get here? All I remember is using the computer and then a big light flash.

{Everyone is reduced to ash, except Count X. Cut to a cinema, with everyone not ash. The THX sound trailer plays. Once it gets into the climax, the audience seems to be dragged back and someone's head explodes, a slam is heard, and Techno grows arms.}

ERIC: Woot-woot.

SUPER SONIC X: {appears out of thin air} What the crap is going on here?

THE 386: {holds his energy sword, up to Palpatine} DIE!!!

SUPER SONIC X: That doesn't answer my question. It just raises my confusion.

THE 386: Oh, nothing. The WikiTrix is coming. The thing, what you say?

SUPER SONIC X: If someone's coming to destroy us, I'm ready to fight! {begins glowing}

MOTHER 386: {image appears} Fight well. You must fight! And remember son, win! {disappears, then The 386 holds up his energy sword}

SUPER SONIC X: When's the WikiTrix arriving?

THE 386: Season 3. You're too soon. So, sorry.


{Palpatine casts force lighting on The 386.}

THE 386: SSX, here's one. {holds up energy sword} Prepare to DIE!!!

{Darth Vader walks onscreen}


{Vader chops off one of SSX's arms, and chops off one of The 386's legs. WITH A LIGHTSABER.}

SUPER SONIC X: {being a robot, regenerates his arms, and grabs the sword} Is that the best you can do?

ERIC: {Unexpicably with 3d glasses} Yay!


{Vader force pushes SSX into the movie screen, becoming a movie character.}

THE 386: You will pay, Vader!! {gets his sword back}

ERIC: Hey! I want do that too! {Jumps to movie screen, but hits head so hard that it begins to bleed.} Unhg. {Falls on floor unconsious and with the head bleeding}

SUPER SONIC X: Impressive, Vader. But, did you see this coming? {splits in two} My clone will stay here, while I leave! {SSX escapes} I'm unbeatable!

{Vader pushes SSX's clone, Eric and The 386 into the movie, which is "Barbie 56:The NFL Relationship." OOC: I ain't a girl.}

'{OOC: The SSX clone was already in the movie, so I'll assume you meant the one out of the movie.}

SUPER SONIC X: Alright. {destroys clone, creating a shockwave that frees SSX, Eric, and The 386 out} That's it! {blasts Vader with 10,000 volts of electricity}

VADER: {force pushes it back} You can't kill me like how I died in Star Wars - Episode 6: Return of the Jedi!

{OOC: Eric: Um... I'm almost dead with my head bleeding. Eric is unconscious.}

VADER: Not so fast!

{Vader force chokes Eric and The 386, and the pass out, due to SSX pushing him through a wall. Eric dies.}

SUPER SONIC X: Oh, right. {zaps Vader with an entire 100,000,000 volts of electricity fused with water using one hand, and uses the other to fill Eric's head with the missing blood, fix head, and revive him and The 386} This'll be over soon.

{instantly, Scorpion, a Mortal Kombatant, appears to help the crew}

SCORPION: I don't know. He looks bad. I'm getting out. Help me when I need you, okay?


{Scorpion jumps away. Cut to Mortal Kombat fighter selection screen.}

ERIC: Yadda yadda yadda yadda! {Throws an axe at Darth Vader, but misses miserably.} Crap.

{The cursors move, and stop on Scorpion and SSX. Cut to new location, apparently in Street Fighter 3.}

SCORPION: Glad you could make it.

SUPER SONIC X: What do we have to do here?

SCORPION: {points} Fight those two. Ryu and Ken.

SUPER SONIC X: Okay. {charges up two energy blasts, and fires one at each of his enemies}

SCORPION: They missed. How about... we fight them physically, like I did? {points} YOU! Ryu!

CX: Huh?

VADER: {in 32 bit} Oh great.

{Vader gets his lightsaber and chops Scorpion in half.}

{Cut back to the cinema. It is empty and the movie screen is flasing blank}

ERIC: Uhhh... Im going home. {Leaves}

SCORPION: {to Vader} You can't kill me! Hahahahaha!! {fades out, as Scorpion leaves}

CX: Yeah I'm going. {leaves}

VADER: I need to meditate on this. {walks off.}

{Cut to an outside view of Eric's house. Then cut to his room, where Eric is browsing the internet.}

ERIC:Crap. {Clicks} Crap. {Clicks} Cra-- Huh? {Zoom into the screen. It reads: "You just won $1,000,000!".} Crap. {Clicks}

SUPER SONIC X: {teleports in} How'd I end up here?

CX: I dunno. Ask Shadow. He's outside.

SUPER SONIC X: Please tell me his name doesn't have the same initials as mine.

CX: Ok. His name doesn't have the initials as you.

SUPER SONIC X: Good. So, what now?

CX: Fight Shadow.

{Strong Sader floats up to them, he is panting.}

STRONG SADER: You guys sure know how to leave a guy behind.

SUPER SONIC X: Actually, I don't know how I got here. {drops homing torpedo out window} That ends that problem.

{The homing torpedo destroys Shadow, and a side of the house. The house begins to tip and crumble.}

SUPER SONIC X: Oh, no. This is not good. Oh, well. I can just fix the house by-{a brick falls on SSX, causing him to shut down}

ERIC: WAH! Look at what you did at my house! {Kicks SSX} Stupid robot!

{SSX is flung through the wall by the force of the kick. The wall section detaches, and SSX falls with the wall falling above him.}

{The house collapses and falls. Eric is hitten several times in the head.}

SUPER SONIC X: {floats up} Woah! What happened? {looks down and sees body mangled} Ah! I'm bodyless! What's going on? {tries to repair body, but fails} Huh? I have my X, but it won't work!

File:In rocks.png
Help... Me... Ugh.

ERIC: {He lifs his hand from below the house remains} Help... Me... Ugh.

THE 386: {offscreen} If you can hear me, we gotta get out!

SUPER SONIC X: I can get out easy, but what about you guys?

THE 386: I think those two men are blocking us. {points up}

SUPER SONIC X: {looks up and sees Vader and a cloaked figure} Who is that?

THE 386: No, they're big fat men.

ERIC: {Still under the rocks} I'm... Dying... Here...




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