Wikihood 2/eps/29.3
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29 Story-shmory
CAST (in order of appearence):
HOMESTAR: La la la, lalalalaaaaaa! {running through the meadow}
CHWOKA: Wait, I thought this was supposed to continue the plot from episode 28?
HOMESTAR: It did, but it got bwamped.
CHWOKA: Bramped? What the crap does Bramped mean?
HOMESTAR: NO! Bwamped! By SuperDuper Sam Man!
CHWOKA: Oh, Super Sam.
HOMESTAR: Yes! That guy!
STRONG SADER: {Rises from the ground as if he is a zombie} What happened? One minute we're doing a story, the next, nothing.
CHWOKA: I know! It's just...just so cheap! Super Sam Bramped-
HOMESTAR: Bwamped!
CHWOKA: Whatever. Anyway...we should probably do something.
STRONG SADER: We should write an angry letter! {Draws a B with an angry face.}
CHWOKA: No! Like, you know...start a story! Hmm...I KNOW! TO THE TELEBISION!
{A transition parodying the Batman transitions is played, wut with a TV instead of the Bat-sign. Cut to Chwoka and Strong Sader on the couch.}
CHWOKA: It's just not the same without Stinkoman K...
MAN ON TELEVISION: Don't forget to turn your telly-set off.
MAN ON TELEVISION: Because it will explode, you silly boy.
CHWOKA: I don't believe it!
{The TV explodes}
CHWOKA: ...I do believe it!
{The TV blow a hole in the floor where it was. The Hole is somehow full of water. Strong Bad runs in and goes to the TV's remains. The Titanic theme plays.}
STRONG BAD: {Tearful. Parodying the ending to Titantic.} I won't let go Jack... I mean, TV...
CHWOKA: I've never seen that movie, so I have no feelings for it and thus...
{Chwoka takes out a giant hammer}
STRONG BAD: Oh no, mister! You're going down to the store, and getting me a new TV!
STRONG SADER: Fine, just stop immitating oscar award winning, high quality, film productions.
{"PRODUCT PLACEMENT" Flasges onscreen in red stenciled letters. Cut to the "store."}
BUBS: Welcome to Bubs' Concession Store! What can I get for you fine gentlemen?
{Homsar R. matierializes 30 feet above the ground}
HOMSAR R.: Crap.
{Cut suddenly to Strong Sader waking up on te couch.}
STRONG SADER: Oh, what a horrible dream...
{The word "Cop-Out" flashes on the screen. Marshie flies in. The Fluffy Puff gingle begins.}
MARSHIE: Hey, kid! Wud' up?
{Strong Sader screams, and wakes up.}
CHWOKA: Sader, what's wrong? You've been out for almost 1 and a half minutes now! We've been worried sick about you! Exclamation points! You must have been knocked out by the kamikaze TV.
DARK SADER: {Bursts in} Come Darlon! Let us harvest the evil-rich remains of the evil kamikazi television!
{Darlon topples over the couch, revealing that the basement had a basement hidden under the couch.}
DARLON: It's too late! {Drops down on his knees.} TELEVISION! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! {Gets up, looks perfectly fine.} But anyway, how the heck do we do that? It's completely illogical. Wait a minute...
{Cut to Homsar at The Stick. Darlon is hiding behind The Stick ineffectivly with a larbge machine and a tube. Dark Sader is not seen.}
DARLON: Ok, Dark Sader, the plan is we'll use the machine on Homsar to remove his dominate personality trait (Ill Logic) and then we get to the TV and drink it. ONLY A PINT THOUGH. (Foreshadowing!)
{Dark Sader peeks out from behind The Stick.}
DARLON: Now, go do it.
{Dark Sader peaks out from behind the Stick again, this time wearing tattered Victorian English clothes and a cap.}
DARK SADER: {Poor Cokney accent} Excuse me, sir. Might I have some of your delicious {Recording-like voise} "Illogolical Nature" {Normal voise} please.
HOMSAR: Eat my steak little hermit!
{A bubble of pure illogical energy is released from Homsar's derby. Homsar suddernly becomes taller and more Homestar-like being: Homeschool Winner.}
HOMESCHOOL: Huh? I don't remember this...
DARK SADER: {Still with a crappy accent} So THAT'S what happened to Homeschool Winner...
DARLON: How did you do that without the machine?
{Homeschool runs away.}
DARLON: That's a very bad thing to do, you know! Now that bubble could pop at any moment! If you used the machine, we could have sipped it! Quickly, put it into Homeschool so we can take it away correctly! BEFORE IT POPS!
{Homestar runs up.}
HOMESTAR: La la-la-la la la-la!
{Homestar runs into the bubble and absorbs it.}
HOMESTAR: Uh-oh...
{Homestar transforms into a red shirtéd, beanie-wearing version of Homsar: Homsool.}
HOMSOOL: Well, trash mah shorts!
{Short Pause.}
DARLON: That works too. Now, youse the machine!
DARK SADER: {Still with accent} Alright, now to suck out the energy... {Presses the button on the machine, but it does nothing} What the crap? Darlon, you forgot to charge this thing!... Again...
DARLON: You see that tube over there? {Gestures to the tube}
DARK SADER: Er...yeah.
DARLON: You have to put it in someone. {Long pause.} SO DO IT RIGHT THIS TIME.
DARK SADER: {Plugs the tube to Homsool} {Still has his accent} Prepare yourself, Homsool!
{The machine fails to initailise, even this time.}
DARK SADER: Well there's your problem. {Gestures to the battery which reads: "No juice, YO!"}
DARLON: Well, ok, you hold that thing here while I go do somewhere.
{Darlon walks away. Montage of him climbing up mountains, going through a tundra, a desert, a dessert, a traffic jam, a game of frogger, cyberspace, until he readhes his destination... THE DOUBLE-BASEMENT!}
STRONG SADER: Darlon! What are you doing here!? Me and Chwoka baggsied this place, so tough beans. {Blows a raspberry}
DARLON: I'm not sure you'd want to do that, Todo... {turns into a black silhouette}
{A plane crashes into the house, leveling it. Pan to left slightly to show Dark Sader and Homsool next to the house.}
DARK SADER: I have no idea why you climbed over the mountains and and crossed those deserts.
DARLON: Do you remember Gag Reflex? Well, this time it worked to my disadvantage.
{Strong Bad walks in.}
STRONG BAD: Hey guy- WHAT IN FRIGMIYER'S CRAP!? WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY HOUSE!?! Did you do this, Louis!? {Gestures toward Dark Sader.}
{Strong Bad punches Dark Sader in the face. the machine releases Homsool, who begins to make a surprisingly quick escape.}
DARK SADER: {Spits out a tooth} Darlon! Stop him!
{Cut to Homeschool running through the field. He runs into The 386's fist.}
THE 386: None shall pass. {runs off, Homeschool groans like he's dead}
{cut to the basement. Homestar is standing triumphantly. Strong Bad is sitting on the couch, looking bored. Strong Sader is confused.}
HOMESTAR: Okay, we've got ourselves a TV!
{cut to a behind-the couch look. The Cheat is sleeping. A large box is sitting where the TV used to be.}
STRONG BAD: {sigh} Homestar, I don't think that's a TV.
HOMESTAR: Of cource not! It's a computer-box!
STRONG BAD: Homestar, it's just a box-box...and WHY would we need a computer here anyways!?
HOMESTAR: Well, I heard about this thing called "the intern-tet" and I know you can watch TV shows on it so I bought a computer and now we can watch TV again!
{Homestar plops down on the couch.}
IX1X7a Thanks, useful material I added your blog to my bookmarks!...