< Wikihood(Difference between revisions)
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- | == Transcript ==
| + | CAvYE8 Comrade kill yourself. |
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- | ''{Cut to sky, a Big Fat Guy is falling}''
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- | '''ERIC:''' ''{Offscreen}'' Crap! Stop with Bonus Stage references! ''{The Big Fat Guy transforms into a Heavy Lourde}'' Thats better. WAAAHH! WE GONNA DIE!
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- | ''{Pan down where everyone is}''
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- | ''{The Heavy Lourde explodes. A little piece still falling and hits Eric lightly}''
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- | '''ERIC:''' Ow. What now?
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- | '''COUNT X:''' I cross wooden bridge with youse all so we can go on with this plot.
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- | ''{Cut to see everyone crossing a wooden bridge, and Count X is at the end. After everyone crosses the bridge, Count X stops and looks above him. A fork of lightning hits the bridge, and it is set to flames and falls over, with Count X on it. He tries to get up but the flames are too powerful and falls down on some rocks, being impaled through where the heart would be on a small stick-stump. Blood is gushing from there. A wild grizzly bear comes and rips off one of Count X's arms and legs. Then, a lion comes and has a fight with the grizzly bear. The grizzly bear throws the lion into the cliffside, but it doesn't kill him. Both animals feast on Count X. The lion starts to pull Count X's head off, but only pulls off the skin, to reveal, a skull shaped like a human skull. The bear and the lion walk off with thier pieces. The blood has stopped gushing. Count X isn't moving. HE IS DEAD. OOC: First real death. It is also a permanent death as well. A mini plot will go on. More info later.}''
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- | '''THE 386:''' ''No!! Count X!! Don't die!!'' But... oh, no. I think ''Freezestar'' killed him. Screw him!
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- | '''ERIC:''' I... I... ''{Long pause}'' I thought I died on my house disaster. Wait! I remember everything now! I just wish I could be bigger.
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- | '''THE CODE:''' At least you're safe right on my head.
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- | '''ERIC:''' True.
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- | '''TECHNO:''' Okay, I'm back! Oh! Oh…
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- | '''THE 386:''' I'll find the lion and bear, and ''kill them!!'' You with me?
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- | '''TECHNO:''' ''{spins out lightsaber}'' You have my lightsaber! ''{OOC: Please shut up the BS references}''
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- | ''{heroic music plays, The 386 takes out his energy sword, and they both start on their quest to find who is responsible for the death of Count X, record scratches.}''
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- | '''TECHNO:''' So… got any cheese enchiladias? ''{The 386 hits him on his head}'' Ow! Sorry. ''{heroic music plays again, cut to Eric, Strong Sader and MNA}''
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- | '''ERIC:''' Now what am I going to do?
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- | '''MNIA:''' ''{appears out of nowhere}'' I don't know. Who's the plan...maker..guy...person...around here? ''{cut to Techno for a breif second}''
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- | '''TECHNO:''' ''{looking at the right side of the screen, talking to The 386}'' …The 386! ''{cut back, everyone looks weirded out}''
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- | '''ERIC:''' Okay, now I'm ridiculously small and confused. ''{cut to Techno for another breif second}''
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- | '''TECHNO''' ''{still talking to The 386}'' …You were the first admin, that's why D— ''{Cut back to Eric, Sader and MNiA, everyone looks even more weirded out}''
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- | '''X-BOT:''' Transfer Count X's brain in-to mine.
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- | ''{Aussie pops up}''
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- | '''AUSSIE:''' ''{bleep bleep ... bleep}''
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- | ''{Aussie vanishes}''
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- | '''ERIC:''' Ew, I don't want to touch his brain. Also, I'm too small for it.
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- | ''{cut to Techno and The 386}''
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- | '''THE 386:''' What? Er, why don't we find out that ''the WikiTrix has us?!''
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- | '''TECHNO:''' Okay, are we going to just keep walking in circles?
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- | '''MNIA:''' I don't even think we're walking around in circles. ''{camera zooms out to a moving scenery on a moving ground-treadmill like thing}'' The WikiTrix is playing mind games! ''{gets hit with a rock with a note on it and the treadmill thingy stops, sinks into the ground, becomes ground again}'' Ow, I got hit with a rock note!
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- | '''ERIC:''' Whatever. I'm bored. And small. I want to get big again! Being bite-sized is stupid.
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- | '''THE 386:''' So, why'd you get so small?
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- | '''ERIC:''' I already telled you all, I got in other dimension then got back. Remember when I was a giant? Well, it was right after that.
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- | ''{A guy with a blue shirt, dangeresqe glasses and stinkoman hair appears}''
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- | '''FREEZESTAR:''' Hey guys I didn't kill Count X. I wanted to kill someone else.
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- | '''ERIC:''' Wah! It's some sort of teleporter guy! ''{Falls from The Code's head}'' This was actually painful.
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- | '''THE CODE:''' Meh. I can't find you.
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- | '''ERIC:''' ''{Muffled}'' You're actually stepping on me.
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- | '''THE CODE:''' Eep. ''{Lifts his "foot", picks up Eric and puts him on his head}''
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- | '''FREEZESTAR:''' How do we get out of here?
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- | '''X-BOT:''' We are not anywhere. And this note reads as follows:
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- | <blockquote>
| + | |
- | To all who are concerned with<br />
| + | |
- | my death, (burnt)..........(burnt)<br />
| + | |
- | (burnt)......................(burnt)<br />
| + | |
- | who did it. If anyone should be accused,<br />
| + | |
- | it should be him!<br />
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- | See you later in the season,<br />
| + | |
- | Count X<br />
| + | |
- | </blockquote>
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- | '''ERIC:''' ''{His eye twitches, then short pause}'' AAAAHH! THE PAIN!!! IT BURNS!!!
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- | ''{The screen turns black. Strong Sader appears.}''
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- | '''STRONG SADER:''' I would like to complain about my lack of appearances in the previous sceens. Why I have only one crappy speaking part in this whole episode, so I shall now have a larger part in the last few minutes of this adventure. Back to it!
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- | ''{Return to the previous scene.}''
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- | '''ERIC:''' ''{Is on the ground}'' I FEEL A PAINFUL MUTATION COMING! IT BURNS FROM INSIDE!!! ''{Eric grows to his normal size}'' You don't know how painful it was.
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- | '''STRONG SADER:''' ''{Off screen}'' Hey guys.
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- | ''{Everyone gasps in horror. Strong Sader's body (Seeing as how it exploded last episode.)Has been stapled and taped back together. It's green and rotting. Everyone stars in shock.}''
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- | '''STRONG SADER:''' Gilbert fixed my body with 164,836 staples, and 78 rolls of tape, so what do you think.
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- | '''ERIC:''' Too... Zombie-like. I'ma gonna go to the forest. ''{Walks away}''
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- | ''{The Anti-Zombie police show up.}''
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- | '''POLICEMAN:''' Aggghhhh! Shoot it!
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- | ''{The other policeman draws a shotgun.}''
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- | '''STRONG SADER:''' No, no, no!
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- | ''{Strong Sader's head is blown off. Strong Sader's spirit rises from his corpse.}''
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- | '''STRONG SADER:''' GOD ''{Bleep}'' IT!
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- | ''{Another type of shoot is head very far away}''
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- | '''THE CODE:''' What was that?
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- | '''DARK SADER:''' ME!
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- | ''{Cut to the forest. Eric is lying on the ground, there's blood around him. Cut back to everyone}''
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- | '''STRONG SADER:''' Oh my god! He killed Eric!
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- | ''{Ending}''
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- | '''THE THING:''' Heh heh! ''Now'' it's the ''reel'' ending!
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- | ''{Ending}''
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CAvYE8 Comrade kill yourself.