Wikihood/Ep 12

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== Transcript ==
Buy Alli DP
'''ERIC:''' Crap. We gotta run.
'''THE 386:''' Let's go, you ''{bleep}''.
''{A Big Fat Guy body-slams Eric}''
'''ERIC:''' ''{Muffled}'' That's painful. And disgusting.
'''THE VOICE:''' Don't make me laugh!
'''THE 386:''' Don't take it with me, just lemme get these two little ''{bleep}'' off the ground. Wait, they're little ''{bleep}''?
'''ERIC:''' ''{Muffled}'' I wonder how Phil got outta this.
''{cuts to the answer}''
'''BIG FAT GUY:''' I'M BIG FAT GUY! ''{bodyslams Phil, he struggles out.}''
'''ERIC:''' ''{Muffled}'' Like I could do that with a giant dork on me.
''{The Big Fat Man burps.}''
'''ERIC:''' ''{Muffled}'' Ew.
'''CX:''' Um, guys, don't you think this show is getting a little homosexual? There are now Wiki User females here, only the 386's mom.
''{"Battle of the Heroes" plays. Note: it is the default intro music for now.}''
'''STRONG SADER:''' Guys... I'm afraid I'm leaving, my time zone prevents me from keeping up, so I'm quiting for now. I '''''WILL''''' return, but not for a while. ''{A beam of light appears.}'' Cheerio!
''{Strong Sader ascends into heaven. He '''will''' return, but not for a while.}''
'''THE 386:''' Ugh. What the crap is that?
'''CX:''' What the crap was what?
'''ERIC:''' ''{Still under the Big Fat Guy}'' Ugh. I can't feel my legs. What the crap was that?
'''CX:''' Ok, I'VE HAD IT!
''{Count X charges up and Eric, The 386 and one of the Big Fat Guys into a gian explosion. After this, Count X is in ashes. OOC: I WILL BE BACK.}''
'''SUPER SONIC X:''' What's going on?  The world is falling into madness!
'''STRONG SADER:''' ''{Offscreen, screaming faintly, slowly gets louder.}''
''{Strong Sader crashes into the ground.}''
'''STRONG SADER:''' ''{Dazed}'' I'm ba... I'm back!
'''ERIC:''' ''{Still yet under the Big Fat Dork.}'' I'm starving.
''{A zap is heard.}''
'''X-BOT:''' X-bot activating. Episode updated, characters page: updated, Season 3: in production, the kicking of Techno for apparently no reason due to his short height: done.
'''MNIA''': Whoa, I think something bad's gonna happen.
'''X-BOT:''' Sure is, n00b.
''{X-Bot blasts MNiA offscreen. OOC: I don't mean this.}''
'''ERIC:''' ''{Still under the Big Fat Stupid}'' I think that my skull just got squished.
''{Strong Sader possesses Fat ugly crap man, and makes him jump into a garbage crusher.}''
'''THE 386:''' Now what the crap? Something is gonna happen!
'''X-BOT:''' Yeah, your mom coming back to life.
'''ERIC''': Grate(sic).
''{Your Mom appears. She stabs X-Bot.}''
'''STRONG SADER:''' Oh my god! You killed X-Bot! You ''{Bleep}''!
'''THE 386:''' ''Die!!'' For killing X-bot! {''brandishes his energy sword, then lunges}''
'''ERIC:''' Whi(sic) dot'n(sic) youse(sic) doo(sic) somethang(sic)?
'''MNIA:''' OWWW! What was that for?
'''???:''' ''{onscreen, sounding like "whoopsie"}'' Toasty!
''{X-Bot becomes liquid-y and is coloured blue.}''
'''X-BOT:''' ''{male and female at once, sound weird and monotonous}'' I have some notes. Have you considered them? DESTROY!
''{Cut to the X-Tower, shaped like an "X"}''
'''Ebil:''' Hey, a CXLOUNSKCHED! ad is on.
''{A candy commercial begins. Fade in to a close-up of Count X's feet and pants as he walks down a road towards the camera. The words "copyright 200? What a Rip-Off Foodstuffs" appear in the bottom-right corner for the first few seconds.}''
'''CX:''' ''{voiceover, singing}'' You’ve got the munch-
''{Cut to the same scene, except now focusing on the right of Count X's upper body. You can see that he is holding a CXLOUNSKCHED! candy bar. As the words "Chocolate" and "Crunch" are spoken, they appear on the left.}''
'''CX:''' -the chocolate and crunch,-
''{The camera cuts to full shot of Count X walking. You can see that he is going along an odd-looking hill.}''
'''CX:''' -livin’ in the alley with-
''{Mother 386 is in an alley, sleeping in a sleeping bag and using an Aldi bag as a pillow. Count X's silhouette is seen walking past the edge of the street.}''
'''CX:''' -mamaaaaaa...
''{Cut to Athletic Field, where Count X is in the foreground watching The Cheat struggle with a balloon over his head. On the scoreboard,  Wacko-X University has "4T" points and CGNU has "P".}''
'''CX:''' When Teh C. puts you in,-
''{Count X turns to face the camera, holds a CXLOUNSKCHED! candy bar up to the camera and smiles.}''
'''CX:''' -you gotta go for the win.
''{Cut to Count X facing his holo email on his arm. The following is displayed on the holo email's screen.}''
<blockquote class="lappy email">
Current date is 43/1/5290<br /><br />
Enter new date so you can keep track <br /><br />
'''CX:''' -some type of time turned out all riiiight!
''{When "all right" is sung, Count X turns to face the camera and holds up the candy bar again. He gives a "thumbs-up" sign with his other hand. Cut to a blue background with the word "CXLOUNSKCHED" written repeated in the background. The candy bar's logo pops onscreen.}''
'''CX:''' ''{with chorus}'' CXLOUNSKCHED!
''{Count X is facing the camera. Behind him is an angry Techno upside down. Count X raises the candy bar to the camera again, and Techno gets angrier.}''
'''CX:''' You can do it!
''{Cut back to the blue background. The logo pops onscreen again.}''
'''CX:''' ''{with chorus}'' CXLOUNSKCHED!
''{Cut to Count X in SB's laundry. Strong Mad's lower body is seen hanging halfway out of the ceiling, struggling. Debris is visible on the floor beneath him. Count X holds the candy bar up again and the hanging Strong Mad gives an "eeh" sign with his hand.}''
'''CX:''' Chocolately chew it!
''{Cut back to Count X standing on the green hill, this time with the path gone. The camera circles around Count X as the sung line appears onscreen and then fades away.}''
'''CX:''' ''{with chorus, slightly slower than the rest of the song}'' Who’s got my money?!?
''{Count X jumps up.}''
'''CX:''' You got... CXLOUNSKCHED! ''{3 cracking sounds are heard.}'' My back! 
''{Count X cluches his back. He freezes in midair as the background changes back to the blue one with the logo beneath him. As the TV announcer speaks, two CXLOUNSKCHED bars in wrapping appear on the left and a yellow oval with the message "Dentist Acknowledged" appears on the right.}''
'''TV ANNOUNCER:''' ''{speaking very rapidly}'' Buy one and you can get one free root canal or cavity search.
''{[[HRWiki:The Paper|The Paper]] comes down. Shortly after Count X falls offscreen.}''
'''Ebil:''' Man.
''{Cut to the Field.}''
'''THE 386:''' ''{mumbling}'' Sunh...
'''THE THING:''' Uhhh... what just happend!
'''THE 386:''' Cruls...
'''PIEINBUBSFACE:''' {Jumps in, looking sci-fi} Look to the east! {camra pans east showing 50 deathstars} WE must stop them!
'''THE 386:''' Branh... No deathstars are coming...
'''ERIC:''' ''{Is suddenly there and is 60 times bigger}'' Don't you hate those glitches? I mean, this virtual world is starting to get annoying.

Current revision as of 09:41, 27 May 2012

orlistat Buy Alli DP

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