
From The Wiki Force

Revision as of 20:42, 21 March 2008 by RobotDevilRox (Talk | contribs)

Ghosts are something which are now thouroughly hated on TFF, due to RobotDevilRox once dying and becoming one. Her fellow TFFers even went to the extent of making her a memorial thread (how nice), called 'In Liking Memory of RDR'. This was what SP put in the first post:

Yesterday, on the 28th day of December, 2007, dearly liked Force member RobotDevilRox was found dead in her bathtub, or somewhere else. She was brutally murdered by a funny picture of an ugly horse-thing scaring a child (the horse-thing has since been jailed). We are gathered here today to remember her, whether you want to or not. Would anyone care to saw a few words, or laugh at her?

It is believed that RDR died when she saw said funny horse picture, and then came back as a ghost. Instead of dying entirely, she was still able to post, though it always came out in creepy death font Courier.

Someone add to this, I have to go.

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