Crosa Sowas
From The Sith Menace
Crosa Sowas | |
![]() |
Position: | Former Jedi Knight |
Homeworld: | Balosar |
Species: | Balosar |
Gender: | Male |
Age: | 21 |
Born: | 2021 BBY |
Side: | Good |
Affiliation: | Jedi, Jedi Order | Eye color: | Blue |
Hair color: | Gray |
Weapon: | Orange Lightsaber |
Quote: | "We're dead without it." |
First Appearance: | Page #1: Onboard the B.L.A.Z.E |
Last Appearance: | N/A |
Crosa Sowas is a fictional character in The Sith Menace webcomic based on the universe of George Lucas's science fiction saga Star Wars and is not part of the actual Star Wars universe, as he is only a fan based character in a webcomic.
Crosa is the main hero of the The Sith Menace webcomic. Born on the planet Balosar in 2021 BBY, he is an important figure in the fate of the Republic and the New Sith Wars, that would last a millenia.
Contents |
Before The Sith Menace (2021-2000 BBY)
Crosa Sowas was born on the planet Balosar in 2021 BBY to his two Balosar parents. Though much is not known of his childhood or family as of yet, it is known that his parents were not Force Sensitive and were most likely farmers or such.
Sometime in his early childhood, his Force Sensitivity was noticed and he was taken to the Jedi High Council on Coruscant by the Jedi Master Degni. Crosa was soon accepted into the Jedi Order and his training was started.
He was assigned to be a padawan for the Human Jedi Master Donho Hapor, once he had reached the proper age and stage of training and had been appointed the lowest rank in the Jedi Order - that of the Padawan.
In time, Crosa reached the rank of Jedi Knight and his skills impressed most Jedi in the Jedi Order. He was quickly making a name for himself, which would later proof to be bad.
In 2005 BBY, the Jedi Order acquired reports of a group of Sith on Coruscant. Crosa, along with his master, Donho, Jedi Masters Nigde Scbel, Ge-Swi Jogra, Geska, Jonmi Mephi, Degni and Flao, located the 7 Sith and engaged them. During the fight, several Sith lost their lives, including a powerful Kel Dor Sith named Gaz Beum. Only three Sith survived, Gaz's son Kor Beum, an Ortolan named Nur Pahwar and a Wookiee named Talqar. No Jedi were killed during the fight.
Two years later, in 2003 BBY, Crosa was assigned to arrest Gri'Gor the Hutt, a Hutt Crimelord at Nar Shaddaa. Crosa would infiltrate the business meeting between Gri'Got the Hutt and a Glymphid smuggler named Bero Dacr, who was working for the Jedi.
Crosa and Bero engaged the crimelord, but were quickly faced with the Kel Dor Sith working for Gri'Gor the Hutt - Kor Beum, who Crosa had faced two years earlier at Coruscant and whose father had been slain by the Jedi.
Kor quickly beheaded Bero and faced Crosa, wishing to avenge the death of his father.
The Sith Menace Era
In 2000 BBY, Crosa, having left the Jedi Order for some reason, re-emerged onboard the B.L.A.Z.E, a spaceship that had been attacked by the Sith and was about crash into one of the moons of Nal Hutta known as Nar Shaddaa, where Crosa had faced Kor and Gri'Got the Hutt three years earlier.
Crosa had disguised himself in a helmet, preventing others from knowing who he was. As the Wookiee Sith, Talqar crept behind him, ready to assassinate the Jedi, Crosa woke up from his unconsciousness and fought against the Wookiee, quickly knocking him out by using Force Pull on one of the chairs in the cockpit of the B.L.A.Z.E.
After having knocked him out, Crosa turned on the ship communications, trying to contact others alive onboard. Soon he got contact on the Dug Jedi Master Geska and with the help of the astromech droid R4-F3, they tried to prevent the ship from hitting one of the buildings of Nar Shaddaa. They were too late however, as the ship hit the building, got cut in half (killing Talqar in the progress) and crash-landed on a garbagepit on the lower levels of Nar Shaddaa.
Crosa and R4-F3 survived and went to search for other survivors. They soon found the Jedi Masters Donho Hapor, Ge-Swi Jogra and Jonmi Mephi, old friends of Crosa. Crosa took off his helmet and together the newly re-united group headed for the next room, where they met Vofor, a Bith Bounty Hunter sent after them. While Ge-Swi fought Vofor, the others tried to find help, but were faced with Kor Beum and two Gamorrean Guards. As they fought, R4-F3 opened the door to the storage room and freed Geska, who pursued Vofor, while Ge-Swi tried to help Crosa.
Kor paralyzed them and reminded them of the events of 2005 BBY, when his father had died. He then killed Donho Hapor out of revenge and left the Jedi to be captured by Gri'Got the Hutt.
Soon the Jedi found theirselves captured by the Hutt crimelord and were informed that only Crosa was needed alive, the others would be killed by Kor soon enough in revenge for his father's death five years ago.
Crosa was taken to meet Gri'Gott the Hutt, his captor, who would tell him what he wanted of him.
Crosa is caring of his friends and always tries to spare his foes, whatever the consecuences are. He is rational and often thinks before acting, which more than once has led to the lives of him and his friends being saved.
He is known to use the force powers Force Push, Force Pull, Force Speed and Force Jump.
See Also
- Onboard the B.L.A.Z.E (First appearance)
- Another
- Impact in ten seconds...
- Fall of the B.L.A.Z.E
- Old friends {1i}
- The Sith and the Hunter
- Turn of Tides
- Power of the Smallest
- True Motives
- Donho's Demise
- Crimelord of Nar Shaddaa
- Past and the Present Part 1 (Appears in flashback(s))
- Past and the Present Part 2 (Appears in flashback(s))
- Past and the Present Finale (Appears in flashback(s))
- Hand of Revenge
- R4 to the Rescue (Mentioned only)
- Explosive Situation
- Battle Begins
- Another Loss
- Fateful Reunion